Glorifying death endlessly and repeating the same post over post is unhinged and insane. Get a life old man, really you are sick.
Depends on rates. Ideally you kill them faster than they are produced, until eventually they are at zero.
I did not agree with the invasion of Iraq. I did not believe it was justified 25 years ago - I never understood why people did not realize that it was personal and done for financial reasons - Bush literally said Hussein tried to kill his father when asked about the invasion. I also knew Iraq kept Iran from going crazy in the region. Regardless, once we invaded - and once we were there for many years - I firmly believed that we could not just leave... Afghanistan? Yes - Iraq no.... we had largely stabilized Iraq ----- there was an entire generation of young people that came of age with us in Iraq. The insurgents we were facing were not Iraqi ----------- and then we just left. Once we were there for awhile, we should have rebuilt Iraq like we did Germany or Japan. They could have been an excellent buffer in the region with Israel and Iran and they also would have been a real ally. Instead - Iraq is slowly becoming a vassal state of Iran and while it isn't discussed - we did a huge disservice to those young Iraqi's who now are in many cases being killed or marginalized by religious extremists entering the country.
Israel isn't going down unless they star a land war. If they start a land war, they are toast. Right now they can sit back and lob US weapons from the safety of home and know that the US is going to shoot down 99% of efforts to respond by stone age Hamas or Hez.
The difference is that the the rest of allies didn't just kill Hitler - they took Germany, and Japan and Italy and freed Poland and France and everyone else on the continent. In the case of Hamas and Hez - they are terrorists, that are also religious based and culturally based and race based. Israel is surrounded by Arabs, of which like 99% are Arab Muslims - and for most Arabs in that region, they are Muslims first....... so the issue isn't Gaza or Lebanon - the issue is that they are surrounded by other Arab Muslims. It is why there is a compelling that can be made that the USA is justified in protecting Israel and selling them weapons. Israel - even with US weapons cannot kill hundreds of Arab Muslims - they lack the ground forces to do that, at some point the USA would make them stop and the rest of Europe eventually would as well. I don't have all the answers - but I do know the comparison to eliminating Hitler isn't really comparable. I suspect the answer is prosperity in the region - that will likely slow radical Islam.