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[HBO Series] The Last of Us (beware spoilers)

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Xerobull, Sep 27, 2021.

  1. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    That's not what I'm saying and you know it. You just hate that some people didn't like the episode you adore. Look, if you enjoyed it then good. The episode was well acted, well shot and the story was well told. I disagree with the direction of the episode. It worries me the show will continue to sway away from the main point of the show which is Joel and Ellie'ss survival and getting Ellie to the lab place.
  2. dookiester

    dookiester Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    this is a reasonable request. im sure there are dozens who share your view. start a petition to hbo and the showrunners so they will spend more time on the romantic history of every major and minor character on the show.
  3. dookiester

    dookiester Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    i think we all know what you are saying, except maybe you
    Yung-T likes this.
  4. donkeypunch

    donkeypunch Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    Ron "Jeremy" Swanson gotta big ol schlong. I could tell by his lovers reaction.
  5. mtbrays

    mtbrays Member
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    Jul 4, 2007
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    The muscular chick isn't trans. Full stop. I've already posted in this thread explaining why she's muscular. You see through flashbacks that she used to be thinner. I won't explain it again. You could watch play throughs of the game on YouTube and see this for yourself. But you keep posting about "hints" and "people saying" she's a trans character despite being told this is false. Frustrating!

    Regarding Ellie:
    Yes, Ellie is gay in the first game. The Left Behind DLC is all about her first teenage romance with Riley and a misadventure that ends with Ellie getting bitten and Riley becoming infected. I bet it will be featured in this first season.

    Regarding Lev:
    Lev is a trans boy in the game, but not in the modern sense that seems to narratively bother you. He was born into a religious cult where girls are forced into being wives and men become warriors. He wanted to be a warrior and rejected being a child bride. That's it.
    dookiester likes this.
  6. dookiester

    dookiester Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    i dont hate that some ppl didnt like the episode. enjoy what you want, dislike what you want. i am just reacting to specious reasoning for disliking something. you've been all over the place here trying to articulate why you dislike it and going out of your way to say you don't care if they are gay, but everything you say is about them being gay. if you just owned it there wouldn't be anything to respond to but you keep trying to dance around it like it doesn't bother you when it clearly does. you've landed on the position that you don't care if they are gay but if they are going to tell their story they need to tell the same story for every major and minor character on the show. just...lol
  7. Francis3422

    Francis3422 Member

    Mar 14, 2000
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    part of the way into the episode, I remember looking at my wife and kind of telling her it was slow and too lovey-dovey. But by the end of it it was one of the better episodes of TV I’ve seen in a while.

    I just came to understand it as I watched the whole thing. The context for why Joel will care about Elie (to people that are not familiar with the game.). Is now really developed between the daughter and the storyline. Just like with Chernobyl they’re putting in a lot of effort to do this the right way.. I’ve seen that in a zombie episode and I’ve seen that in a gay love episode now. This is high-quality television, and reminds me of how I felt when The Walking Dead had just started.

    The shooting of the scenes, the writing, the content all just 10/10. I wouldn’t let Annie quibbles with M not following the game or any preconceived notions. You have a bout a show saturated with a love story or homosexuality move you off of the reality that this is quality content in a world that is bereft of it.
  8. jo mama

    jo mama Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    back in my day you had movies like roadhouse, where if someone said something gay (i used to f*** guys like you in prison) patrick swayzee would rip their throat out.

    clos4life and conquistador#11 like this.
  9. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    I definitely think that my grandfather would support hospice if she was suffering at the end of her life yes. In the zombie apocalypse what Bill did for Frank is about as humane and hospice-like as you'll likely see in any zombie media.

    So sure I think you can qualify my 92 year old grandfather as a parallel in real life to the fictional zombie apocalypse life situation of Bill and Frank.

    Sure there are always exceptions, but I do suspect that the pro-life fundamentalists or absolutists that make this issue a definitive position with no nuance are mostly doing it because of these specific rules outlined in the Bible. Maybe an athiest has personal feelings about the issue, but without the fundamentalist text, there's a higher likelihood of nuance & empathy in their view.

    There is a real debate about this issue, but missing from the debate is the feelings from people who are actually at the end of life. It's never coming from them about what they want, and what decisions they want taken away from them and given to the state or federal government to decide.

    I think in any free society people with the most to lose just want the freedom to make the decisions for themselves.
    Yung-T likes this.
  10. Xerobull

    Xerobull ...and I'm all out of bubblegum
    Supporting Member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    I miss Fatty
  11. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Notable Member
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    Jun 3, 2002
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    You dummies take the bait every time.
    RunninRaven likes this.
  12. clos4life

    clos4life Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    One of the greatest b movies of all time.
  13. jo mama

    jo mama Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    sometimes i put on some shanaia twain, pour a shot of hot damn, light up a marlboro red and think of fatty.
    Xerobull likes this.
  14. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    I think I've been very clear on why I disliked the episode, it had subtle political influence and the entire episode was dedicated to a woke checkmark. If Bill can have an entire episode about his sexual preference and love life why not Joel? Lets explore what Joel likes, lets have an entire episode evolving around Tess's body count. Why not? This sci-fi zombie show did explore a gay couple's life for an hour and fifteen minutes. Why not explore other character's love life? Maybe ones that aren't gay. I'd like to see how Joel met his daughter's mother. How they fell in love. I want to see how she gave Joel a reason to live and take care of her or their daughter.

    I don't think we will get such episode, because it doesn't matter. Because it doesn't push any agenda.
  15. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    Your entire comment here is just so F'ing weird. Seriously just odd and weird. The episode would not have changed one iota to me on the basis of it being good if it were straight or gay. I personally am not super comfortable watching two men in bed because I don't desire that interaction etc. But that is beside the point in regards to making the episode good or not. If it was a hot girl I would be comfortable because I think the said girl is hot. In the context of the show being good or not it doesn't change anything. As long as the acting is good and other aspects are of high quality it works.

    You say on the one hand the episode was mostly pointless in the context of a "zombie" show. Then on the other hand at least twice you bring up doing something that is straight and I guess what that would be ok blah blah. I really don't care if this makes me sound like an A-hole. Your opinion on this from all the comments when taken together is just plain pathetic.

    It is people like you and other collectively like you that made it take so long for gay people to get married. It's a good thing that younger generations are less and less like this. Hopefully one day it will pass and racism/sexism/homo/transphobia will be at a minimum and those younger generations can move on to s*it that actually really matters.

    Also, I don't just say this in regard to only this thread but your comments taken on this board collectively.
    arno_ed and Yung-T like this.
  16. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Member
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    Feb 14, 2000
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    Weird that people will spend hours online writing screeds against a TV show, but just changing the channel is too much work.

    If it upsets you this much to watch, you probably shouldn't tune in next week. You probably aren't going to like where the story is going.
    #296 Ottomaton, Jan 31, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2023
    GRENDEL, Yung-T and rhino17 like this.
  17. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Why are you so focused on the gay/straight aspect of it? This sci-fi show about zombies based on a video game just gave you an episode over one hour long centered around a gay man and his boy friend. It wasn't even a main character or a character we had seen before this episode. I actually thought they were gonna show what happened to the poor people that were taken by the military when they transitioned from the skeleton on the ground with the dress to the lady waiting in line to hop on the truck. That was a tragic and sad ending that was actually centered around the outbreak and how they perished due to it. We didn't get that, we got the story about Bill and how he lived a full life with his boy friend
    until illness was the cause of both of their deaths

    I think they did it to appease social media and the woke movement. I don't think this episode would have been made had it been a straight couple. Why I don't think we will get another episode like this for the rest of the series. Not an entire episode dedicated to a side character.

    It did not bother me Bill was gay, the sex scenes were uncomfortable. I'm sure mostly everyone would agree it was uncomfortable even the wokies in here trying to defend this episode tooth and nail.

    However, I did find the episode to be well made. Although mostly departed from the theme and genre. Then loosely connected to Joel and Tess. I give them props for the writing, production value and acting. I'd like that effort going forward into what this show is about. They got the checkmark out the way. They still have ton's of woke themes due to the 2nd game but I would appreciate it if they stay on what the show is about.
  18. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Bill was in the first game. Why are you talking about the second game? Stay on topic.

    Also, nothing homophobic about my statement. Stop trying to play victim.
    Yung-T likes this.
  19. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    This whole story happened in the game then? Or the game had a character named Bill that was also gay?
  20. JunkyardDwg

    JunkyardDwg Member

    Oct 29, 2000
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    I can understand that not everyone will enjoy the episode. It is slow paced and largely breaks away from the main characters. I was a little undecided on it initially, but by the end, boy was I completely engaged. Mazin and Druckmann explained the reasoning for this story was because we had two very intense episodes with quite a bit of action and suspense, so they felt it was a good time to pull back a little and give audiences a breather and give them some nugget of hope in this rather hopeless world. To me that's pretty smart and comes at a perfect moment. There's gonna be a whole lotta trauma coming audiences way throughout the season, so why not focus on two characters that can find love in the most unlikeliest of times. And I love how the fact that Bill was able to find someone worth fighting for is a catalyst for Joel now choosing to protect Ellie.

    Another awesome moment was when the episode transitioned to the flashback from the skeletons/garments to their still living counterparts twenty years earlier. You think you're gonna get some scenes focusing on what happened to them, but then the episode goes in a completely different direction. It's unexpected and the episode was all the better for it.

    Could we have gotten 60 minutes of them searching the town for parts and fighting infected, sure. But just because that works in a game doesn't mean it makes for compelling television.

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