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Germany would probably never have been defeated in WWII without massive air strikes

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by AroundTheWorld, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    To those who criticize Israel for defending itself with air strikes, which unfortunately also affect the civilian population in Gaza, since Hamas uses them as human shields:

    Germany had about 4 million civilian casualties from world war II.

    Whom do you blame? The nazis? Or those who fought Germany at the time (which was being held hostage by the nazis)?

    In my opinion, the following article is right. Israel needs to finish the job and eradicate Hamas. Hamas is holding the Palestinian population hostage just as the Nazis did with Germany. It is sad that fighting Nazis or Hamas is not possible without civilian collateral damage, but the blame for that was on the Nazis, and is now on Hamas. And if you stop now, it will just be a never-ending cycle. They will reload and repeat.


    There Must Not Be a Ceasefire

    Even in its weakest moments, would Britain have risked a cease-fire with Nazi Germany during World War II -- knowing that Hitler habitually broke his promises?

    With their usual mixture of human rights concern and hypocrisy, several countries have stepped into the fresh Israel-Gaza conflict by demanding a cease-fire. Egypt has played an important role in this demarche; Hamas has turned down flatly all the conditions on which Egyptian President al-Sisi insisted. How far the war will go still hangs in the balance. As Israeli ground forces now fight with Hamas in their tunnels and bunkers, over 600 Palestinians (largely made up of men of fighting age) have died[1], as well as over 32 Israelis.

    The international pressure from all sides for a ceasefire is widening and intensifying. Of course, what a ceasefire amounts to, as it has before, is to give Hamas a second chance. And a third and a fourth — whatever is needed for them to achieve their clearly stated goals of wiping Israel from the map, and then Jews.

    What is odd is that the United States and the EU called for a ceasefire after only seven days -- even before the ground offensive began. They did not do that while America and Britain were fighting in Afghanistan or Iraq. Nor did anyone call for a cessation of UN-sponsored NATO air and ground attacks during the Bosnian war. Today, calls for a ceasefire fall on deaf ears in Syria, Iraq, Somalia, and Nigeria, where governments (good or bad) face the forces of armed Islamist terrorists. So why so much pressure on Israel, dubbed as always the aggressor, whose responses to Hamas terrorism are unjustly considered "disproportionate," and whose serious efforts to contain civilian casualties are always disregarded or sneered at?

    Hamas has broken or refused to extend ceasefires before this conflict. On this occasion, Israel worked with Egypt to bring about a truce, but Hamas rejected all Egypt's demands and began firing rockets again within hours of the agreement. As a result, Israel was forced to resume air strikes on Gaza.

    What use is a ceasefire in this conflict? Have any of the leaders of the "international community" ever read the Hamas Charter, the Mithaq of 1988, still in force today? If they have done so, can they honestly put their hands on their hearts and command Israel to put an end to its efforts to destroy a terrorist regime that has been named as such by most of the "international community," including the United States, Canada, the EU, and other countries? Here is a quotation from that Charter:

    Israel has accepted ceasefire agreements many times in the past. And every time, its enemies have used the interval that followed to regroup and rearm their military. David Bedein has recently summarized this determination of Hamas to fight on at whatever cost to itself or the citizens of Gaza (the hudna to which he refers is a temporary truce used in Islamic law to permit Muslims to regroup before continuing jihad):

    • From November 26, 2006, until May 15, 2007, a Hudna between Hamas and Israel went on for almost six months. One cannot ignore the statement made by Hamas five days before the hudna went into effect: "Hamas's military wing will stop the rocket fire when residents evacuate the city of Sderot." (from November 21, 2006)
    • During that hudna, Gazans launched 315 missiles targeted at Sderot and the western Negev, according to an IDF spokesman.
    • And there was another hudna with Gaza which lasted until the end of December. 2008, which witnessed 878 attacks fired from Gaza.
    • And there was a hudna from the end of Operation Cast Lead on January 18, 2009, to the first day of Operation Pillar of Defense on November 12, 2012.
    • During that period, approximately 2,000 rockets and missiles were fired from Gaza, sending one million Israelis running to shelters
    • And from the end of operation 'Pillar of Defense', through June 30th 2014, 300 aerial attacks were launched from Gaza towards southern Israel - during yet another tenuous Hudna.

    Hamas does not care a fig for Western initiatives based on secular theories of international law. The Islamic basis for international law is the Islamic shari'a law of jihad, and Hamas is committed to jihad, which its Charter declares to be the ONLY solution to the Palestinian problem.

    Islamists are, above all, obsessed with the notion that no-one but Muslims have a right to rule over land once ruled by Muslims; that includes Spain and Portugal, Sicily, Greece, Crete, Cyprus, Sicily, Rhodes, the former Muslim states of India, Romania, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Transylvania, and Armenia. I may have missed a few. Modern Jihadist groups such as the new 'Caliphate," the so-called "Islamic State" in Iraq, boast about their revanchist commitment to retaking former Islamic territories and one day bringing the entire world under Islamic rule. It may be a vain promise, but it is one that sends young men to the battlefront to die for its realization, and puts innocent lives everywhere under the threat of massacre and national collapse.

    Like al-Qa'ida and a profusion of groups around the world, Hamas expects Utopia and is willing to sacrifice everything for it.

    Even in its weakest moments, would Britain have risked a ceasefire with Nazi Germany during World War II -- knowing that Hitler habitually broke his promises? Those who fight for Utopia believe they alone are right. Hamas cares nothing for international law, the UN, or anyone else. They, along with Islamic Jihad, Hizbullah and others are to Israel what the Nazis were to Great Britain. How is a piece of paper -- made by mere men, not by Allah -- to stop them?

    Germany had to be brought to its knees before its people and its Führer saw that the promise of totalitarian rule was no longer an option. With American help, Germany came to its senses and is now a thriving democratic state. The Japanese had to be decisively defeated before its people and Emperor acknowledged that they had no hope of winning, and put down their arms. Today, Japan is a thriving democratic Asian nation. Defeat is not a nation's final destiny, unless they will it so.

    A future Palestinian state will thrive when the Palestinians enter a world where international law holds sway, where treaties are made and adhered to, where disarmament is not followed by re-armament, where men and women sit at long tables and thrash out the terms of a peace, and where force is only used in self-defense or in defense of another people. Negotiations are used to accommodate differences instead of run-out-the-clock, as Iran is now skillfully doing with less-skillful Western officials to achieve its nuclear weapons capability. And politics cloaked as religion does not ride roughshod over the welfare and will of the people. And it will be a place where self-glorification and delusions of grandeur do not cancel out the rule of secular law, or ordering ones own people to run onto rooftops or to stay in their homes at the threat of aerial bombardments.

    Such a state will not come into being, however, so long as Hamas and the PLO refuse to embrace these values. In the case of Hamas in particular, there will be no peace until the terrorism ends, and the movement is destroyed entirely, with no leaders, no rank and file, no capital, no arms, no infrastructure, no media, no preachers, and no "royalty" in exile.

    Israel must act and act hard, just as Britain and the United States fought hard against the Nazi threat. As we are seeing in Iraq and Syria, the Hamas mindset is spreading. Anything short of total defeat will only lead to a resumption of hostilities in the near future. If the UN and foreign states will not act with determination to defeat a terrorist group armed with sophisticated rockets and accompanied by a determination to commit genocide -- if they are happy, as always, to sit on the sidelines and criticize Israel -- then Israel must, as always, go it alone.

    The destruction of Hamas will be painful, but its leaders are cowards and braggarts, hiding under hospitals and in five-star hotels throughout the Arab word while telling their citizens to die telegenically for public relations propaganda. The leaders of Hamas hide behind their own men, women and children. They build launch pads, bunkers, weapons depots, and command centers beneath hospitals, schools, and the dwellings of ordinary people. They are playing at being soldiers, but avoid harm for themselves while trying to inflict as much harm as possible on others.

    In this photo posted to Twitter by The Wall Street Journal's Nick Casey (and since deleted), a Hamas spokesman uses a room in Gaza's Shifa Hospital for a filmed interview, while seated in front of a huge photo of a bomb crater. The Washington Post has also reported on the hospital as "a de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders, who can be seen in the hallways and offices."

    When will the world see that, if Israel were ever to lose, we would all be next? There cannot be a ceasefire until the firing from Hamas has ceased, and ceased for good.

    #1 AroundTheWorld, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
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  2. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    Not really analogous situations although I do understand your point.
  3. apollo33

    apollo33 Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    Hamas and Nazis were totally comparable in terms of military power, technology, personnel etc.
    1 person likes this.
  4. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    This probably could've gone in any of your numerous recent threads about Islam. Try showing a little restraint and not starting a thread for every little thing you see on the internet. TIA.
  5. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    Nobody forces you to read the thread. You are welcome.

    P.S.: In fact, you probably didn't read it - as this thread is not about Islam, but about how to deal militarily with fighting those that are holding an entire nation hostage.
  6. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    And I didn't read this one. Just getting a little tiresome to see you stroking your ego by starting a new thread any time you have a thought in your head.
    1 person likes this.
  7. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    Since you are admitting that you didn't read it, your opinion that "it could have gone into any of the other threads about Islam" is already invalidated.
  8. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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  9. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    I can scan and see words Hamas and al-Qa'ida in relation to a thread about Nazis.
  10. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Nope. We really need to just give ATW his own dedicated thread.
  11. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    Edited: Nevertheless, you can't be taken seriously if you haven't even read it, but think you can tell where it should have gone.
    #11 AroundTheWorld, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
  12. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Man, I sure did strike a nerve.

    And I worked in a law firm when I was in college. And quickly learned that lawyers, for the most part, are scum. It's why I now work to catch them overcharging their clients.
  13. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    I retract the personal comment. Sorry about that. I edited it out.

    But it is annoying that you didn't even read the thread and just make inaccurate comments about where it should have gone.

    I would actually appreciate it if you could read it and comment on the argument the author makes.
  14. AMS

    AMS Member

    Oct 8, 2003
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    LOL, last time I struck a nerve he started calling me a terrorist and changed his signature to try and slander me.
  15. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    I don't think I have ever had a "political" signature on this BBS, as I know Clutch doesn't want that and I personally also think that the political stuff should stay in the D&D. I did "steal" something from your signature once, though, I think you were the only one whom I saw having a link to the rep feature in it, thought that was clever.
  16. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Stop the passive aggressive pvssy BS. If you want to call ATW scum then just do it.
  17. Deji McGever

    Deji McGever יליד טקסני

    Oct 12, 1999
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    Comparing Hamas to Nazis is very insulting...to Nazis. Hamas is probably closer to the 700 Club, albeit with a far less impressive ability to fund-raise. Relying on WW2 analogies also pretty much demonstrates that your argument is flawed. The only parallel that I think is relevant is the "Gott mit uns" beltbuckles. Hitler's fervent belief that everything he did was in bounds with his view of Catholicism, which we would rightfully call "extreme" today, but wasn't really so strange in the early 20th century.

    I also would add, that I don't share the idea that bombing Dresden helped win the war. It was a needless massacre of civilians. Just because the NPD whine about it doesn't make it untrue. It's also not lost on me that the worst mass bombing in human history by my own country, under the command of one of my favorite presidents is also where Schiller happened to have written "Alle Menschen werden Brüder."

    Sir Jackie, you are smarter than to be playing the copy pasta game. I don't mind reading your posts but this editorial is pure propaganda. It's intellectual guano. It's out of synch even with most center-right Israelis.

    Yes, Islam has a huge burden of uneducated baffoons with political power and a willingness to use it to persecute anyone that doesn't agree with a very literal and supernatural reading of religious texts. They are more visible than their co-religionists only because they have more political power.

    As I posted in response previously to bobmarley when he asked for evidence of Christianity's implicit anti-semitism that kind of asshattery will happen when any group of irrational thinkers have enough political power, like say, any pope in the Dark Ages, Martin "Jundenhasse" Luther, or Oliver Cromwell.

    There are plenty of religious Jews in Israel (Shas, notably, and with enough political clout that they are parliamentary kingmakers in the Knesset) that are hellbent on designs of a theocracy every bit as primitive, cruel and intolerant in ambition as Hamas. At least Hamas leaders believe that non-Muslims have souls! ;) Well...souls bound for eternal torment, but at least they believe we have them -- I've heard from many yeshiva students that non-Jews have "souls like animals." These are also the same ones that are obsessed with who is and who isn't a "real" Jew. When a decade of your life passes when these kind of conversations have a tendency to happen often, it will do a lot to make a person question the moral panic aimed at co-religionists who read slightly different, but altogether similar books.

    I find it shameful and offensive that people who believe in magic and religious exceptionalism have any say in political affairs in the 21st century and that sentiment puts me in a minority even in my own country (Israel's leadership is without a doubt more secular). I'm not a big fan of religion in general -- I know it performs a useful function for lifecycle, for cultural identity, holidays and what not, and I respect that, but it's slanderous if not intellectually dishonest or ignorant to equate the average Muslim with hashish-addled uneducated bigots. The Muslim friends I knew in Israel were considerably less religious than many of my Christian friends in Austin. Still I mean, I don't mock Christians for their beliefs or hold them somehow collectively responsible for the Inquisition or the Holocaust.

    The US (much less Gaza) is at least a few centuries from the secular standards you take for granted in Saxony, Brandenburg and Berlin. If you want to make a constructive effort to sensibility, tell Angela to build a Goethe Institute in Gaza City. Passing out free copies of Schiller, Hesse, Remarque, Brecht, Goethe, Schopenhauer and Nietzche would do more good than blindly praising Israeli bombers for being the rock to Hamas' hard place that keeps erstwhile innocent human beings enslaved and in the dark.

    And most importantly of all, the piece you copy-pasted in ignores that:

    1. Israel has yet to prove Hamas' responsibility for the kidnapping and murder of the 3 boys.
    2. Considering that this is the prime and sole casus belli, propagandists like the one you quoted choose to ignore that and bring up events in the past in order to sell this to an uninformed public.
    3. Which really doesn't win any argument, moral or otherwise, since it opens up the bag for every opponent of Israel to argue 60 years of history to counter that.
    4. Hamas didn't launch the first salvo of rockets -- splinter groups on the ideological margins did.
    5. Which is what always happens and will happen again.
    6. And are reigned in by Hamas, as is their agreement with Israel, for doing so in order to avoid collective punishment from Israel.
    7. But when that punishment comes anyway, it kind of leaves you without much credibility if you don't make every effort to fight the good fight and sacrifice everything for your political survival.
    8. Which Hamas is doing, and have always done in these situations.
    9. And when it happens again, in the same way, the same people (meaning everyone with a dog in the race) will make the same irrational arguments and engage in tedious confirmation bias to try to convince others of an imaginary moral clarity.
    #17 Deji McGever, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    3 people like this.
  18. AMS

    AMS Member

    Oct 8, 2003
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    That is very interesting. I had no idea the students were taught such vile things. They are basically teaching a generation of kids to hate people different than them.
  19. Accord99

    Accord99 Member

    Nov 16, 2002
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    So what's the difference between the RAF/USAAC and Hamas?

    All of them use inaccurate weapons to attack civilian populations as that's the best they can do.
    1 person likes this.
  20. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    If you want to call me a p***y, just do it. I don't think ATW is scum. I think he's obsessed and it's tiring, so I thought I'd express that today. It happens like once a year and I just need to express it.

    Lawyers that try to bill their clients 36 hours in a day...they're scum.
    1 person likes this.

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