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How to Give Your Child A Longer Life

Discussion in 'Other Sports' started by Pipe, Dec 14, 2003.

  1. Pipe

    Pipe Contributing Member

    Mar 2, 2001
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    How to Give Your Child A Longer Life

    Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

    Most parents would never dream of putting a child in a car without a seat belt. They would never allow a child to ride a bike without a helmet or cook on a stove unattended. And they have good reason: Accidents are the leading cause of death in young people.

    But what about the things that will end up killing most of our kids once they reach adulthood? How do you protect your child from heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes and high blood pressure -- ailments that typically don't strike until well into middle age?

    It may be hard to believe that the health decisions you make for a five-year-old today will still count when he or she is 50. But a growing body of evidence shows that childhood is actually the best time to start protecting an aging body, buckling it in for a lifetime of good health.

    Many studies now show that adult afflictions like heart disease and high blood pressure clearly have their origins in early childhood. Autopsies of children who died in accidents found that fatty streaks start forming on the aorta as early as the age of three, and the damage shows up in the coronary arteries by the age of 10.

    "It all starts in childhood," says Gerald S. Berenson, a Tulane University physician who founded the Bogalusa Heart Study, a continuing 30-year study of 14,000 children and young adults, making it perhaps the longest and most-detailed study of children in the world. "Half these kids are going to die of heart disease eventually," Dr. Berenson says, "but we know there is a window of opportunity where parents can have an impact."

    Indeed, in some cases, childhood presents the only window of opportunity to markedly influence certain aspects of adult health. Growth and cell division in many parts of the body occur only in childhood, which is why the foods and nutrients children consume in their early years can influence lifelong health -- a concept known as "metabolic programming."

    Height, for example, is mostly determined during the first five years of life, influenced by both genetics and nutrition. Bone and tooth strength -- and subsequently a woman's risk for osteoporosis -- is almost entirely decided by the end of adolescence, which is why calcium intake in kids and teens, and exercise in young girls, is so important. And many experts believe that if obesity occurs in childhood, when the number and size of fat cells is largely determined, a child is saddled with far more fat cells for life than she would have developed had she stayed slim into young adulthood.

    Eating behavior and food preferences, perhaps the biggest determinants of long-term health, are primarily decided in childhood and adolescence. Studies show that eating habits and obesity can affect risk for premature cancer, diabetes, liver and heart disease, and many other health problems. And while adults certainly have the power to change their eating patterns, much of how we eat and what we like to eat is powerfully programmed by our experiences in childhood, making us exceedingly resistant to change as adults.

    Many parents, of course, already know that healthy eating habits, exercise and weight management are the keys to long-term health. The problem is, how do they make their kids follow those practices? A wholesale change in household habits seems like an insurmountable challenge in a world of supersized meals, soda machines in schools and grocery-stores filled with sugar-laden kid food.

    But surprisingly, influencing a child's lifelong health isn't about big changes. Hundreds of scientific studies support the notion that a series of small, subtle shifts in the way we raise our children can translate into huge advantages well into adulthood.

    "I think small changes are interpreted by the body much differently than we perceive them to be," says Henry Anhalt, director of pediatric endocrinology and founder of the Kids Weight Down program at Maimonides Medical Center in New York. "Any change, any improvement -- even if it seems trivial -- may have far-reaching implications."

    So here's a look at the small, simple changes a parent can make that can have a powerful influence on the health, happiness and life span of a child.

    Cut Back the Juice

    Most parents think juice, packed with vitamin C and other nutrients, is good for kids. But despite the extra nutrition, juices are still mostly sugar, and many experts put them in the same category as sugared soft drinks, which have clearly been shown to contribute to obesity.

    While a glass of orange juice with breakfast is fine, obesity experts are concerned that so many kids seem to be drinking juice as their preferred beverage throughout the day. Parents should switch kids to water and low-fat milk. If a child simply won't make the switch and continues to drink a large amount of juice, Dr. Anhalt would opt for diet soda or sugar-free drink mixes.

    That stance may seem surprising, but studies show that liquid calories don't fill us up, so sugared juice and carbonated drinks simply add calories on top of those we'd eat anyway.

    Sit Down to a Family Meal

    When more than 18,000 adolescents were asked about their eating habits, a strong trend emerged. Kids who sat down to evening meals with their parents consumed more fruits, vegetables and dairy foods, and they were less likely to skip breakfast, than children who didn't eat with their parents, according to a May report in the Journal of Adolescent Health. This summer, a Finnish study of more than 400 10- and 11-year-olds found that children with no regular family dinner ate sweets and fast foods far more often than those with a regular family dinner. And the trend holds up with older kids. A study of nearly 5,000 middle- and high-school students in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area found that kids who frequently ate with their families ate more fruits, vegetables, grains and calcium-rich foods and drank fewer soft drinks.

    The lesson is that when parents are present at the table, the meal is more likely to be healthful and the kids are more likely to eat it.

    Encourage Sporting Friendships

    Research suggests that a child who exercises regularly may grow up to be an adult who exercises regularly. But even if a kid doesn't continue exercising as an adult, there's a strong argument that childhood exercise can still affect longevity. That's because kids who exercise are less likely to be overweight at a young age, which can influence health later in life. And, in the case of young girls, exercise in the teen years can affect long-term osteoporosis risk. A study released just yesterday in the journal Pediatrics showed that the bone mineral accrued during two years of exercise in early puberty was the equivalent of three to five years of postmenopausal bone loss.

    One simple solution to keeping kids active may be to work with other parents and sign kids up for sports with their friends. When Purdue University researchers surveyed 164 sixth-graders in Lebanon, Ind., about their attitudes and participation in exercise, they found that the most physically active kids were those who had a close friend taking part in the same activity.

    "We focus on peers a great deal when we worry about negative health behaviors like smoking or drugs," says Alan Smith, professor of health and kinesiology at Purdue. "But when it comes to healthy behaviors, we forget that there is this powerful social agent in kids' lives."

    To further improve a child's chance of sticking with exercise as an adult, encourage individual sports he or she can continue into adulthood. A Johns Hopkins study found that college students who played individual sports, like tennis or golf, were far more likely to continue their sport well into adulthood than were peers in team sports like football or baseball.

    And the best time to sign a kid up for a sport outside school may be around seventh and eighth grade. The Bogalusa study found that kids became more sedentary in those grades than they were as fifth- and sixth-graders. The biggest drop in physical activity tends to occur as kids move from middle school to high school, where they may get busier and school-based team sports become more exclusive.

    Don't Mix Food and TV

    Many people think turning off the TV set is a way to encourage kids to be more active, but television's real harm may be its impact on childhood eating habits.

    A 1999 study of 192 third- and fourth-graders in two San Jose, Calif., schools allowed half the kids to watch their usual amount of television, while half took part in a school-based intervention that used games and monitoring devices to reduce TV watching by about one-third.

    Although all the children continued to grow, the kids in the TV group posted far bigger relative increases in measures of body-mass index, skinfold tests, waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio than the kids who watched less TV.

    But the non-TV kids' smaller weight gain wasn't because they were more active. The study didn't find any increase in kid's physical activity levels or cardiovascular health, as measured by a fitness test.

    What the study did show is that turning off the television reduced the amount of time kids spent eating in front of a television. It also appeared to reduce the amount of high-fat foods they ate.

    Other studies support the notion that kids and adults ingest more calories when eating in front of TV or at the movies, probably because the distraction makes them less aware of what they're eating. Some studies suggest food advertising on TV influences the types of snacks kids choose. And families who watch television during dinner eat less fruits and vegetables and more higher-fat foods, according to a January study of 277 Minneapolis-St. Paul parents, published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.

    The average child today spends about four hours in front of the television set. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends cutting that to no more than two hours. A June 2002 Cincinnati study found that more than two hours of daily television was a risk factor for higher weight. In July, a Boston University study showed that kids who watched three hours or more of television per day had 39% more body fat than similar kids who watched less than 1.75 hours per day.

    "In virtually every study, television viewing comes up having one of the strongest correlations with childhood obesity," says Walter Willett, professor at the Harvard School of Public Health. "Parents really do have to limit television watching in children -- it's way out of control."

    Keep Offering Rejected Foods

    One of the strongest determinants of lifelong health is a diet that includes a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods. But getting kids to develop preferences for those foods doesn't always happen naturally.

    Children are born with a preference for sweet and salty foods, but they have to learn to like everything else. And kids, like animals, have a natural protective tendency to reject an unknown taste -- that's what kept our ancestors from eating poison berries. But many parents misinterpret this instinctive response to new foods. "Parents see the kid shudder and spit food out as reflecting some dislike that can't be changed, so they tend not to offer it again," says Leann L. Birch, professor of human development and family studies at Pennsylvania State University.

    As a result, parents should continue to offer foods that their kids don't seem to like. In infants, two or three tries with a new food usually works. In studies of two-year-olds, fruits and cheeses had to be offered five to 10 times before a child showed a preference for the food. Tufts University nutritionist Susan Roberts, co-author of "Feeding Your Child for Lifelong Health," uses a "rule of 15," suggesting parents need to offer a food at least 15 times before a child will accept it. She notes that parents should wait anywhere from a few days to two weeks before bringing back a rejected food.

    But it's important that parents maintain a low-key approach when offering any food. Many experts suggest putting the food on the table and encouraging just one bite, and not reacting positively or negatively whether the child likes it or not. Studies show that when kids are cajoled into eating a food or even rewarded or praised for eating it, the child often develops an aversion to the food.

    That's what Penn State researchers found when they gave four-year-olds rewards like stickers and television viewing for eating vegetables or finishing a milk drink. Later, the kids were asked to taste the same foods and select a picture showing how they felt about it. The children expressed dislike for the foods they had been encouraged to eat, even with seemingly positive reinforcement.

    So while bribes and encouragement may prompt a child to eat a food in the short term, over time he will develop an aversion to foods he associates with parental control, just as he would develop an aversion to a food that made him ill. "If you reward kids for eating things they feel neutral about, they come to like them less," says Dr. Birch.

    Control the Food in the House, Not the Kids

    Research shows that parents who try to exert too much control over a child's eating end up doing more harm than good. This doesn't mean parents should allow a child to eat anything he or she wants. Parents should pack the refrigerator and cupboards with healthy foods, put balanced meals on the table and keep undesirable foods out of the house.

    But once the shopping and cooking is done, leave your kid alone. Trying to control a child's eating behavior will invariably backfire, encouraging a child to overeat instead.

    In one study, five-year-olds with mothers who tightly controlled their food intake showed significant increases in overeating by the age of seven and posted additional increases by the age of nine, according to an August study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In a Penn State study, preschoolers were fed lunch until they said they weren't hungry. The children were then left alone in a room with a variety of snack foods. Kids accustomed to lots of food rules ended up binging on the snacks, while the kids who didn't face many food restrictions weren't interested. Restricting food teaches a child "if it's here now, whether I'm hungry or not, I better eat it, because it's the only chance I'm going to get," says Dr. Birch.

    The biggest problem seems to occur when parents allow certain foods into the house -- like soda, snack foods and ice cream -- and then tell kids they can't have them. The better strategy is to keep less-healthful food out of the house, and then bring it in on special occasions, letting kids have control over eating it.

    Impose Strict Driving Rules

    While diseases of aging will kill most of us, car accidents continue to have a big impact on life expectancy. Medical students are often told that the single biggest influence they can have on patients' health is to remind them to buckle their seat belts.

    The risk of dying in a car accident peaks between the ages of 15 and 24, the age group that accounts for more than 10,000 annual fatalities and 36% of annual motor-vehicle deaths. Night-time driving and driving with other teens in the car dramatically increase a teen's risk for a fatal accident. But studies show that strict driving rules for teens can sharply reduce teen death and accident rates. After North Carolina adopted some of the nation's strictest laws on teen driving, fatal crashes involving teens fell by 57%.

    Before letting a teen drive alone, parents should keep a driving log, documenting 50 hours of adult-supervised driving over a six-month period, including 10 hours at night. Teens should never be allowed to drive after 9 p.m. and shouldn't be allowed to carry other passengers unless an adult is present. Studies show the biggest benefit comes if the rules are imposed until the teen reaches 18.

    Set the Example

    At every age of a child's development, parental example remains a dominant way to influence behavior. Babies are more likely to put food in their mouths when they see a parent eat it, and toddlers, preschoolers and elementary-school kids are more likely to accept foods their parents like. Indeed, when a child refuses a food, the best strategy is for the parent to say, "That's OK, I'll eat it."

    What you don't eat is important, too. Parents struggling with their own poor eating habits should consume less-healthful foods at the office, out of their kids' sight. And not buying junk food sets the example as well. "Someone is bringing the soft drinks and snacks into the home," says Barry M. Popkin, nutrition professor at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. "The parents may be doing it because the kids are nagging them, but the parents are still doing it."

    Children are strongly tuned into their parents' eating preferences. A June Penn State study found that girls were more likely to be picky eaters if their mothers didn't eat a variety of vegetables. Parental preferences are the only way to explain why kids in certain cultures are willing to eat spicy foods that the body is normally programmed to reject.

    Several studies show that whether a parent or family member smokes is often the single biggest determinant of teen smoking, and the vast majority of addicted smokers started the habit in their teen years. So the simple act of quitting smoking on the part of a parent can dramatically lower a child's lifetime risk for smoking addiction, cancer and heart disease.

    Parents who exercise are also more likely to have kids who exercise. But parents who don't have good exercise habits can still help their kids develop them. Researchers from the State University of New York's University at Albany monitored 180 nine-year-old girls and their parents. While kids with active parents were more likely to be active themselves, the study also found that kids were also more active when a parent provided extensive logistical support. So a parent, usually a mother, who takes the time to learn about sports activities, sign kids up and shuttle them around can set the example about the importance of exercise, even if she doesn't exercise much herself.

    -- Ms. Parker-Pope, who writes The Wall Street Journal's weekly Health Journal column, served as contributing editor of this report.

    Write to Tara Parker-Pope at healthjournal@wsj.com1

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  2. SLA

    SLA Member

    Dec 19, 2002
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    Man..when I was a little kid, I refused to eat much...now I eat constantly anything possible...

    Man...shortness. :( :)

    Oh well.

    I can't wait until I can drive legally!
  3. IROC it

    IROC it Contributing Member

    Feb 16, 1999
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    You're still a kid.

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