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Hakeem Olajuwon should have won 3 MVP awards in a row!

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by dshay7, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. ThaBlackKnight

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Kobe did what many athletes and entertainers do...get some on road trips for their jobs. Most wives of athlete or entertainer aren't surprised when these things happened.

    I think Kobe got more criticism for cheating on a woman as beatiful as his wife is in my honest opinion. Besides, he was proven innocent, and the lady had no credibility.

    Also, Magic being the "good guy" that he was, the HIV thing was a MASSIVE shock to the world. Before it was considered a gay man's or a drug-users disease...but when Magic got the disease, it was shocking.

    Also Freddy Mercury died of the AIDS that year, and Easy E. would die from it a couple of years later. Arthur Ashe also died of AIDS a couple of years later.

    Magic getting AIDS was a big deal. He was even planning to make a comeback the next season after doctors assured him that he would be okay with the disease, but comments from players being afraid of contracting the disease from him, ultimately made him changed his mind.

    Karl Malone was the most notable one. The NBA made the "blood rule" because of Magic. In that time, it was big news. The world didn't know much about the disease and were worried about their kids in high school/college and really brought awareness of the subject.
  2. ubigred

    ubigred Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    Hell add to the fact that Nash was NEVER even a 20-10 guy! He only avg 1 steal during his "MVP" years and that is probably due to the fact of the fast tempo than his own skills. I actually take back what I said earlier about being nice. In any case or scenario he should never have been MVP. Point Blank.
  3. ThaBlackKnight

    Nov 12, 2007
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    You can't give the MVP to a player who only played 66 games, so there goes Duncan's case. THe team still managed to win 59 games with him missing 16 games. THat means Parker and Ginobli stepped it up.

    Shaq, is debatable, but he wasn't even the best player on the Heat that year. Wade has a case also, but Shaq was still good enough to be a difference maker, similar to what he was for Kobe. Opened the court up for Wade.

    I agree that 2-way players should be favored...but Nash can't help that he played for D'Antoni and Don Nelson, both who didn't make defense a priority. He was just following the game plan.

    Also the Suns had a 23 game improvement from the season before and they had their same core of Amare, Marion, Barbosa, and Joe Johnson. Even the coach was the same.

    The big difference: replacing Stephon Marbury with Steve Nash. Everybody's #'s improved with Nash. Also, this is a regular season award.

    But I do agree with you about awarding 2 way players, but who else was there besides Shaq and Wade, who both benefitted greatly from each other at that stage of their careers.
  4. ubigred

    ubigred Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    Yea it was big deal no doubt. However, Kobe had more consequence. Magic only won All-Star mvp and it was geared for him to win. Since then Magic has all types of business deals , all over tv, even had talks shows.

    Still till this day after winning mvp and a champ , people still have not fully accepted Kobe and will probably never will.

    The other points about the HOF's were trivial and petty.
  5. ubigred

    ubigred Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    Well as the "MVP" and leader Nash should of taken it upon himself to play some sound defense , instead of watching the finals at home.
  6. ThaBlackKnight

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Ya, I think he came off as selfish for running Shaq and Phil out of town, and Phil Jackson made some comments about Bryant in his book as well.

    I think many players lost respect for him...how do you even think of getting rid of Shaq, the man who carried them to 3 titles and dominated.

    He lost respect within the NBA I feel. Once he saw he couldn't win with Shaq, he changed his attitude and played more team ball, especially once he got Gasol.

    Sure, I was being nit picky about some of the other points, but very few stars go their entire careers without some incident happening or being scrutinized for something on or off the court.

    The bigger the star, the more the media will write positive and negative things about you. Its the price you pay for fame.
  7. ThaBlackKnight

    Nov 12, 2007
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    I agree...but he could've played defense as good as Gary Payton or Walt Frazier and the Suns still wouldn't have beaten the Spurs that year.

    The Spurs were at their peak with Duncan, Ginobili and Parker. Duncan play was still considered elite, Ginobili was peaking, and Parker was getting to his peak.

    The only player who tried to play defense on the Suns was Marion, and he wasn't even a great 1-on-1 defender...he is more of a help defender.

    Amare will literally let his man go...won't even foul him to make free throws if his guy is near the basket.
  8. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Off topic:
    Is ThaBlackKnight Macbeth undead? :eek:

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