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For Sale Houston Rockets vs. OKC Thunder 11/2 and Orlando Magic 11/4 Harden Bobblehead Aisle Seat Center Uppe

Discussion in 'Hot Deals and Classifieds' started by le081488, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. le081488

    le081488 Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Section 424
    Row 5
    Seat 18/19 (Aisle seats - closest to center court side 425)

    Can't make this weeks games, need gone. Tickets are up on Flashseats, save on fees (20%+).
    More then 50% off from Toyota Center

    Chase Quickpay, Venmo, Paypal (send to family/friends please) then I'll transfer it over via Flashseats, or a meet up if possible. MUST HAVE FLASHSEATS ACCOUNT. Plenty of refs.

    Text/Call 8322740566

    11/02 vs Oklahoma City Thunder 7:00PM - $27
    11/04 vs Orlando Magic (James Harden Bobblehead Bobblehand night) 7:00PM - $25
  2. ron413

    ron413 Member

    May 29, 2002
    Likes Received:
    I tried to test my CLutchfans e-mail and it went to my ron413 at hotmail dot com but did not get your message. Thanks for the follow-up on the other thread, let me know scoop on tmrw's bobblehead game.

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