Can anything decrease intelligence/decrease your ability to gather and process informations..permanently? Possible causes: 1. Long term lack of sleep -Sometimes I get full rest, though 2. Doing nearly nothing -I got dropped out from school. So yeah, I haven't done anything much since I was 15, 4 years ago. I've been only playing _one_ video game instead of anything (well, it's an addictive online game). I didn't meat new people. I didn't socialize. I didn't experience/learn new things like the other kids my age did. Have some parts of my brain permanently deactivated due to long term lack of arousal and usage? 3. Long term lack of exercise -Lack of exercise leads to poor flow of blood to the brain. Can severe lack of exercise make brain cells die? 4. Eating disorders -I'd become very thin. My lowest weight was 100 lbs and I was 5'8. Have I reached the point where my body had permanently shrunk/damaged my brain by taking nutrients from it due to survival mode? At one point, I also didn't drink when I was too thin, so it also might have something to do with blood flow. 5. Severe depression -I've been suffering from it for years. 6. Combination of all -More likely describes the situation. Please don't troll or flame me. I've had enough of it. It's a pity because proudly I can say that I was very gifted when I was younger, before all these series of abuse in my life. If you happen to have knowledges about brain and its development, and if you don't mind to spare some time for me, please give me your Yahoo! Messenger. Thanks!
That's good, meating strangers would likely result in you getting sentenced to serious jail time. Say no to rape.
Quit the games. Go get an education. It's a long hard road without one. It's never too late to start.
You are depressing. Even your username is depressing. Start working your ass off whether it is studying in school or working. Success is not 100% dependent on intelligence. Perseverance and the right attitude will take you far. Right now your attitude is only making excuses for yourself. Change it.
Who's troll account is this? There is no reason someone would make an account on a basketball board for this.
He was a longtime lurker and saw how nice, careful, thoughtful, emotional, helpful and overall great humans we are, who give the best advice and always wish the best for people instead of mocking them or creating memes to troll them.
I think this is the correct thread for this. I don't feel like making a new one. I walk at 2 for my college graduation, how many beers is safe to have before. The event is indoors, so I wont have to worry about the sun. I also have to jump in the river afterwords so I need to make sure I can still swim.
Do you have Middle or Eastern European ancestors(Germany, Poland, Czech, Russia) or some Asian? We have to determine how much you can consume before behaving awkward or puking, don't wanna embarass yourself.
Also don't want to draw attention to yourself by getting up to take a piss during your own ceremony. How many beers does it normally take before you gotta break the seal?
Usually don't go on a pee frenzie until my 5th or so. I'm graduating with honors so i'll walk pretty early. Not sure how big my group is though.
His first wife, is she your mother? IF yes, that gives you like +20 Alcohol resistance (German), but -15 Alcohol resistance (Pygmy). You gotta spread more information, did your dad or grandfather participate in drinknig tournaments or were partially alcoholic? If his first wife isn't your mother, that gives you -15 resistance and could lead to embarassing situations.