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HP TouchPad Owners Thread

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by ItsMyFault, Aug 21, 2011.

  1. bobrek

    bobrek Politics belong in the D & D

    Sep 16, 1999
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    You've probably done this, but have you rebooted it?
  2. OmegaSupreme

    OmegaSupreme Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    sorry to just now respond, rokkit. i don't have a touchpad myself - just played around with it for a while (doesn't fit my needs and not a fan of webos w/o gestures), so not sure of the office apps. link from official site is here: http://www.hp.com/united-states/webos/us/en/apps-business.html

    there's already a solution for this if you don't mind getting your hands dirty. it's here.


    make sure to read the entire thead.

    virtualbox is pretty simple and i've used it to do webos stuff before. i originally had a sprint pre, bought a at&t pre plus, took the comm board out of the sprint pre and put it in the at&t pre plus (only to brick it several weeks later). would not have been possible w/o virtualbox or webosinternals for that matter.

    pretty much any question that you ask will be answered already at precentral forums.

  3. Ricksmith

    Ricksmith Member

    May 6, 2009
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    Twice. I found someone on a touchpad forum with the same problem and the hp rep told him to try it somewhere with a WiFi hotspot. Wondering if anyone else had this problem?
  4. bobrek

    bobrek Politics belong in the D & D

    Sep 16, 1999
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    I've had that problem on my Samsung Galaxy and my iPad and if turning wifi off and on didn't fix it, powering it off and on did.

    The other thing I would try is to reset my router.

    Good Luck.
  5. Coach AI

    Coach AI Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    No prob, OS. And that Hulu news is great, though I hope it'll be a Preware patch soon enough.


    6 Free Apps from the App Catalog!

    #85 Coach AI, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2011
  6. madmonkey37

    madmonkey37 Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    From what I understand, WebOS doesn't support silverlight, which netflix needs to stream its content.
  7. Rockets2K

    Rockets2K Clutch Crew

    Mar 22, 2000
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    I just did the fix for Hulu, works fine.

    Its easy to do, jsut three commands on the webosquickinstall command line

    follow the link to precentral, go to page 7 and the most current command order is posted.

    here is the code if you want to try it. (all credit to the ncinerate for posting this)
    cd /usr/lib/BrowserServerPlugins
    cp libflashplayer.so libflashplayer.so.bak
    sed -i 's/WEB 10/WIN 10/' libflashplayer.so
  8. Nero

    Nero Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Has anyone done that '6 Free Apps' thing yet? the steps are unclear as to exactly where you are supposed to enter these alleged codes, and I don't want to get charged for something I would not otherwise buy..
  9. Coach AI

    Coach AI Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    After you set up your account with a payment method, when you tap 'purchase' it will bring up another window with the option to Purchase or Use Promo Code. Then the next popup will have a field where you can type it in.

    EDIT: 2K, thanks for that, I'll look into it.
    #89 Coach AI, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2011
  10. le081488

    le081488 Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    in regards to updating to the current update, should I do it if I plan to update to Android when it is ready? I heard something about keeping it on it is out of box just in case the Android is only ready through that update.

  11. Coach AI

    Coach AI Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Just my .02, but I'm not going to bother with Android until I know it's really stable, and I'm not sure that's going to be any time soon. The updates make a world of difference on the Touchpad, so I figured why not use the opportunity to spend some time with it as intended, even if WebOS doesn't have much of a (or any probably) future.

    In addition, I don't know what the Android programmers are working with, very possible they are using the last version of the WebOS software anyway. And there's not much reason to believe the WebOS team is going to find blocking Android with future updates to be much of a priority.

    I bought it because it was a cheap tablet, not necessarily just because Android might run well on it one day. So I'll get the max usage out of it now with WebOS, then if it happens in the future that Android runs on great, I'll get the max usage out of an Android tablet then.
  12. le081488

    le081488 Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Good points. I'm updating right now. Also, anyone able to find the Touchpad HP cases anywhere for $20-25 in houston?

    I tried a couple places with no luck.
  13. superfob

    superfob Mommy WOW! I'm a Big Kid now.

    May 5, 2006
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    You can order two from HP.com and use HPSAVE10 to bring it to $25/ea + tax.
  14. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    Just got the last one at my local WMart about 15 minutes ago. I have to return to with Best Buy ad for price match. Better hurry.
  15. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    Mine kept dropping my Wi-Fi signal the other day, and wouldn't see a bunch of the available networks. Hasn't been a problem since though.
  16. Nero

    Nero Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    After having played with this thing for a couple of days, going through all the preware updates, getting the webos thing installed on the computer, etc etc.. I have to say, this is quite a nice little machine.

    Yes it would be nice if they could find an easy effective way to make it into an Android tablet, primarily because of the dearth of apps, NOT because I think Android is all that different in my hands as an OS.

    The 'Card' method of manipulating apps seems just fine and intuitive to me, it all seems very fast and responsive (full disclosure: I read the forums here and a few elsewhere, basically the 'So you just got a new Touchpad?' type of thing, and had seen that I needed to do the updates and patches FIRST before messing with it any other way really, so I can't give a comparison on how those updates may have improved its performance because I did all those patches and updates pretty much first thing out of the box after getting it turned on and signed in)..

    I think it should have come with a lot more functionality right out of the box, but it has a different feel, a different 'attitude' if you will, from my EVO 4G android device, which I also dearly love.

    Android is a lot slicker and more mature now, but I think it is closer in flavor to the Apple products in that it looks and feels more like a closed-off system.. by that I mean, the OS works as designed, and apps and products fit into it, and I have not had much if any desire or incentive to go messing with it. I know you CAN do that, but that does not seem to be it's *intended* use, and it always makes me kind of squeamish, so I generally just don't (especially since I was one of the saps who paid $300 for that phone last year grr, and I don't want to brick it).

    But with this Touchpad, from everything I am reading, it seems that the WebOS devices are not only able but INTENDED to be used in a sort of hackerish way.. the 'homebrew' crowd not only seems to be legit but actually encouraged by the makers.

    So yeah there are not a ton of apps yet for it, and maybe there won't ever be, but I do like the way that the thing seems to be more free-wheeling than the Android stuff.

    General stuff after a couple days.. the screen is perfect as far as I can tell, the controls are as responsive as my PC's controls, the screen rotates ALL the way around, not just one portrait mode only like my EVO, the speakers have very good sound, the operating system seems to be very intuitive. I DO very much miss the hardware-buttons on the bottom of the EVO for menu and back and home and all that.. the Touchpad went the 'single button on the bottom' route, like an IPad I guess (which then makes me wonder how they think they are going to bet Android fully functional on this thing)..

    I connected to my PC as an external drive, simply created a directory on it called Music and copied my Beatles anthology straight over, and boom, next time I turned it on and clicked the music player, it found it automatically, which was pretty nice. Have not tried any video yet other than Youtube.. Youtube works flawlessly and beautifully, better over wifi than my EVO on wifi.

    Web browsing is fine, it's as fast as on my notebook on wifi, it seems to handle websites like a PC and not being defaulted into being a 'mobile' device, at least as far as I can tell so far, which I like.

    I have yet to get to the point of trying to stream media from the PC's at home yet, but I assume that is going to work pretty well once I get there.

    A few of the games are good, Angry Birds HD of course, also this special-offer deal includes one called Sparkle HD (think Zuma) looks and sounds and plays great.

    It comes with a rock-solid Skype on it already, and the built-in webcam seems to work just as well as the webcam on the notebook. This is of course a breath of fresh air because Skype on the EVO is possibly the worst piece of pre-alpha garbage I have ever seen. I cannot BELIEVE Skype actually released that onto the public. Anyway, the Skype on the Touchpad works great so far.

    Some cons: Umm, it has a camera, why are there NO apps for using it as an actual, you know, CAMERA? Weird.

    Sometimes I will have to try a few times to get a program to start.. or at least that's what it FEELS like. Maybe it's just *thinking*, but when I press an icon to start some program, it needs to either start right up, or it needs to respond in SOME way to let me know that it knows I pressed the thing. Otherwise, I am just sitting there pressing it over and over like an idiot.

    I do not care for the way that programs don't seem to have any kind of an 'exit' function. This is also a big annoyance on the apps on the EVO, very few programmers ever seem to entertain the merest possibility that someone might actually want to terminate their program. I don't like having to just hit the home button and then 'tossing' the program up into the ether. It *works*, but it's weird and I wish it had something a little more comfortable to me.

    It seems a bit heavy. I have not tried the built-in Kindle yet, but I can't imagine holding this thing up like a book for long periods of time without my arm getting fatigued.

    The jacks are pretty tight. I plugged regular headphones into the audio jack up top, and at first I was afraid maybe it wasn't built for regular headphones, but finally I managed to get it plugged in - it was just a very tight fit, not quite the best way to do that. And the power jack is also tight, which worries me a bit, because that means it could be very easy to accidentally bump and break while it is plugged in.

    The overall look and feel and finish PHYSICALLY is just absolutely gorgeous. Very solid, not 'plasticky', strong solid glass on the front, and a high-gloss black piano finish on back. But man oh man, FINGERPRINTS FROM HELL. Not anything but a mild complaint of course, and it's easy to lose sight of the fact that these puppies were actually priced up there among the Cadillacs of the tablet world just a couple weeks ago - $500 and $600 for these things, and so it does have a very 'luxury item' feel to it all.

    As for the 'marketplace' such as it is, here is where it will be 'make or break'. It is clear that even now, the majority of apps there are, or were, originally made for the phones, and not for the Touchpads., so there is only a tiny fraction out there right now compared to what I am used to in the Android Market and the Amazon Android marketplace.. not only that, there are very few free apps, very few demos of paid apps, and that is NOT going to work.. the encouraging thing is that when all is said and done on this Touchpad fiasco, there will probably be well over a million Touchpad owners/users out there who were not there a month ago, and from what I hear, it's pretty easy to program for, so hopefully the app world will take jump in with both feet, and it will thrive.

    Bottom line, and hopefully every manufacturer out there is paying attention: PRICE POINT SELLS YOUR UNITS

    People are willing to purely GAMBLE on these things below the $200 price point. I was *this close* to dropping $400 on that Acer 32gb Iconia until this happened, Think about that one - not ONLY did HP just eat a ton of losses, but they ALSO just screwed maybe half a million sales of tablets that other manufacturers would have sold, so this was not just a blow to HP, this was a blow to them ALL. But now they know without a doubt, you price it in a range where people are willing to stand in line and happily fork over their money, the sales will be there.

    Hopefully this will bring about the end of that Iphone and Ipad utopia where the mindless drones will stand in line and pay WHATEVER the asking price is.

    So since HP has said, so far anyway, that they are not killing WebOS, just their tablets and phones, maybe with an installed base of probably over a million soon, there will be some other manufacturers like Asus or Acer who will license it and sell it at roughly this same price point, and maybe this will be the kick in the pants that the OS needed to become a viable entity in the market.

    We'll see.. it'll be interesting to follow.
    1 person likes this.
  17. pd_

    pd_ Member

    Nov 9, 2007
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    after doing all the patches, overclocking, getting hulu to work, installing apps. I'm starting to like it! I was kinda iffy at first but after I put a 720p movie and it ran smoothly with kalem media player, I really find good use for it now. And comic shelf HD is a plus too. Only thing is a couple laggy instances but it doesn't bother me if its once in a while
  18. Coach AI

    Coach AI Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Nero, there are some camera apps in the catalog I believe.
  19. cod

    cod Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    I keep reading that disabling the background event logging is meant to speed things up but what's the benefit in keeping this enabled?
  20. Rockets2K

    Rockets2K Clutch Crew

    Mar 22, 2000
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    event logging would be useful if you were tryin to figure out a bug of some sort. Its a OS log of every event that occurs while the system is running.

    I went ahead and did it, one could always turn it back on later if you need it for troubleshooting.

    Something I just did tonight was try the difference between Orb and KalemSoft for network streaming from my main PC.

    KalemSoft wins by a mile, it is so easy. You do have to install the media server on your pc, but once you do that you get instant streaming of any video or song in your library.


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