Don't b playing mental gymnastics it's sad. If jimmy butler somehow allows Celtics to come back from 3-0 deficit, no team has ever done it in history of nba playoffs, that's the pinnacle of choking in sports something that no team has done before.
Harden would have looked around at the plumbers and Lawn Mowers Jimmy is playing with and asked for a trade to a better team, lol. Harden would have quit the team before playing a single game with all those undrafteds
Someone had to do it. I mean 0-3 it sounds tough but nothing is insurmountable in sports. Now we do not have to talk about it if more teams are coming back. I am one of the guys who will not be in awe of some NBA history thingy.
BS mental gymnastics. If butler somehow allows a team comeback from 3-0 deficit, he's a fking choker. Effort levels means jack sht if the result made history to becoming the first team allowing this sht to happen. No hater remembers harden effort vs the warriors/pushing them to the limit, only that he choke and lost, the end result will apply to jimmy butler, the potential first star that choked away a 3-0 lead.
He also completely sucked…’s not like he’s played well while they lost. He sucked every single game.
I do not get why Harden is always compared to Jimmy, but alright there you all go. I also think they play differently. Both are humans, both have good and bad games but people like Jimmy and his grittiness for a reason. If Jimmy had Brown and all these Celtics players, it is crazy to think, he would not be in the Finals.
Who should Harden be compared to? I only compare Harden to his contemporaries. The stars, The leaders of the team.
Mental gymnastics by folks like u. I don't even consider harden 2nd on the list of chokers nor first since there are plenty of stars who never won it all, but i can assuredly put jimmy butler as first if he chokes away game 7 since he's the first to let this sht happen
Sure, I would compare him to some old PGs right now. He is a 2nd option right now, leader or not. Folks should get used to that.
harden top 5 chokers at least. why do you keep talking about mental gymnastics? We are not straining with these Harden takes. Jimmy is an 8th seed going up against a much much better team. Harden was going up against a dynasty despite being on par with the dynasty team wise.
Im not going to compare Harden to Bam (2nd option) or Kyle Lowry (old PG). I dont care how old he gets. Harden is a super star to star level talent. I'm comparing him to the stars of the league.
Agreed. Oh sorry, I meant what a ridiculously hilarious and just flat out ignorant and wrong take. Jones, Papanikolaou, Prigioni, Black, Cannan, Dorsey, Nick Johsnon. A bunch of All-Stars Harden was carried by to the WCF. In the words of one of the worst Clutchfans posters: imagine praying that no one on Clutchfans remembers the recent past to prove my crazy idiotic comment wrong. sad. Third. You're forgetting Giannis.
The Harden delusion is out of control here lol. The Heat are nowhere near as talented as Boston. They shouldn't even be in a game 7 with this team. The only reason it's competitive is because of Jimmy Butler. You want to make this solely about wins & losses, but its not. It's about PERFORMANCE in wins & losses. Harden’s had some of most pathetic choking performances in sports history. That's documented. Butlers nowhere near a choker
Harden had body issues and stamina issues since his Houston days. And he might be a nonchalant son of a gun. I mean I get that people want to say he sucked and choked but in reality this can be foreseen. Jimmy yeah, it is just a bad situation where he played really well one stretch and he is gradually coming down from that. See, I can understand both sides.
you do know Giannis won a championship, right? Choke or not, you're never taking that away from him. never. Like I said: James Harden is a superstar and should be compared to other superstars. We have seen Harden carry teams. until the excuse becomes he shouldn't have to carry a team. weird Also, we going to act like harden didn't have to be benched game 6 of the semis while Dwight Howard, Terry, Brewer and Josh Smith took over because he was ready to go home? lol come on man. half the people you listed didn't even play in the playoffs. anything to advance a narrative I guess. talk about bad posters. sad.
here y’all go… Jimmy Butler dropped 14 points and took just 10 shots in 34 minutes in game 5. Why is that not considered “quitting?” then with a chance to put the Celtics away in game 6, he sucks for 90% of the game
In retrospect giannis getting injured causing miami to be in this situation might hurt jimmy’s legacy worse then if giannis didn’t get injured and miami just bows out in 4-5 games. Funny how the world works
In retrospect giannis getting injured causing miami to be in this situation might hurt jimmy’s legacy worse then if giannis didn’t get injured and miami just bows out in 4-5 games. Funny how the world works he completely quit in game 5, and today was one of the worst games i have ever seen. Ya he got bailed out by refs on his flails but that was all he could muster
Well, it is a good problem to have for the 30th overall pick in the Draft. Talking about legacy and expectations.