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How can fans protest officiating at games to make impression on league office?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by jopatmc, Jan 13, 2008.


How many of us wrote email to league office regarding officiating on Yao?

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. Will do it now

    3 vote(s)
  1. T-Yao

    T-Yao Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    chanting stuff is fine, as long as it is not explicit
    i've heard the red rowdies chant something against the refs before....

    but throwing a beer onto the court is straight up immature, so dont even think about doing that
  2. GladiatoRowdy

    GladiatoRowdy Member

    Oct 15, 2002
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    The various chants we do about refs include...

    FBI, FBI...

    I'm blind, I'm deaf, I wanna be a ref.

    Nuts and bolts, nuts and bolts, we got screwed!

    Where's the foul?

    Where's your glasses?

    Unfortunately, none of these seems to do a lot of good. I will join a boycott of NBA merchandise in a second to protest the treatment Yao gets by the refs.
  3. richirich

    richirich Member

    Apr 23, 2003
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    Go to nba.com, sign up for a user name and then email the nba league office and Stern. Cite specific examples like the DH foul, yesterday's non-calls, and then let them know how you feel and what you plan to do with your $ if it continues.

    I have told them in the past that the games are becoming like WWF - rigged! The Stern solution of forgiving all of the refs who went to casinos - wink, wink - which all have betting parlors - wink, wink - was a travesty. Did it cover up a scandal that was much worse than one man? Is it continuing?
  4. jsmee2000

    jsmee2000 Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Exactly, and we should start with the foul from a week ago or so where Yao Ming was called for the foul when he was about 4 feet away from the defender.
  5. northeastfan

    northeastfan Member

    Oct 16, 2007
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    Besides yesterday's horrible non-calls, we have the cases when:
    * DH wrestles Yao to the ground and Yao gets called for the foul!
    * Gasol drives by Yao who doesn't get within a foot of Gasol and Yao is whistled for the foul.
    * Yao is standing in the paint and DH runs into him. Yao is called for the foul.

    Also, apparently, one is allowed to push Yao low when he is shooting. I keep seeing that over and over again and it gets called maybe once per game if we're lucky.
  6. jsmee2000

    jsmee2000 Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Thank you...Pau Gasol was the one I was talking about. I don't know why I couldn't remember but I was so irate about it. DH running into him is ridiculous as well.

    I like the bbjai's idea of making a website with video content. A better suggestion would be to have a website that contains these fouls on Yao and then perhaps contrast them with other centers around the league where they would get the call, if possible. It may be a lot research to be able to get this but once you compile some material then all people have to do is email the link to the website to the league.
  7. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Tracking Yao's calls on THIS website would be an excellent idea.

  8. wingz0

    wingz0 Member

    Nov 1, 2006
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    Good thread.

    Question is, can the media people do something about it. I don't think they havent' noticed anything wrong, but for some reason, there just hasn't been much written about it, if any at all.

    Guys like Worrell and Bullard have clearly noticed the bad calls against Yao. I remember in the Celtics game and the Magic game, a couple of the calls were so BS that Bullard sounded legitimately pissed off. He even called out the refs on one play. I think it was after Yao's alleged "offensive foul" on Dwight Howard.

    I don't know if it will get them in trouble, but I'm sure as broadcasters, they have the power to make some noise about it. Though they're technically employees of the Rockets, so I don't know if the league will fine the organisation or not. This is where Les has to stand up for his players I think. Too bad he isn't a Mark Cuban kind of owner. That's there Cuban really has my respect. He stands up for his employees.
  9. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    After sleeping on it, chanting is useless.

    It's gotta be something that hits them in the pocketbook and gets media attention.

    Seriously, I don't want to see Yao get an advantage because he is Chinese. I just want to see him get fair treatment on the bball court.

    And to the previous poster who said the calls all even out over the course of a season. No, they don't. When is the last time you saw a game gift wrapped by the referees to the Rockets??? I can think of maybe one over the last 5 seasons. But I can name you plenty of instances where we had victory snatched away from us by poor officiating. Add the four free throws for the noncalls and take away the three point play going the other way and we win that game, plain and simple. Sure, you may make a case that we didn't deserve to win, that both teams didn't deserve to win, that players get paid too much, that Bonzi missed two free throws in the first quarter, that Adelman made a bad substitution, that Iran needs to be nuked, that there is a big gravy pit on Mars, that we could solve world hunger by grinding roadkill into hamburger, whatever. Bottom line is the POOR OFFICIATING altered the outcome of the game and that is a waste of money for fans who paid a good sum to see a legit NBA game, and it happens way too often. Sure, the game is hard to officiate, blah blah blah. But my 5 year old daughter could see Yao got both his arms almost ripped out of his shoulder sockets, so much so, when she looked at the replay she rubbed her forearms and clutched them to her body. Come on now. That is poor officiating. Any high school ref would have called that foul.

    Oh, by the way, I've done the email the league office thing. And I'll probably do it again. But I want to see something organized so that if we email, it's a million emails the league office receives, collectively, on the same subject. Just totally jam up their email system. Just a couple thousand emails won't make a big enough difference. If somebody wants to organize an email campaign, then let's do it. But it has to be organized so that the NBA office consistently gets blasted when a call or noncall is or isn't made that is blatently obviously bad. I don't think we should email after every game and it won't do any good to just tell everybody to email whenever they want to. That is not a protest and everybody will rely on the next guy to email. But, a campaign, is when everybody commits to the same course of action and does it. Then you dig out supporters and get them to commit to making a difference.

    We need to figure out how to organize the Chinese fan base.
  10. kingkow

    kingkow Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    not watching the nba for 5 - 10 years and maybe they will give in by cutting 1 or 2 refs. You know that the league's "other income/revenue" is through gambling
  11. Astockmarketgod

    Mar 28, 2006
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    lets face it... Yao will never get the calls...

    but he can put a elbow through a few players... and make us all feel better :D
  12. jsmee2000

    jsmee2000 Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Well we could write one of these online petitions (http://www.petitiononline.com/) like Jericho fans did to save the (CBS) program. The way that it works is that you write a letter stating your case and asking people to sign the petition. The petition should include links to youtube videos that would include the three fouls listed by northeast fan among others or a link pointing to a Clutchfans thread with videos or a link to another website that contains all this info. Also, the petition could be written towards the media (so that we can get press), the NBA (so that they see how serious the fans are and perhaps with some consequences if they do not listen) or even to Les Alexander (begging him to do something about it no matter what the cost may be), etc. If you like the idea we should find someone that can write up the document (lawyers have nice writing skills) for us. Just an idea...
  13. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    I've said this a few times before. If you want real change in the NBA BOYCOTT THE NBA. And not just people in China but people here. It seems like many US Rox fans want to put it on the Chinese to do the boycotting but that's passing the buck. If people really feel that the NBA is fixed and biased against Yao and the Rockets then the solution is to not watch any games or buy any merchandise, including Rockets's games and merchandise.

    The NBA is a business and the Rockets are part of that business so showing up at games just to chant at the refs still means that the NBA is getting your money and in the end that's all that matters. OTOH if people stay at home and spend their money on something else you will see things get changed.

    Ultimately as a fan and a consumer your real power is voting with your dollars.
  14. AggieDentist

    AggieDentist Member

    Jul 4, 2006
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    agreed, 100%.
  15. MR. MEOWGI

    MR. MEOWGI Contributing Member

    Jul 2, 2002
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    1. start a "freeyao" website with online petition
    2. post youtube videos of fouls
    3. email links to newspapers, magazines etc
  16. jsmee2000

    jsmee2000 Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Can we start a compilation of the foul videos in this thread.
  17. across110thstreet

    Mar 17, 2001
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    uh, ten days ago against the Magic... tip-in to tie it goes in...basket waived off, Rockets run off the court with the win, rafer is quoted that he wanted to get into the locker room as quickly as possible...

    don't be naive, there is nothing the fans of Houston or this website can do. the NBA is much bigger than you.

    the best idea in this thread is for Yao to boycott the ASG
  18. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Great idea......why not just chart every game and see how he is called.

    Keep a percentage of correct vs incorrect calls.

  19. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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    i agree there's nothing we can do, however the instance you cite is not an example of a wrong call going in our favor......that basket was clearly after time had already expired.....and the officiating crew took quite a while reviewing the replay to confirm such..
  20. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    commissar morey was on 1560 this morning expressing his concerns on this very issue. He said that he met with league officials for hours, before the season began, and that they admitted to doing a horrible job.

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