Anyone else following A11FL news? The league initially wanted A11 rules where every offensive lineman can receive the ball but has now adopted NFL rules. Which means they will not be called A11FL, new name will be announced later. They will play in the spring after NFL season and have already struck a deal with ESPN. 7 of the 8 teams were ready to go for the 2015 season but the two California teams have issues with new state laws concerning workers compensation and have been temporary pulled. So instead of just one spot left there are 3 spots with Phoenix, Philly, Seattle, Denver and Houston being the finalist. Since the A11FL owns the property rights to the Houston Gamblers I see the league coming here eventually but I would prefer we be apart of inaugural season along with the Dallas Wranglers who are ready to go. BBVA Compass would be a great facility to start and maybe in the future, if they outgrow 20,000 fans, they can move to UH new stadium with 40,000. Remembering that the Gamblers averaged 28,000 fans a game at Astrodome in the 1st season before Donald Trump decided to announce to try and compete with NFL, 2nd season they averaged 19,000. This was in the mid 1980's!