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Heroes Season 2

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Locke, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. emjohn

    emjohn Member

    Jul 29, 2002
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    B grade finish to a C- season. I agree that the best thing about the writers strike is that Kring and the rest can regroup without doing anymore damage with a spring session. There's reason for optimism, seeing as Kring talked to EW and admitted all the ways they went wrong.

    Such a disaster.

    It's disturbing how many subplots went nowhere (honestly, was there ANY reason for the horrendous NO "story"?). The virus climax/conclusion was lame at best (that was always supposed to end in ep 11, so can't blame the rewrite there). They're bringing in new, lamer characters at the expense of the decent ones they already had. Veronica Mars had some potential, but they just regressed her into a stupid mallrat by the end. Brilliant.

    That they can/will resurrect anyone that gets killed is ass. Takes all the edge and excitement out of death scene now.

    Too many blunders to name. I pray they turn things around next fall....

  2. Storm Surge

    Storm Surge Rookie

    Apr 1, 2006
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    unless he can break the casket he's in I don't think so
  3. VesceySux

    VesceySux Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    I thought the episode was entertaining, but merely okay overall. The ridiculous behavior on the part of some heroes really distracted me, though:

    1) Hi, I'm Hiro, and I've just stopped time. Instead of calmly informing Peter about Adam and his plans for the virus, including noting that I went back in time and actually watched Adam's initial incarceration, I'm just going to babble instead about Adam killing my father without any mention of his nefarious plan TO KILL ALL HUMAN LIFE.

    2) Hi, I'm Elle, and I just saw Sylar on the monitor screen. Gosh, I really want to get back in my dad's good graces, so I guess I'll just go take on Sylar alone WITHOUT any backup... despite the fact that Company operatives ALWAYS work in pairs (and I've been with the Company for years).

    3) Hi, I'm Peter, and I'm near the vault. All these people, including my brother, are telling me things about Adam that I just KNOW aren't true. Now, instead of using the handy-dandy mind-reading ability I have on Adam to root out the truth, I'll just trust his word, anyway. (So what if he's a complete stranger?) Oh, BTW, instead of using the phasing ability I have to pass right through the vault doors, I'll make a big show of it by using telekinesis instead, even though it'll cause me a nosebleed and cause further delay.

    4) Hi, I'm Mohinder, and I've been a serial dumbass all season. Hey, Sylar wants to meet me! Well, gosh, in that case, rather than stop and stash this incredibly important, life-saving serum somewhere, I'll just bring it with me instead. Because surely nothing would happen if the serum fell into the wrong hands, right?

    I know all TV shows are prone to this kind of brain-dead character writing, but this has been going on ALL season with Heroes.
  4. Apollo Creed

    Apollo Creed Contributing Member

    Aug 25, 2001
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    Okay, this is pure ownage right here...and 100 percent true.

    Also, was anyone else cracking up at the scene between Matt and Peter? The looks they have to give to pretend to be mentally communicating are hilarious, especially combined with the funny camera shots.
  5. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    Just watched it. It's a disgrace to the medium that they tried to get influence from--comics. Granted, comics have a longer period of time to tell their story but they don't go through asinine plot holes like this.

    And I agree with VesceySux--they created two characters that can pretty much run the gamut in Peter and Hiro. That doesn't even include Matt who has telekinetic powers. Then you have Claire, a character that pretty much cannot die and her blood is the lifejizz that can bring pretty much everyone back to life.

    I think this is a first time that I can remember where a show turned out to be a one-hit/season wonder.
  6. arkoe

    arkoe (ง'̀-'́)ง

    Dec 13, 2001
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    There are really three... Sylar should be in this list as well. He can do the same thing Peter can, with the exception that he has to kill other people with powers in order to obtain them whereas Peter just kind of plucks them out of the air from people.
  7. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    See, there's just more characters I'm forgetting.

    It's like a bad X-Men clone, only that instead of these people actually honing their respective powers, they just become highly skilled within a very minute time frame.
  8. BiGGieStuFF

    BiGGieStuFF Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I'll just chalk it up to humans being dumb. I mean we have idiots around us all the time. :)

    I was really disappointed the Haitian was nowhere to be seen :(
  9. DarkHorse

    DarkHorse Member

    Oct 9, 1999
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    4400 got very stupid very quickly as well.
  10. Surfguy

    Surfguy Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    This is what happens when you put a bunch of people in a room together and they all have superpowers along with the ability to pick up superpowers from others. You end up with the "washing machine" effect on the storyline where it becomes so easy to have holes in the storyline because of all the possibilities that arise. The writers are confused by their very own storyline. They can take it anywhere they want to but, in the end, the "swiss cheese" effect starts to take over and the whole thing becomes a hodge-podge mess where the internet geeks take over and start blogs about how this doesn't make any sense. Therefore, I'm going to pretend to be a clueless popcorn-eater for the remainder of this show not thinking about "why didn't Peter just do this since he has the power?" or "why is Peter a r-tard?". In fact, I think they should kill Peter off and replace him with a hot chick.
  11. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    And then Hiro transports Adam, I'm sitting there thinking "Okay he gotta transport him so like the very end of time and space or have him in some kind of time limbo or put him in front of a firing squad or put him under a guillotine during the French Revolution or SOMETHING". But nope, he puts him in a f***** casket. Lame.

    In order to save this series, they got to have Sylar pick off as many people as possible:

    1. Suresh. He has zero powers, his blood is pretty much useless without Claire's, he's a whiny b**** who can't do anything right DESPITE the fact that he's a doctor and his dad spoonfed him every single bit of information he needs.

    2. FlyBoy. The superpower of flight is useless when all you do is use it to stalk girls. And get a damn haircut.

    3. Keep Nikki dead. The writers, of course, will use the old comic book adage of "if you don't see the body, they're not dead" schtick. Just wait for it.

    4. Maya. Her powers are utterly useless because of the delay in time it takes her to kill of people. Let Sylar eat her brain and have him put her powers to good use.

    5. Peter. As much as I hate to have someone with his powers and ability die, he needs to. They try to play the Peter Parker/Bruce Wayne card of "he's a flawed super hero" the wrong way. Kill him off and bring new blood into the fold.

    It's a cheap way to take away most of the plot holes but it's gotta be done. Sylar goes on a killing spree and that leaves the rest of the "heroes" to have time and team up and find new "members" and take down Sylar.
  12. VesceySux

    VesceySux Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    Peter, Hiro, and Sylar are WAAAAAAY overpowered. They are essentially an "army of one". If Heroes was a MMORPG, gamers would be screaming for nerfs to these characters. On the other hand, what makes the X-Men work so well is that 1) each character has a specific, balanced, and non-redundant power, and 2) they work as a team (for the most part). Each X-Men is truly a valued and necessary member of the team, and it takes a team effort to "save the day" (again, for the most part). Why can't the writers on Heroes understand this? (Well, I guess Micah does...)
  13. Precision340

    Precision340 Member

    Apr 4, 2007
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    sorry if this was already mentioned but.. who else noticed that claire and adam have similar ability (healing power)? are they somehow related, which would mean that adam is related to the petrellis
  14. emjohn

    emjohn Member

    Jul 29, 2002
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    Let's just leave it at this:
    the producers and writers likely could not have (unintentionally) mangled this show in 11 episodes any worse than they managed to do.

    The overarching decisions were regrettable, the writing was sloppy, and the execution (acting/directing) was flat. The list of "what went wrong" would make for a 7 page column.

  15. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    The whole Monica/Micah/Nikki thread ending completely sucked.
    Monica didn't watch kung fu movies or self defense videos??

    Why build her up all season then switch her to a stupid damsel in distress?

    QUESTION: Hiro teleports someone . .. doesn't there have to be enough room for him and the person . . .i dunno didn't look like there was enough room in that casket for him and adam

    I'm assuming it is his father's casket . . . if it was just an empty casket in the family plot. . . well . .that means it would be opened at some time . ..right?
    [Did anyone see a body under Adam?]

    Rocket River
  16. JeopardE

    JeopardE Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    This annoyed me. They actually did show her watching movies and learning stuff, and then she ends up becoming completely powerless at the hands of an unarmed nameless thug, and Nikki has to be sacrificed to save her. That was about as r****ded as it gets.
  17. MystikArkitect

    Jul 18, 2006
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    *sigh* I loved season 1 of this show, but I agree with pretty much everyone on here. This season has been sloppy as hell at best. The Hiro space time continuum is one of those things where I think the writers hope that no one asks questions so that no one has to explain the technicalities of Hiro being Kensei.

    I don't really want to think too hard about how it is that Hiro was actually the one responsible for Adam Monroe being evil and doing all this bad stuff if he hadn't traveled back in time to betray him and make him evil...

    Peter trusting Adam more than 4 other people (Hiro, Nathan, Matt, Victoria) was as unbelievable as Hiro attacking Peter without so much as explaining what was wrong.

    Wtf happened to the girl trapped in the future? Peter's GF?

    My brother's not anywhere? What do you mean he's not anywhere? Sylar MUST have killed him! He couldnt've died any other way.

    Mohinder going from powerless doctor with a purpose to whiny confused nitwit. Shoot HRG in the eye without asking any questions. That's real Mohinderish of you.

    I'm sure there's others, but geez. Hiro was a much better character when he wasn't so in control of his powers, as was Peter. Sylar needs to be toned down or killed. I feel like I'm the only one who finds his character annoying as hell. These 3 can seemingly do whatever the hell they want which makes writing for them without plot holes nearly impossible. They need to seriously revamp this show.
  18. rrj_gamz

    rrj_gamz Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    Agree with the b*tching and whining...Horrible ending to a horrible season...And yet, I still watch this crap...Part of me is hoping it would be better and nothing more than filler...

    To many questions unaswered, to many short dumb actions, and no naked claire...oh wait..;) Ok, we all saw Nikki 5 years from now in S1, but now she's dead? Nathan being dead didn't surprise me because we know Sylare was Nathan 5 years in the future, but nothing makes sense...

    Seriously, the only thing good about the season was HRG & Sylar...everything else sucked azz...

    btw, HRG shot Nathan...oh and Elle is f'n hot...
    #558 rrj_gamz, Dec 6, 2007
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2007
  19. CharlieMurphy

    CharlieMurphy Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    But that was all when the bomb happened. Since they were able to stop it, they changed the future.
  20. rrj_gamz

    rrj_gamz Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    oh....riiight...the season still sucked...

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