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IMHO, the growing frustration in America is about MORE than.....

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by BrotherFish, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. BrotherFish

    BrotherFish Contributing Member

    Oct 19, 2006
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    Unfortunately, the anger in this country is about much MORE than just HCR.

    So, I wanted to provide my "2 cents" viewpoint on the political climate.

    [Warning: The following will stir up strong feelings and is not suitable viewing for those with thin politcal skins.... ;) ]

    I believe this is fundamental clash of ideals between:

    1. The entitlement class vs. the taxpaying class.

    2. Those that believe that government knows what’s best for the people and those that believe government should minimize its footprint and let the States take the bulk of the responsibility.

    3. Those that believe that the constitution and the official amendment process should be viewed as "true north" for all social policy decisions and those that believe that it was a good starting point--but times have changed and so we should interpret of the constitution accordingly.

    4. Those that think that California is an acceptable model for the country vs. those that believe Texas should be the model for the country.

    5. Those that believe only God gives fundamental human rights vs. those that believe Government should be the judge of what rights should be given to people.

    6. Those that believe the real world is not fair sometimes vs. those that believe everything in life should be fair and equalized among all its citizens.

    7. Those that believe America citizens should come up with the best recipe that wins the competition and then charge others to get the recipe vs. those that feel America is so rich and benevolent that it’s morally obligated to just give the recipe away to anyone in the world that wants it-- for free.

    8. Those that believe that the capitalism America was founded upon ultimately only breed’s corruption vs. those that believe large government breeds true corruption because there will be no higher authority to monitor them –once it gets too big.

    9. Those that believe extremism mainly exists only on the "other" side of the arguement.

    10. Those that believe that you should wait your turn in line vs. those that feel the line does not apply to them--because their history and situation is different.

    11. Those that believe the pending failure of Greece due its policies of Government implemented social justice is just a fluke vs. those that say we may be next if we go down the same road of Government implemented social justice.

    13. Those that believe Americans need to be coerced by Government to give of what that have to those less fortunate vs. those that believe it is in the inherent nature of Americans to be the best group of givers to those in need--as long as they do not feel forced to give.

    As you can see, this is a very difficult argument to win for either side--because it goes to the core of peoples fundamental social and religious beliefs, the viewpoint of their peer group and childhood caretakers and finally the environment in which they were raised.

    I understand some people will be offended by this simple labeling and try to dismiss this as just some copy and paste of the talking points of one group or another, but try to contain you vitrol and make reasonable points.

    These are my original thoughts due to my life experiences on why there is so much anger out in the current political climate. Good discussions can only occur once we establish what are the fundamental differences between opposing arguments.

    Thankfully, the founders of the Constitution provided for elections to allow for peaceful resolution to peoples frustration of the political direction of the country. Therefore, both sides need to relax, tone down the extremism, establish what the reasoning for their viewpoints are and use their VOTE to determine the direction of our national policy.

    I would like nothing more than a 100% voter turnout for all elections and let the voters determine the fate and future of our country.

    At the end of the day, once we have done all that we can do within the law, we (those that believe in God) need to realize that HE is in control of the "ultimate" future of our country. That's why the term "IN GOD WE TRUST" is the national motto of the United States.

    (Just fyi, I was not born in the USA, but I am a naturalized citizen and vote every chance I get.)

    Nevertheless, let the labels and flaming begin! :grin:
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  2. Depressio

    Depressio Contributing Member

    Mar 3, 2009
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    Stop being such a conservative socialist Democrat Nazi.
  3. bmb4516

    bmb4516 Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    I'll admit it, I chuckled.
  4. rimrocker

    rimrocker Contributing Member

    Dec 22, 1999
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    No, it's just stupid.
  5. mc mark

    mc mark Contributing Member

    Aug 31, 1999
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    I don't know

    I think there might be something to be said about white's becoming a minority in America and losing their grip on the "top tier of power" in the country.

    IMHO, that's the growing frustration in (white) America.
  6. rhadamanthus

    rhadamanthus Contributing Member

    Nov 20, 2002
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    Rules of debate and discussion #22356:

    Avoid debating with folks who delusionally devolve all topics into binary systems of bizarre absolutes.
  7. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Contributing Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Or it could be as simple as being stuck in the worst recession since the early 80s, while the clueless allow demogouges fill in the blanks of "what's wrong" for them.
  8. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    i blame the tax on tanning beds which, of course, proves the president is racist.
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  9. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Contributing Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    How many guesses do I get to figure out which camp you are in?
  10. Anticope

    Anticope Member

    Jun 11, 2001
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    What does this even mean?
  11. rocks_fan

    rocks_fan Rookie

    May 20, 2002
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    Yes, I'm panicking about losing my ability to oppress everyone who's a different shade as me. Thanks for narrowing it down for me.
    1 person likes this.
  12. GladiatoRowdy

    GladiatoRowdy Contributing Member

    Oct 15, 2002
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    Yes, it is.

    I was hoping when I read this that you weren't going to contribute to the recently escalating political climate change, I really was.

    And then my hopes were dashed...

    [Internal dialogue]
    Please let him use language that isn't complimentary towards one side and derogatory towards the other...

    You actually believe that there is a class of people who just exists on entitlements? You are aware that the vast majority of Democrats pay taxes just like the Republicans do, right? You are aware that the number of people who live entirely off of entitlements is incredibly small and the single largest group who do are senior citizens, right?

    You are aware that you are talking about turning responsibility over to state government, right?

    I would also like you to show me a single person who espouses that government "knows what's best for the people." Faux "News" commentators opining about other people don't count.

    There is an unofficial amendment process?

    So, you are a strict Constitutionalist, eh? Do you honestly believe we should take every word the Framers put into the Constitution as 100% the way it should be?

    At least you put in one that wasn't inflammatory in some way.

    What about those who don't believe in God? Do they get rights in your mind?

    Show me a single American who advocates for "everything in life" to be "fair and equalized among all its citizens."

    Show me the guy who believes in "for free."

    What about the people who believe that capitalism breeds a lot of corruption and that a Democratic government breeds corruption that can be weeded out through the voting process?

    What about the people who hear the extremism on both sides, but believe one side amplifies its extremists more?

    Show me the "line does not apply to them" guy.

    What about those of us who believe it was a debt load that was hidden from its citizens and the rest of the EU by corrupt politicians and corporations lining their wallets with everything they could before the whole thing came crashing down?

    What about those of us who believe that many, many people are so greedy that they WON'T give back to society unless they are taxed?

    No, it is an easy argument to win because you have used so many straw men and logical fallacies that are clearly designed to bolster people's opinions of one side while deriding the other.

    "Simple labeling" is putting it pretty mildly. Simple thinking is a little more accurate.

    If you would like to discuss the fundamental differences, you need to first get an accurate idea of what the other side believes because based on this writing, you do not have such an understanding.

    I agree, which is the reason I think the Coffee Party is far more reasonable than the Tea Party. They actually ask you to sign on to a civility pledge, which is refreshing for a political group.

    No, you wouldn't.

    I don't think that phrase is the "national motto" of the US, much as some people would like it to be.

    Congratulations on your citizenship and desire to be involved. Please get a little more educated on the issues so that you can achieve an understanding of what the people on the other side of the political divide actually think, as opposed to the straw men created by Faux "News" commentators.

    I don't have a label for you, just a suggestion. Don't watch MSNBC, CNN, or Fox, they are all steaming piles of garbage with a vested interest in seeing Americans fighting over politics rather than getting involved.
    2 people like this.
  13. Billy Bob

    Billy Bob Member

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Those aren't your original thoughts, there's not one thing original about it. They're just cut and paste talking points.
  14. Depressio

    Depressio Contributing Member

    Mar 3, 2009
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    Yeah, it really is a bigger thing than healthcare reform.

    It's basically Marxist Nazism vs. American Patriotism, isn't it? Hey, it's just a fundemental disagreement, that's all.
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  15. FranchiseBlade

    FranchiseBlade Contributing Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    I think it's a fundamental difference between those that understand proposals such as health care and the constitution, and those who have been mislead and believe lies about it.
  16. glynch

    glynch Contributing Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    I think the frustration is due largely to bad economic times. This complicates a 30 year rule of conservatives and Dems who have tried to placate conservatives and corporations. The working class in this country has lost about 1% per year in real purchasing power and it is now no longer to cope. The current recession makes it worse. Black folks have not historically had much to expect of the USA, but with civil rights are doing somewhat better than pre 1970, despite the recession. They don't therefore feel quite so riled up. Hispanics and Asians are mostly more recent arrivals who are generally doing better than where they came form. Similarly they aren't that riled up.

    That leaves white American males who have been here for a long time and are just comparatively worse off than ever. This is complicated by such policies as busting unions and shipping a lot of good jobs overseas that they held. Further complicating things is that women are going to higher ed more and as we move to a knowlege economy the physical skills of the working class male are being downgraded in importance. Ther is no upside or mitigating factors for the while undereducated males and therefore their families. Of course having a black president and a woman Speaker of the House just enrages them more. Hence the Tea Party is successful at channeling their anger away from their corporate controllers.
  17. SamFisher

    SamFisher Contributing Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    No he just picked one that made no logical sense even in his warped bipolar framework.

    I guess he is operating under the impression that California's state government is controlled by leftists communists and hence plunged into fiscal hell, while God is justly rewarding the red-blooded cowboys controlling Texas' purse. (with a multibillion dollar budget deficit)

    Obviously, this doesn't bear much relation to a far more complex reality.

    California, which faces a whole different set of issues than Texas, can attribute a large manner of its problems to two ostensibly populist ideas, namely (1) the ability of a legisative minority to effectively hold the state budget hostage, and (2) the failed attempts to return "power to the people" by allowing government by referendum.

    So, I guess it's inflammatory to people who have actually have a clue as to what they are talking about.
  18. BrotherFish

    BrotherFish Contributing Member

    Oct 19, 2006
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    Fair point, rhadamanthus. The opening volley was just to establish the bookends to the discussion. Now, let's expand on the explanation of the opposing viewpoints:

    Obviously, there are small group of people on the extreme ends of the two viewpoints, however, I believe most American are center-right, once the we establish our core values.
    The real question Americans are being forced to decide upon again in these current times is which side are we leaning towards. But, before we assume which side we are on, we should review what our core values are.

    I believe that most Americans are on the side that is leaning towards the principals of less entitlement vs. the "social justice for all" side. This is because of the understanding that the more that is freely given, the less people strive for themselves and the more people start depending on handouts. Just look to how we raise our own kids as an example. Failure that is continually rewarded does not prepare them for the real world.

    For example, the CBO has recently published a report that by 2020, our national debt will rise to 90% of GDP. Remember, this is the same CBO stated 10years ago that we would have a budget surplus by now. Therefore, they were off by 10 Trillion in the wrong direction. Does anyone believe they will be wrong in the other direction by 2020? This basically means that all our taxes collected by 2020 (just ten years from now) will be used to fund entitlement programs and the interest on our debt. Link: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/mar/26/cbos-2020-vision-debt-will-rise-to-90-of-gdp/

    I also believe most immigrants that enter through the legal process lean heavily towards the "non-entitlement" viewpoint.

    I believe we need to stop labeling people into groups such as conservative, liberal, progressive, socialist and communists and list what are the core principles that guide our beliefs.

    If Americans were allowed to answer fundamental questions on what values and principals we should govern by, then a majority of us would find that we fall into the category labeled "conservative"

    I believe this would lead to a paradigm shift in our outlook towards the political climate and have a better understanding of why people are really angry with Congress.

    Ok, let’s see how much more can be stirred up…….
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  19. Northside Storm

    Northside Storm Contributing Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    wait, what?

    well, you've confused me.

    what is commonly known as conservatism in America stems from the following four philosophies, each of which do agree on certain premises but are also fundamentally contradictory. Neo-conservatism, religious conservatism, business liberalism and traditional Burkean conservatism.

    In asserting that a majority of Americans would fall into one conveniently packaged label/stereotype (even when saying that you personally believe we should stop doing this), should I interpret this to mean that you believe most Americans are in favor of military interventions in foreign countries in the name of democracy (as neo-conservatives ardently espouse) or that Americans should maintain an isolationist position (as traditional conservatives maintain)? Are Americans in favor of greater social freedom? (business liberals) Or are they in favor of greater censure so that traditional culture and values will reign supreme? (neo-Conservatives and the Religious Right).

    What are these fundamental viewpoints you believe most Americans agree on? That there is a God? That there is something against "entitlement" (from which you mean either corporate welfare or the welfare state or the inevitable nepotism that arises from unregulated capitalism? hmm).

    You've kinda left the door open in your rush to get internet users all worried.
  20. uolj

    uolj Member

    Aug 5, 2008
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    This caught my eye.

    Did the CBO give that estimate knowing there would be two wars a significant tax cut, and a change to Medicare that wasn't fully funded? If not, then of course their estimates weren't accurate, they would never claim them to remain accurate through actual changes in legislation. Please confirm that you understand that distinction.

    So the 90% figure might be pretty accurate right now, but all it takes is some changes (either through legislation or from outside forces) and that number will go up or down. If you want it to go down, then support changes that will bring it down.


    To your overall point, I think a vast majority of Americans favor less government involvement in theory. If all else was equal we would love to have complete freedom. But the difference in philosophy is about what works to make society better. Some people think that the democratically elected government is the most effective way to bring about certain improvements to society as long as those changes don't unnecessarily infringe upon the rights of individuals. Others either think that the government is not effective at that, or that they'd rather skip the improvements to society because they value certain freedoms and liberties more.

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