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Hakeem's contract

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by mhan, Dec 12, 1999.

  1. mhan

    mhan Member

    Sep 29, 1999
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    i am confused. a lot of people are saying that hakeem is going to retire after next year, and this will free up cap space. when i looked at the nbatalk.com player salary site and it said that dream's contact went to 2004. can someone clear this up for me? thnx.
  2. Mhan...Its a typo. Dreams contract runs out after next season. A season he'll be paid about 14 or 15 million.
  3. SamCassell

    SamCassell Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    mhan you made the same mistake I made earlier, before these people educated me. Last time I believe what I read!

    FYI I think Dream's getting close to $17 next season.
  4. popeye

    popeye Member

    Mar 10, 1999
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    Nope Dreamshakes got the correct answer: $14M - 15M. Next year is his last year.

    Even if he retires right now, today, we would be responsible for at least half of that figure to count against the cap in the subsequen year.
  5. DaneB

    DaneB Member

    Sep 30, 1999
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    So when he retires how much cap space will we have available for free agents?

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