These self funding websites ruin everything. What happened to the days of daisy does Dallas? There are other ways to make an honest penny.
There's a difference between a human being and an animal. But I do think that people who have a problem donating any amount of money to the OP's friend should shut the hell up. If you don't want to donate, then don't donate. Don't try to persuade people to not donate. They can make their own decisions.
Dog maybe. Cat? I could donate a pillow case to the cause. What a useless animal. Would rather have a vet bill for a goldfish. At least you know they are dumb, cats are just complete dicks for no reason. Good luck to your friend though.
So embarrassed for the OP ' S friend if she's reading this. Moral fabric of the hang out is non existent. I am surprised she hasn't managed to raise a dollar despite having so many friends.
The kid tries to fundraise to get money for the cat. You imply that its a scam. Then you spent the rest of the thread implying that the friend is an irresponsible person for owning two cats when she has debt and is in college. Then she gives up the cat and you ask why he tried to convince her to give the cat up? I hope you aren't as insensitive in real life as you sound when you post sometimes.