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[Grantland] Blue Chips: An oral history of Shaq, Penny, and the Magic's lost NBA dynasty (Rockets me

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Zergling, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. Zergling

    Zergling Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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  2. lnchan

    lnchan Sugar Land Leonard
    Supporting Member Supporting Member

    Apr 14, 2010
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    Stumbled upon the article... didn't want to create "its own thread"

    The young Magic would square off against the veteran Houston Rockets in the 1995 NBA Finals. The Rockets were coming off a championship, but Orlando was confident to start the series, since it had hammered Houston in its two regular-season games. The Rockets (47-35) began the playoffs as the 6-seed in the West, with 30-to-1 odds of winning the championship, and they remain the lowest-seeded team to win an NBA championship.

    Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway
    guard, Orlando Magic
    We owned them during the regular season. With our athleticism, we thought it would overwhelm them. We were very confident when they beat the Spurs because we did have problems with the Spurs, but we didn’t have problems with the Rockets.

    Shaquille O’Neal
    center, Orlando Magic
    During the regular season, I used to have my way with [Hakeem Olajuwon]. But I celebrated too early. Once I got to the Finals, I felt I had him and I didn’t keep the mentality up. But he helped me get four more, because after losing, I said, “OK, now I know I can’t celebrate until it’s over. And even if I win [a championship], I can’t celebrate until my career’s over.”

    Brian Schmitz
    Orlando Sentinel
    The stories are [that] the Magic were out partying; Shaq and Dennis Scott were out partying.

    Donald Royal
    forward, Orlando Magic
    Once we got there, we felt like the job had been done. We’ve got home-court advantage. ****, we knew we were going to win at least two at home.

    Kenny Smith
    guard, Houston Rockets
    We weren’t a regular-season team. Honestly, we used to give games away in the regular season. Mentally, it’d be like, Oh, we’re going to lose today. And then we’re like, We’re going to win five or six in a row to stay where we need to be. We had that ability because we were a veteran team, but at the same time we were an aging team, so we couldn’t play out for 82 games.

    Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway
    guard, Orlando Magic
    Shaq was a true big man. He was a center. He was a 5. Dream was really a 4 playing the 5, and he was a tough matchup. He was smart, highly skilled, and Shaq wasn’t really into his own zone at that time, meaning he wasn’t the Shaq [who] went to L.A. That Shaq was dominant. If he would have met Dream at that time, then Dream would have had problems, but Shaq was still young. Dream was established and in his prime.

    Brian Hill
    assistant coach, later head coach, Orlando Magic
    They’re two different players with contrasting styles. Shaq is the power player. Hakeem was the finesse player. They each presented problems for the other, and with Shaq’s power, Houston spent a lot of time double-teaming and forcing the ball out of his hands. When you have a guy like Shaquille O’Neal guarding somebody, you don’t always have to come with the double, but Hakeem just had that unique style, to be getting the ball 12, 14 feet away from the basket and using his speed and footwork to create problems. We really had to mix up our defenses with him.

    Shaquille O’Neal
    center, Orlando Magic
    You had a guy that was fundamentally sound against a guy that was young, flamboyant, and talented. He taught me everything I needed to know about being a winner.

    John Gabriel
    team executive, later general manager, Orlando Magic
    We actually played the best basketball that we played the entire year in the first half [of] the first game against Houston. We really did. We were guarding 90 feet to a man. We just had a great first half.

    Rudy Tomjanovich
    coach, Houston Rockets
    They beat us both of those [regular-season] games and here we are starting this series, and they’re free-stroking on us. There was a feeling of concern.

    Kenny Smith
    guard, Houston Rockets
    We came to the huddle. It was Clyde, myself, Hakeem, Sam [Cassell], and Robert Horry, like a semi-huddle. We go, “I think if we get it to eight, they fold.” And so, we get it to eight and we come back and we say, “If we win, they won’t win a game in this series.”

    I went up; I missed two free throws.
  3. lnchan

    lnchan Sugar Land Leonard
    Supporting Member Supporting Member

    Apr 14, 2010
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    David Steele
    broadcaster, Orlando Magic

    You figured that Hardaway would make enough plays, [that] Shaq would be able to make plays.

    Anthony Bowie
    guard, Orlando Magic

    If they just utilized the whole bench during that series, I honestly believe we would have won. I’m sitting there for the first game. They can say I’m a bad guy or whatever they want, but sitting there for the first game and watching that we’re up 20 going into halftime,12 and you never take none of your bench players and let them play? Those [starters] are tired. I can hold my own on defense and they know that. Ain’t too many guys that are going to just blow past me or go around me or Donald Royal or other guys that we had on the bench. You can’t win an NBA Finals with six guys.

    Dennis Scott
    forward, Orlando Magic

    At times, there were disagreements because of the bench’s style of play. With Bowie backing up Nick and Royal backing me up, we were perfect complements because Donald was a better defensive player and a better driver [than me]. But if Shaq was on the floor and Penny was on the floor and if Donald was on the floor, now the defense wasn’t stretched out because Donald wasn’t a great outside shooter.

    Donald Royal
    forward, Orlando Magic

    I started during the regular season. In the playoffs and the Finals, I think I played two minutes the whole game.13 I had a very bitter taste in my mouth, especially the way we lost. God bless our boy Dennis Scott, but we were hurt defensively and that was why I was there.

    Anthony Bowie
    guard, Orlando Magic

    When you’re sitting there and coach is asking guys, “Are you tired?” Why the hell did you ask if they’re tired? You know they’re tired. Put somebody else in.

    Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway
    guard, Orlando Magic

    It seemed like Robert Horry, Kenny Smith, Sam Cassell, Vernon Maxwell, Mario Elie, it seemed like they didn’t miss a shot at all. When we double-teamed Dream, I thought, Man, it’s just their destiny to win because they are not missing.

    Wayne Monte “Tree” Rollins
    player-coach, Orlando Magic

    Game 1, Kenny Smith had an unbelievable game hitting 3s. I played for Houston for two years with Kenny. I never saw him shoot the ball that well. I really felt, Not this guy. This guy’s going to beat us? But great players are made in the playoffs, and he beat us.

    Pat Williams
    general manager, later senior vice-president, Orlando Magic

    We had Houston on the ropes and the next thing you know, they’re back into it, but we survived and now Nick has the two free throws and it looks like we’re home free.
  4. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    Why did Penny mention Maxwell?
  5. RasaqBoi

    RasaqBoi Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Shaq would have never owned Hakeem. Young or Prime Shaq.
  6. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    There’s something wrong with the fan base

    In Chicago, as the years go by , Jordan’s legacy gets more admired

    For the Rockets, based on the crap posts by newbs, Dream gets less respect

    It’s been what? Over 20 years since we made the finals ?

    Forget rules and future nutrition and norms

    Nobody has the heart of Olajuwon.

    They never faced someone with that much heart
  7. lnchan

    lnchan Sugar Land Leonard
    Supporting Member Supporting Member

    Apr 14, 2010
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    My favorite anecdote --

    Donald Royal
    forward, Orlando Magic
    Nick Anderson bought a Ferrari in Houston and he can’t even drive a stick. We’re like, “Why are you buying a $150,000 car during the Finals, in Houston of all places?” That kind of relaxing attitude was not good, and Houston saw it and they just drove us. We were never in it.​
  8. joeson332

    joeson332 Member

    Apr 13, 2014
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  9. Hippieloser

    Hippieloser Member

    Feb 25, 2003
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    Teammates should have taken a "brick" to the windshield.
    Invisible Fan and saleem like this.
  10. Jugdish

    Jugdish Member

    Mar 27, 2006
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    Yeah, doesn't he know Maxwell quit on his team?
  11. kjayp

    kjayp Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    Kenny Smith
    guard, Houston Rockets
    We weren’t a regular-season team. Honestly, we used to give games away in the regular season. Mentally, it’d be like, Oh, we’re going to lose today. And then we’re like, We’re going to win five or six in a row to stay where we need to be. We had that ability because we were a veteran team, but at the same time we were an aging team, so we couldn’t play out for 82 games.

    ....MDA woulda run that team into the ground and cost us a championship... something to keep in mind....
  12. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    yeah he made a big mistake that year, but forgiven!
    RasaqBoi likes this.
  13. SS0101

    SS0101 Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    This was awesome to read. Those quotes are great. I was only 9 years old the time and I watched every second of those games. The year before I fell asleep during game 7 of the knicks so I was determined to not miss any of it. Was heart broken until Kenny hit that 3 in game 1. All over after that.

    I thought it would be the norm but we havent been back since. Maybe this year!!!
    Invisible Fan and saleem like this.
  14. RasaqBoi

    RasaqBoi Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Crazy. So did he buy this Ferrari before Game 3 or after ?
  15. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Would be interesting to see if this year's team could have handled Shaq, Penny, 3D.
  16. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    Hakeem was a very versatile center. He wasn't a 4.
    msn, tinman, BigMaloe and 2 others like this.
  17. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    Morale of the story, Don't ever underestimate the heart of a champion!
  18. bulkatron

    bulkatron Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    You can tell a tinman post without even seeing who wrote it :D

    Olajuwon is a legend. An absolute legend. Find me one other guy who could fast for a month and still dominate everyone he matched up against. And the crazy part was that this just made him more motivated, more hungry (no pun intended) when it came to fight it out in the playoffs.

    We haven't had a guy like that in a long time. I'm hoping Paul rubs off on Harden, and maybe Hakeem rubs off on both - but that drive was just legendary.
  19. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    I'm going to keep in mind that you have a loser mentality. Rockets are a half game from leading the NBA. On the way to the best regular season in franchise history and both Beard and CP3 are playing fewer minutes than their career average.

    Are you already conceding a loss of a championship before it's even played? Are you not getting the moral of the Orlando story? It has do with lack of mental fortitude. Don't let your agenda against D'Antoni get in the way of the enjoyment you should be feeling for Harden's MVP season, historic regular season, historic offensive records and potential dominance in playoffs.

    There is so much more to like than this petty dislike. You do realize that we are also the deepest team in association as well right?
    BigMaloe and bulkatron like this.
  20. bulkatron

    bulkatron Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Did you actually watch basketball in that era? It wasn't unusual for starters to play 40 minutes on any given night. The pace was sometimes slower, but still. Rudy T didn't really manage minutes. Nobody did. You played your best guys at any given time, for as long as you could.
    D-rock likes this.

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