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[Houston Sports Talk Podcast] Interview with owner of Lakers Fan Site & Mascot Clutch the Bear

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by sweetbobl, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. sweetbobl

    sweetbobl Member

    Apr 7, 2003
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    In our latest podcast, we visit with the owner of the most visited Los Angeles Laker fan site, Lakersground.net. He gives insight into Dwight Howard's big move from the Laker perspective.

    We analyze the Eastern & Western Conferences, as well as the Rockets chances to make a serious run.

    We also visit with longtime Rocket Mascot Clutch the Bear (Robert Boudwin). He talks about his mascot beginnings, the Rockets trip to Asia, getting advice from the San Diego Chicken & his brushes with Jack Nicholson, Bill Murray & President George Bush.

    Thank you to everybody who's listening. We had over 350 downloads this past week & nearly 900 visits to the website.

  2. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    clutch the bear can talk?

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