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Good enough for a banner?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by RocketScientist, Feb 25, 2008.


Rockets good enough to win the L.O.T.?

  1. Yes

    78 vote(s)
  2. No

    23 vote(s)
  3. I don't even know what the hell the Larry O'Brian Trophy is, oh wait, now I do.

    16 vote(s)
  1. RocketScientist

    Apr 2, 1999
    Likes Received:
    A lot of talk on the national front about whether the Rockets are good enought to win it all.

    Only way I could really assess something like this is to use my prior championship experience to compare our current team to:

    Rafer = Kenny Smith [runs the offense smoothly and hits the 3]
    Battier >= Mario Elie [toughness, hits 3's, glues it together]
    Scola + Landry = Horry - 'the three' [unproven clutchness by the rookies but better post play]
    TMac = Clyde [well, close]
    Yao = Dream - 'a LEVEL' [come on Yao, did you really think you're that good? get me a banner and I'll re-assess this]
    BJax = Sam Cassell [solid energy bench point guard, keeps offense flowing]

    Championship recipe:

    Championship caliber roster: Check
    Long Win streak: Check
    Solid Defense: Check
    Superstar who can take over the game when needed: Check
    Experienced Coaching staff: Check
    Energetic and athletic bench: Check
    Playoff experience: Pick up 16 ounces at playoff-mart this spring. [substitute wins for ounces where they don't have standard measurement system]

    This recipe always turns out delicious, anyone else have a good Championship recipe they want to share?
    #1 RocketScientist, Feb 25, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2008
  2. HOOP-T

    HOOP-T Member

    Jan 26, 2000
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    I think there is a lot more to this story than comparing players on the current roster to players on a former roster. The system, both offensively and defensively, is so different now.

    But if we are going to go there......

    I don't think Alston is on par with Kenny Smith at all. Kenny Smith was a smarter player on both ends of the court. I would say they are/were both fairly streaky shooters, but Smith was almost never a liability as Alston tends to be sometimes. Smith rarely took ill-advised shots, he distributed the ball well, and knew where the team's bread was buttered - Olajuwon. He was a perfect compliment to the inside-outside half court offense.

    Yao = Dream? I would vehemently disagree with this. Dream was a dominant force on offense, and changed the game on defense. The guy was FAST, and in his prime was faster and could outjump nearly anyone on the court. It's just not a comparison that should be made at this point.
  3. thiuronium

    thiuronium Member

    Apr 21, 2007
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    Maybe we just need more experienced players and show our heart during the play off period.
  4. Zboy

    Zboy Member

    Aug 19, 2002
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    Not quiet. Although Kenny had his limitations, I think anyone would take him over Rafer because he would fit this system. His 40%+ shooting from the 3 would make Rockets a very dangerous playoff team. He was also a much better medium range shooter than Rafer.

    Again, not really. You can argue that they have similar styles but if you are talking about Elie in playoffs during those championship runs, he was a more intense version of Battier.

    1) Elie was stronger and better post up defender. Battier is better at chasing people down.

    2) Elie was a better driver to the basket. He filled the lanes much better on fast breaks and was a stronger finisher.

    3) Biggest difference is that Elie performed in playoffs. So far, Battier has been rather dissapointing in playoffs.

    Correct. Cannot say anythign about Scola and Landry yet because we havent seen them in playoffs. But if we assume that they will do the same in playoffs then Scola + Landry is definately a better combo than Horry when it comes to offense. They bring more versatility. One thing Horry does have over them is the ability to spread the floor with his 3 point shooting. Horry does have both of them beat on the defensive end though. Though not excellent at guarding his own man, he was a lesser version of Scottie Pippen as a help defender.

    Slightly different skill sets. Clyde was more of an attacker. He had post up game. He was stronger and better defender. Tmac is better scorer. He has better range and better court vision in half court sets. Talent wise it is close to being a wash.

    However, Clyde was more competetive and was more agressive.

    Yao is very good but Dream was at a different level. When Rockets were winning championshps, none of the teams in the playoff figured him out on defense or offense.

    Let me say this. If Yao plays at Dream's level in playoffs then all the other player comparisions become irrelevant. Rockets would be a favourite to win the championship.

    I like Boby Jackson but Sam Casell is better big game performer than Bobby has been.

    If compared 1 to 1 , most of the pieces fall short of the Rockets team that won the championship. That does not mean however, that it is not enough for this team to win championship because, as you said, they have the pieces.
  5. Rowdie Brandon

    Jul 18, 2007
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    I think we have all the "pieces" to win a title, but I'm still not getting too ahead of myself here.......I still have my doubts about our ability to close out opponents and that's mainly because of you know who.............
  6. emjohn

    emjohn Member

    Jul 29, 2002
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    I don't see it, but the odds aren't outlandish.

    We'd need some breaks (who doesn't) and "ifs" to come about:

    McGrady & Yao stay healthy and play to potential

    McGrady (and the rest) to display heart and clutch in big games

    Some tough teams (Utah, Lakers) to get whacked in the early round dogfights by teams we match up better against (Spurs, Hornets).

    It can happen, but this is the most competitive I can ever remember the West being. We might see a 50-win team not make the playoffs, and that's insanity. The Lakers look so much better than I thought they could be with Gasol, and Bynum isn't even back yet. It'll be a war come April.

  7. ClutchCityReturns

    Apr 26, 2005
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    Maybe it's just my reasoning getting the best of me, but that's probably why the original poster said "Yao = Dream - A LEVEL".
  8. Texacali Rocket

    Feb 21, 2008
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    I wouldnt consider Kenny Smith too clutch or dependable. The guy made me yell at the TV almost as much as Rafer does now. Remember there was always a lot of people saying that Cassell should have been starting and outplayed Kenny out of a job late in the season. Once they became a 2-headed monster together they were a great asset to the team.

    Like it will eventually happen this year with B-Jack, Smith was always benched in the 4th quarter while Cassell closed out games..

    Hayes is a lot like Otis Thorpe except Otis never lost his job and got buried on the bench

    Even as good as Yao is now, it really makes you realize just how great the Dream was. There is just no comparison. Dream was cat-like quick and held down the middle like he owned it. You alwas knew when the game was on the line that you could count on the Dream. You cant say that about Yao - YET

    Sweeeeeettttt - Finally my 1st post
  9. Yao Wink

    Yao Wink Member

    Apr 23, 2003
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    If you are going to take the time to create a banner to hang at a Rocket's game, I doubt the slogan "Rockets good enough to win the L.O.T." will be very popular. I don't see it getting any air time on National TV games, and I doubt fans in your section will know what you mean by "L.O.T."

  10. Rowdie Brandon

    Jul 18, 2007
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    teams also have to get their battle scars before they win a title....you usually don't jump from a 1 and done team to a Title team within one year....you have to make steps and advance first........then you can talk titles
  11. mlwoo

    mlwoo Contributing Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    Is this thread good enough for a jinx?
  12. RocketScientist

    Apr 2, 1999
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    Its obvious you took a wrong turn somewhere and feel a little lost out there in the world, let me help you out:

    A 'banner' is a large printed tapestry which hangs above your court indicating you've won it all; let me translate for you : Championship
  13. jasonemilio

    jasonemilio Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    You sure like...... ...... ....... dont you?........
  14. solid

    solid Member

    Apr 10, 2001
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    I think if Barry is signed we will be "fully loaded," but I think every team making the playoffs in the West could win it. The teams are that good. I think we could beat the following teams in seven: N.O, Denver, S.A., and Suns. But, I also think they could beat us. I am not so sure about the Mavs, G.S., and the Lakers. The Lakers are probably now the team to beat with S.A. and Dallas not far behind. Could and will are far apart.
  15. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    who honestly really knows? Man - there's no telling how good we are because we need to find out.

    All I can say is that anything is possible right now. We're very good, but geez, so is Detroit, Boston, Phoenix, Lakers, Spurs, and maybe even the Mavs.

    It's going to be one crazy ride.

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