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Hillary Invites Mother Of Michael Brown, Convenience Store Robber And Attempted Cop Murderer, To Spe

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by RocketsLegend, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    We are and I've read the forensics reports, but even still my problem here is that Brown is being compared to a cop killer. He's being compared to a guy with the proven intent of going to kill cops both black and white. I don't think we know exactly what happened Brown's case at least not everything. Not only that but we don't know what his mother will say. I know that she won't be there to say she hates all cops and more than likely it will be the opposite with an emphasis on stopping police brutality. It's more about unity than anything.
  2. robbie380

    robbie380 ლ(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ლ)
    Supporting Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    Yeah when I said not actually comparable I meant it ;), but it's the same kind of bs rhetoric. She might not blame Trump for killing her kid but I'm guessing she will say hands up don't shoot at some point.
  3. RocketsLegend

    RocketsLegend Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    You're delusional
  4. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Though I'm not a fan of his mother, because I think she made have tried to make money off his death. I also don't agree with the riots there afterward, but I think she called for peace? I am saying we don't know what she's going to say. Just recently Alton Sterlings family and the family of a cop who got killed in Dallas got together and prayed. So if what Brown's mom says is BS, I'll agree. But it could be that she's there for unity. We already know what the Benghazi mom said was total BS. I just disagree of labeling things the same without a second thought and I think that's where the disconnect come from.
  5. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    No I'm just speaking the truth something you're not used too. Life usually resides somewhere in a gray area and that's what you have a problem with. Not everything is cut and dry, left or right, white or black the way you try to label them to be. My guess is Wilson and Brown both made mistakes that day. Regardless of whether you are agree are not comparing Brown's mom to the Dallas killers mom speaking is pretty stupid especially when it's his mother not him and you don't know what she's going to say.
  6. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    BTW There are several cases where evidence had pointed toward a cop being innocent until a video surfaced. So when I say we don't know, that's what I mean, we don't know. So from his mom's point of view her son may have been wrongfully killed. Whether she's right or wrong I don't know and I don't care it's her message that's being debated here. And so having her speak does not mean you support cop killers. Having her there means you understand that there are aspects of the police department that need to be improved when it comes to racism. White or black police brutality is a problem because white people get shot and are brutalized by police as well. There is also a gun problem in America. That gun problem leads to a lot of good cops being killed. So at some point acting like you're pro police while also being pro "everyone gets a gun" is hypocritical. When you have people who are allowed to open carry that puts cops in a pretty precarious situation. Again I'm not really expecting RocketsLegend to understand because he doesnt strike me as too deep a thinker.
  7. Codman

    Codman Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    It seems like every year, some troll begins feasting in the D&D. The goal is always to bait decent people, and just like many, I often respond to these trolls too often.

    I don't believe "RocketsLegend"(Mind you, he shouldn't have anything Rockets related in his name, as he is disgraceful in comparison to the best fanbase around). Honestly, I think he/she has another account on CF, or if not that, he/she posts simply to get a rise out of those that he/she feels intellectually-inferior towards.

    I'm waiting for the moment he/she goes too far with the racist remarks and indecent responses and the BANhammer comes out.

    The "White People Hate" thread was a horrible thread, created with pure hate costumed with minimal satire.

    I'd stop feeding this troll, but I can't stand people who WELCH out of TipJar bets because of fear and ignorance.

    Perhaps, when Trump is destroyed in this election, this faux Rockets fan (definitely not a "legend') will leave the BBS permanently after rightfully donating to the TipJar as he/she agreed on before welching.

  8. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    I don't have a problem with this, she should milk it for all it's worth. She completely failed in raising a decent human being and because of that she gets to speak at the DNC, pretty sweet.
    1 person likes this.
  9. dandorotik

    dandorotik Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and former GOP presidential hopeful, somehow loosely tied Hillary Clinton to Lucifer while speaking at the 2016 Republican National Convention on Tuesday.

    “Let me tell you something about Saul Alinsky,” Carson said, veering off-script during his speech. “He wrote a book called Rules for Radicals. On the dedication page, it acknowledges Lucifer, the original radical who gained his own kingdom.”

    “So are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model someone who acknowledges Lucifer?” Carson asked the audience.

    What a dumb ****. We had to read Rules for Radicals in my 2nd semester at North Harris CC, and that reference to Lucifer is completely tongue-in-cheek. It's not a dedication to him and it's on the same page as a quote by Thomas Paine. Doesn't surprise me.
  10. dc rock

    dc rock Member

    Jan 10, 2001
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    There will be military leaders, law enforcement officers, civil rights heroes, religious leaders, free folk, orcs and more people of all Stars and Stripes at the Democratic Convention. The Democrats are the reigning, back-to-back champions of America and are looking for the rare threepeat by continuing to build on the Obama coalition. Compared to the Cleveland debacle, I'm guessing there will be less scowls and more recognizable actors in Philadelphia, as well.
  11. StupidMoniker

    StupidMoniker I lost a bet

    Jul 18, 2001
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    I never said it was only one, only that one is to many, and therefor, given that there is at least one, I agree with you that there are too many.
    I am not fearful of anything regarding the training of police officers. Imperfect humans are put in a difficult job and do the best they can. Their best is by and large good enough in nearly every instance. There are literally millions of interactions each year between law enforcement and the public, and the number of people murdered by the police is certainly less than 100, and likely far less.
    It is a question of allocation of resources and twisting of public perception. In terms of allocation of resources, they can probably afford to hire 50 more cops for the money they spent investigating Officer Wilson in Ferguson. I would rather have 50 more cops than spend the money on a federal investigation of an incident that anyone with common sense understood the day it happened.

    In terms of twisting of public perception, the New York and Dallas and Baton Rouge shootings of officers show the end of that road. Look at what people in BLM and the like are saying, "Hands up, don't shoot," and "stop killing us," and "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." If you polled the average person marching in a BLM rally and asked them how many black people are murdered by the police in a year, what do you think they would say? In reality, 79 unarmed black people were killed by the police in 2015, many of them during violent resistance (attacking a cop with unsecured handcuffs, trying to take a cop's gun, etc.) You are welcome to read all 79 of their stories and come back and tell us which ones you believe were murdered. The guy in Carolina that was shot in the back while running away is the exception, not the rule.
    Lack of critical thinking is the hallmark of BLM. They are the ones that came up with the idiotic notion that Trayvon Martin was stalked and murdered, when all the physical evidence presented showed that Zimmerman caused no physical injuries to Martin besides the gunshot wound that clearly took place after he was severely beaten by Martin. They also brought us gentle giant Michael Brown, who was shot while charging at an officer after failing to take the officer's gun from him (minutes after robbing a convenience store).
    479 people died from weather related phenomena in 2015, far exceding the number of people murdered by police officers. If you asked the average BLM marcher to guess at those numbers, which do you think they would say was higher? Again, twisting public perception.
    Nope, all over. I specifically have significant contact with officers mostly from five agencies because of my work (threelocal police departments, one county sheriff's department, and the state highway patrol), though there are others I see less frequently when I work out of county. Generally speaking the are by and large competent and courteous.
    Zero. How much do the police get paid to protect you? (Hint: this is a trick question).
    #71 StupidMoniker, Jul 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2016
  12. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    I'm sorry I read this...
  13. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Oh I didn't know you lived all over. You base the competence of police patrolling of minority neighborhoods on your paper pushing interaction with police? How dumb is that. Seriously? Jesus.

    You're a really smart guy but you have an incredible willful ignorance on race and justice issues. It's absurd. Your blase attitude about the documented instances of redlining that I provided you was just shocking honestly.

    You want to compare the likelihood of choking to death on your steak or drowning in your swimming pool with being abused by police next? Give me those numbers.

    Better yet, why don't you go look at the DOJ findings in Ferguson. Tell me those numbers.

    That's how you know we're screwed as a country. It's not when dumbasses, take your pick, spew nonsense all the time. It's when really smart people are willfully ignorant of problems that are perfectly obvious to those that have and continue to experience them on a regular basis. This idea that police brutality of minorities is a myth is right up with the dumbest things I've heard. It's really just unbelievable. Don't believe your lying eyes. Yes officer, thank you officer, please officer may I have another?
    #73 CometsWin, Jul 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2016
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  14. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    I don't put it past any politician to do this, but I'm amazed that the mother agreed to speak for a woman who championed the policies that have largely contributed to the culture of policing in America.
  15. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    There is nothing in the title that isn't factually accurate. While I agree with you that a lot of people in America, especially on the right side of the aisle, are being insincere and at times flat out racist.

    Having said that, there is no reason for Michael Brown's mother to speak. He was not a victim of police brutality, he minutes prior had robbed a convenient store, he didn't respond to police commands and he assaulted a police officer. He isn't a "gentle giant" and he wasn't "walking while black" as Obama stated right after the event. Multiple investigations were undertaken, including at the federal level.

    There were other recent cases of police brutality involving race that would be a far better choice than Brown.

    The choice of Brown is a real risk by Hilary Clinton. She will alienate a number of moderates. Perhaps Brown's mother will give a unifying speech and call for greater understanding by everyone. I will also say it takes a lot of courage to give a speech in front of an audience of that size and one that will be criticized regardless of what she says.
  16. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    That is because you don't know what you are talking about.
  17. edwardc

    edwardc Member

    May 7, 2003
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    So it's her fault or is it trump's fault neither one of them pulled the trigger but they both will get blamed.
  18. Cohete Rojo

    Cohete Rojo Member

    Oct 29, 2009
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    Just for clarity, in case some of you hadn't read up on the grand jury testimony.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pQXbEUEtf2U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    [rQUOTEr]Despite discrepancies, Dorian Johnson consistent in accounts of Brown shooting


    When the interviewers press Johnson -- did he actually see Wilson shoot Brown in the back, or was he just speculating based on what he saw? -- Johnson conceded, "OK, so for the purposes, no. I did not see a hole in his shirt rip while I'm in shock."

    About a month later, before the grand jury, Johnson made it clear he saw Wilson fire at Brown as he fled, but he wasn't sure if the bullet hit his friend.
    "The second time he shot, I didn't know if it hit him or not, but he kind of jerked and that's when he stopped running. He just kind of stopped and turned around at the officer," Johnson said.

    Portions of Johnson's account are not supported by other witness statements, and there are myriad inconsistencies in the witness testimony. Wilson's statement also doesn't jibe with Johnson's.

    Among the discrepancies: Wilson and some witnesses said Brown attacked the officer, prompting Wilson to fire twice from his police vehicle; Wilson and some witnesses said Brown fled at first but then charged him; and witnesses varied on whether Brown had his hands up when the fatal shots were fired.[/rQUOTEr]
  19. leroy

    leroy Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    It seems like there's one or 2 new ones every 2 years during major election cycles. TJ appears a few months before and then disappears on the 1st Wednesday of November. These trolls do the same. They'll be here to stir things up for the months leading up to the election and then be gone in a puff of smoke shortly thereafter.
  20. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Point well-taken. I did some brief googling to see if there were plans to have LEO speak and found nothing. But, that doesn't mean there is nothing. To be fair to Clinton, she runs a professional enough campaign that I expect the messaging from the mothers to be moderate, and the optics of featuring them will likely be balanced with other representation. If it really just turns out to be a rage against the machine session, I'll be very surprised and disappointed.

    Hillary already has most of the black population in her camp, thanks to both historic allegiances to the Democratic party as well as Trump's anti-minority rhetoric (he hadn't gone after blacks like he did Hispanics and Muslims, but we can see the implications; besides, we can see where his 'candidate of law and order' theme is heading). Clinton has a lot more to lose if she ever looks anti-cop than she does by looking unsympathetic to blacks. So, I expect she will be at great pains to praise the professionalism of our law enforcement community and affirm our need for them, even as she asks for reform. Of course, that won't stop the Trumpettes from saying she's anti-cop anyway.

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