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Heroes Season 2

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Locke, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. Blake

    Blake Member

    Apr 7, 2003
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    I rented Season 1 on DVD and finished it last week. The wife and I LOVED it. It was so good.

    So far I have only watched the season premiere of Season 2 (have the other episodes Tivo'ed), but it was really bad and slow.

    I kind of think they should have ended it with Season 1. Perfect ending to an amazing season. Of course they won't with all the money it made.

    From what I have read on this thread, it sounds like episodes 2 and 3 are not much better.
  2. robbie380

    robbie380 ლ(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ლ)
    Supporting Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    i liked episode 3. i think they have been ramping up.
  3. Chuck 4

    Chuck 4 Member

    Sep 11, 1999
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    While I agree the show is off to a sluggish start (and the twins have got to go!), all I have to say is this:

    Sylar: 1 episode, 1 kill.

    Im glad they didnt decide to do the X-Men United trash and try to make him become a good guy. His pure evil is what made the show so enjoyable last year to me. Hopefully he will be on more now. Because If I have to see more of Claire's new emo-boy, I will cry.
  4. Hydhypedplaya

    Hydhypedplaya Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    I was reaally expecting to see what was in that damn box that belonged to peter. Right when he got the box at the end I knew that he was not going to open, so damn predictable! They really really really need to pick up the tempo of the show it starts to become kind of a stretch, and im a HUGE heroes fan.
  5. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I disagree with sylar being evil. All he wants is more power. He doesn't kill unless they have a power or get in his way. Bennett did things just as wrong as sylar did.

    The show is starting to become like 24, too predictable and characters are becoming idiots/making boneheaded moves.

    Also, there are 8 paintings and they all depicted the 8 original hero's dying. Bennett was in the 8th painting. What gives?
  6. VesceySux

    VesceySux Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    This season has been slooooooooow. Not much happened last night at all! One of the reasons why I loved season 1 was that the pace and plot moved very quickly, with revelations and twists occurring left and right. Now they're just stretching the plot out, and it sucks. Looks like Heroes has started copying the Lost playbook, in that all the plot advancement occurs in the last 5 minutes of the episode. That formula may work for Lost (and work well), but it's killing Heroes so far.

    Also, all week, NBC has been taunting us fans with commercials saying "WHAT'S IN THE BOX?" and the like. So naturally, Heroes never actually reveals what's in the box. Way to mislead your viewers, NBC. Yet another page taken out of the Lost (err, well, ABC) playbook... :rolleyes:
  7. Bobblehead

    Bobblehead Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    The show is REALLLLLYYYYYYY slow.

    Not much excitment at all. The only fun moment was when Claire and West flew. Other than..snooooze.

    That chick Sylar killed was hot though....not the fat chick on the floor, the chick in the bikini.

    Anyone thing that Irish chick looks weird?????
  8. HipHopSince1981

    Sep 25, 2007
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    yes..somethin is off with her face..

    and I can't help to think of My Two Dads when I see Mohindor and Parkman with Molly

    and yes the slow is sluggish..hoping they just had to save the goodies for the middle and end of the season...
  9. Hayesfan

    Hayesfan Member

    Nov 3, 2006
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    Here's a bit of advice for you...

    Previews always lie... for every show on every channel. That's the marketing departments job.

    The show was so fast last year because they were trying to show a bit of every character's timeline in every episode. So they moved the plot along in each scene. This year they are getting more out of each character and less per episode, so you get more character development.

    It will pick up the pace after we get to episode 6...

    Also, whoever asked about the paintings, they weren't supposed to be the 9 that were left. The 8 paintings were a sequence of events like the ones in the 9th Wonders comic book that sent Hiro on his quest.
  10. professorjay

    professorjay Member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Anyone find it hilarious to see Uhura in this episode? What's next? Captain Kirk is one of the 12?

    Anyways, this episode felt like it had a little more pace, but it still seems like another 'building the groundwork' episode. I'm not looking forward to each episode like last year. It feels like more of a chore right now waiting for the good stuff to happen.
  11. VesceySux

    VesceySux Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    Hold the phone. I love this show as much as anyone else, but let's recount what we've seen to date in season 2 (representing roughly 14% of the total season): Hiro has spent 90% of his time on the screen gazing longingly at the princess and spouting off to Kensei about destiny. Claire has spent 100% of her screen time doing EXACTLY what she did all last season (pouting about wanting to be normal). Oh wait, she DID get all excited over a Nissan Rogue. My mistake. Suresh has spent 95% of his time telling Bennet over and over again that he's a big boy and can handle himself with The Company. Bennet himself has spent roughly 50% of his screen time telling Claire to be cautious and the other 50% telling someone... ANYONE... that he's going to take down The Company. The Wonder Twins have spent 100% of their time in 3 episodes now evading cops, killing people (sometimes reviving them), or talking about America (which they STILL haven't gotten to).

    What you call character development, I call repetitious. If you want to really grow the characters, devote entire episodes to one specific hero, and don't show the same stuff over and over again. And throw in some more back story, for God's sake.

    Like I said before, I really hope the pace picks up.
  12. emjohn

    emjohn Member

    Jul 29, 2002
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    Like with LOST, this show is what it is in regards to pace. It's not high action and it spends a crap load of time simmering the plotlines. If it's not for you, go watch Bionic Woman or something. This is a show that requires patience.

    That said, I agree that Claire is getting awfully annoying. WTF was with that ripoff Superman scene, anyway. Hello, I hate you, I love you. Very poor writing there. I did enjoy Peter going Darth Vader - "I find your lack of faith disturbing." I highly suspect that the mystery killer is going to be revealed to be "evil alternate timeline Peter"

  13. VesceySux

    VesceySux Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    I'm not sure what show you're watching, but I couldn't disagree more. (And please, don't give me that passe "maybe this isn't for you" crap.) Season 1 was like a kid on ADD, interweaving plotlines and moving at a brisk pace. The only episode that actually slowed down was "Company Man", the one about Bennet, and even that one still moved the plot forward.

    As a HUGE Lost fan, I can safely say that Heroes is NOTHING like Lost, except for the fact that both shows are serial dramas. (Is there even a central mystery to Heroes?) Lost takes it time (excruciatingly so) to develop characters, spending entire episodes on ONE person, taking care to show true insight into the character's motivations and actions. Heroes, on the other hand, haphazardly dashes from character to character, moving the plot forward relentlessly, without allowing the audience to catch its breath. And frankly, there's nothing wrong with either show's formula, as I enjoy the heck out of both styles. But when Heroes decides to forgo what made season 1 so thoroughly enjoyable and instead grind to a Lost-like halt, I have a real problem with that.

    And I'm not the only one who feels this way, apparently. Here are some quotes from EW's review from last night's episode:

  14. professorjay

    professorjay Member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Oh yes, totally forgot to comment on the Wonder Twins (again). Seriously, the same damn thing 3 episodes in a row? I'm convinced they're trying to fill episodes up because they don't have enough material. Their little escapades of getting caught each episode isn't even entertaining. Absolutely no development that couldn't have been done in 5 minutes. Even illegal immigrants watching this don't care if they make it anymore.
  15. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 2000
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    I think that for the first half of last year, there were more than a few people posting in the threads complaining about the pace and the lack of direction.

    While I have no idea where it is going, and it does seem kind of slow, I don't believe that they are pacing much slower than last year. My personal guess is that is seems slower because the characters aren't new.

    But remember at this time last year, Peter was whining about dreams of flying and (IIRC) hadn't discovered any powers and Hiro and Ando had just left for the USA. Most of the 'oh crap' moments came later. We'd only just gotten about 10 seconds of Sylar from a distance (again IIRC). It was like Lost's first season in one respect - that they spent the first several episodes of the first season doing a whole lot of character development. Heck, nothing AT ALL happened in the DL/Nicki plot thread until after Matt got suspended, and when it did, everybody was saying, "WTF! Where is this going?" right up until the last episode or two.

    Seriously, go back and look at the plot summaries of the first three episodes from last year. Can you really say in concrete terms that there was that much more going on?

    I understand that there is at least one new major hero character related to Nichelle Nichols will be introduced over the next 2 to 3 episodes.

    Edit: I went back and looked and there are two new 'hero' characters in the next couple of weeks. One with Nichelle Nichols and one with Peter.

    I think that once that happens and based on the example of the plot arc from last year, they will speed the pace significantly.
    #115 Ottomaton, Oct 9, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2007
  16. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Claire is irratating . ..
    Ole boy . . who has been trying to out her
    takes her on one flight . .. which her dad can do
    Now she in love
    she basically pissed because her dad is a bad man???

    Come on . . .The fact that boy got tagged and bagged
    now makes her hate dear ole dad????
    I mean . . . she forgives all the stuff he did last season
    This one kids is enough to push her over the top????

    The Twins are just stupid

    They have opportunites but man they missing alot of them this season

    Rocket River
  17. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    As for the Sylar Scene

    I *really* wanted Candice to come out at the end
    and say
    DUDE . . Do you think I'm that f*cking stupid.
    I'm making this illusion from the other side of the glass wall

    It would have been more interesting
    if she was making illusions . .so that explained why his
    powers didn't work

    My make her stupid and gullible enough to get that close
    to a fricking homicidal maniac???

    Rocket River

    GRENDEL Member

    Nov 21, 2002
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    I'm convinced at this point that we'll see all the surviving cast of the original Star Trek by the time the series ends ;)
  19. JaWindex

    JaWindex Member

    Jan 21, 2005
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    This is what I hated most about last episode. I mean, come on, she knows he worked for the Company and probably did very bad things, so why the hell would she get angry all over again? Then the kid who flies went from stalker to lover in a few seconds after the cheesiest flight scene possible. Blegh. I also hated the whole "Noah will die" angle. That was obvious from last week's preview when he said "As long as I'm alive, you'll be taken care of." Who the hell would phrase their comment like that? Last season was a lot more intriguing and I hope the next episodes add something new.
  20. Mr Boo

    Mr Boo Member

    Nov 7, 2003
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    This may still indeed be the case...which would explain why Sylar wasn't able to steal Candice's power and Sylar's obnoxiously remote location.

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