But my friend's cat recently fell from the second story of her house and has multiple open fractures throughout his back right leg. She can't afford to pay for his surgery and is faced with the prospect of having to amputate his leg, which is also quite a lot of money. She was wondering if I could reach out to CF for some help; she is legit one of the most caring people that I've been around, and she's a huge cat lady (she wants a house full of cats by the time she graduates college...), so I can't imagine what she's going through. I'm pretty sure she sees her kitties as her own children. Here is her funding thing if anyone cares. I'll give monies to the tip jar if one person donates and if y'all would like, I'll never post here again! I'm pretty sure that's good news for some of y'all. She will also be updating her thing with pictures and stuff, so you guys know that she's not spending money on more cats or anything like that haha. http://www.gofundme.com/lebronthecat His name is Lebron haha. Thanks, brahs.
Not to be insensitive to animal people, but for cryin out loud, if a cat or dog needs expensive surgery to keep them alive...end of dog. Get a new one, create new memories. Don't go to the poorhouse or seek donations to keep a pet alive, they aren't humans....
I don't currently own any pets, but what the ****? You don't "discard" an animal for another just because you're faced with an expensive operation. Pets are an extension of a family for most households, so it's difficult for a lot of people to just "get a new one." Have a good day, brah