Looking forward to this season, think it's the perfect place to end it because if they kept going on you could end up with a situation like Dexter...
Season 3 basically stopped being a comedy and pivoted toward a dark drama. I still like the show, but am glad they're ending it.
hope barry dies in a fiery battle involving cops and gangs and noho hank becomes the surprise hero we all deserve. also can't stand that sally character. hope she's collateral damage in the first episode
I guess I'm in the minority here; I thought Season 3 was the best of them all and broke out of the mold S1 and S2 had. Had some great Mike Judge-style in-jokes like Fuchs ending up on goat farms, Mitch's advice, and the over-the-top Hollywood speak boiling down to grunts and expressions. Barry taking a turn to full-on psycho wasn't my favorite, but Sally's character really grew and Hank's romantic story-arc was touching.
Season 3 was the best. I never thought the show was that funny. Season 3 was probably a good stopping point. You can only stretch a premise for so long.
I don't hate season 3, it was good, it just wasn't as funny. It didn't have great moments either. It was good, but not great in comparison to season 1 and 2.