Much like the 11:55 sketch on an SNL episode, I don't expect this thread to go very far. But I came across this short profile on the Rockets' OTHER Taiwanese, Howard Chen, and figured that it might be something different to ruminate on rather than coaching, Jeremy Lin and why the rookies aren't playing. You might know him as the Asian guy who reads tweets during breaks in the action on CSN. Although apparently from reading this board, most everyone actually living in Houston hasn't due to the Comcast dispute. I must give it up to Comcast for finding something more inane than in-game sideline coaching interviews; I dearly hope that when the Spurs come into Houston they go to the logical extension and ask Pop a question starting with "randomasshat42 tweeted at us... your opinion?". Anyway, I'm happy to see a competent Asian in the media, and much like Jeremy Lin, has a handle on what his presence means to future generations as a role model.
Now that you're making him out like a real person, a human being. We'll feel guilty hating on him. However, the majority of us neckbeards would rather have a hotgirl doing his job. If there is a slim chance she'll flash a nipple, the forum would explode like 15 pages begging for screenshots.
He's like the Jeremy Lin of the sports casting world. Watch Chensanity explode in February when he goes on an unexpected run of entertaining sports reporting and make the cover of GQ. lol jk
Yea i dont wanna hear what people are tweeting, Howard! Unless like MKL said: if there were a fine lady, id be ok and listen to every tweet
What did you expect, he went to highschool in Houston. lol. And he was born in Canada. haha. Recipe for failure.
I'm going to have to say I understand that he isn't charismatic and due to that he is going to catch some hate - but there are a lot of local media folks in Houston from the top to the bottom whom also lack charisma - or are just plain tiresome to listen to. I blame Comcast.
Horrible management decision to put him in the role he's in- he simply isn't good at it. It's like playing Toney Douglas- inexcusable executive decision.
Howard's a good dude; I've known him since we were in Junior High together. He's a big Calgary Flames fan, IIRC. Also, he's wanted to do broadcasting for as long as I've known him, and that's why he ended up going to Syracuse. He's paid his dues in smaller markets since graduating, and I'm glad he's got a chance to come back home and be in a bigger market.
He is kind of annoying but reading this makes me like him a lot more. I will stop putting my League pass on mute when his segment comes on from now on after reading this.
He's gotten better I think, during the Pistons game, looked more natural/comfortable in front of the camera/ didn't rush his tweets or looked nervous.. Give the guy some time or hire another hot blonde to take over...
I'm sure he's a nice guy, but for a segment that's supposed to be light-hearted, he's not funny at all. That's why it comes off as awkward and sometimes painful to watch. In comparison, look at how Bull and Bill come off--goofy and corny, but they are funny.
The Rockets' OTHER Taiwanese? Lin is American and Chen is born Canadian and maybe now a naturalized American. There are no Taiwanese on the Rockets team.