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George W. Bush Quotes

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by MartianMan, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. MartianMan

    MartianMan Contributing Member

    May 2, 2005
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    Not to be political or anything, but these quotes are so funny, I just had to share them with you. :D :D :D

    I put it in this section because anytime GWB's name is mentioned, I know things may get ugly. Not all the quotes are funny but they are all true.

    "If affirmative action means what I just described, what I'm for, then I'm for it." - St. Louis, Mo., October 18, 2000

    "Quotas are bad for America. It's not the way America is all about."

    "Mr. Vice President, in all due respect, it is - I'm not sure 80 percent of the people get the death tax. I know this: 100 percent will get it if I'm the president."

    "I think we ought to raise the age at which juveniles can have a gun."

    "It's one thing about insurance, that's a Washington term."

    "Drug therapies are replacing a lot of medicines as we used to know it."

    "If I'm the president, we're going to have emergency-room care, we're going to have gag orders."

    "The very act of spending money can be expensive."

    "I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe - I believe what I believe is right."

    "Actually, I--this may sound a little West Texan to you, but I like it. When I'm talking about--when I'm talking about myself, and when he's talking about myself, all of us are talking about me."

    "More and more of our imports come from overseas."

    "The California crunch really is the result of not enough power-generating plants and then not enough power to power the power of generating plants."

    "This administration is doing everything we can to end the stalemate in an efficient way. We're making the right decisions to bring the solution to an end."

    "It's your money. You paid for it."

    "I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions; I can't answer your question."

    "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."

    "One of the common denominators I have found is that expectations rise above that which is expected."

    "I can hear you! I hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked down these buildings will hear all of us soon!" - To rescue workers at the World Trade Center, New York, September 14, 2001

    "The United States has no truer friend than Great Britain."

    "America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day. Yet, we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world."

    "We will prevail." - to the American people during a televised address on the night of September 11, 2001.

    "I hope I stand for anti-bigotry, anti-Semitism, anti-racism. This is what drives me."

    "It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency." (June 14, 2001, speaking to Swedish Prime Minister Goran Perrson, unaware that a live TV camera was running)

    "Is our children learning?"

    "The presidency is more than an honor, it is more than an office, it is a charge to keep and I will give it my all."

    "I was not elected to serve one party, but to serve one nation."

    "I will not yield, I will not rest, I will not relent in waging the struggle for freedom and security for the American people."

    "Our priorities are our faith. Our priorities are our family. Our priority is a country we love dearly called America."

    On his hopes for Saddam Hussein's interogation: "He's a deceiver, he's a liar, he's a torturer, he's a murderer. I can't imagine why he would change his attitude, since he'll be treated humanely by US troops. And, you know, I would be very skeptical of anything he said one way or the other."

    On the fate of Saddam Hussein after trial: "I've got my own personal views. This is a brutal dictator. He's a person who killed a lot of people. But my personal views are not important in this matter. It's going to be up to the Iraqis to make those decisions."

    On his hopes for Saddam Hussein's interrogation: "I don't believe he'll tell the truth. He didn't tell the truth for over a decade. I just can't believe he's going to change his ways now just because he happens to be captured."

    "I have come to realise this job is a magnificent job" - announcing his run for re- election

    On Saddam Hussein's fate: "This is a disgusting tyrant who deserves justice, the ultimate justice."

    "Freedom is not America's gift to the world. It is God's gift to humanity." - State of the Union address January 28, 2003

    "If we know Saddam has WMDs - and we do - does it make sense for the world to wait to confront him?" - October 2002.

    "We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease, and it suffers from poverty as well."

    "This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses."

    "There ought to be limits to freedom. We're aware of this site, and this guy is just a garbage man, that's all he is." -- discussing the web site GWbush.com that parodies him.

    "In grief, we found the grace to go on." - about 9/11, from 2004 State of the Union address.

    "..of course I think he was underestimated. People, mostly people on the East coast, were saying that an actor couldn't be President. But what they were forgetting was that he was the governor of the largest state in the Union." - During an interview about the recent death of Ronald Reagan, former President and former Governor of California.

    I think we ought to raise the age at which a juvenile can carry a handgun from 18 to 21.

    "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

    "If we wait for threats to fully materialize, we will have waited too long."

    "I don't think I was clinically an alcoholic; I didn't have the genuine addiction. I don't know why I drank. I liked to drink, I guess."

    "In the corporate world, sometimes things aren't exactly black and white when it comes to accounting procedures."

    "My job is to lead."

    "My job is to, like, think beyond the immediate."

    "My views are one that speaks to freedom."

    "The signal we ought to send to our children is that in spite of what happened in the '60s and '70s, we have learned some lessons. And the lessons ought to be: don't be using drugs and alcohol."

    "Tribal sovereignty means that, it's sovereign. You're a -- you've been given sovereignty, and you're viewed as a sovereign entity. And, therefore, the relationship between the federal government and tribes is one between sovereign entities."

    "Uh, I never ran for governor of Texas to be president. It didn't enter my mind when I was 21. It didn't enter my mind when I was 31 or 41. Truthfully. I mean, I didn't conduct my life to try to figure out how to be president. And so when all this speculation started, it caught me, and my mother, totally by surprise. But I am interested. I'm interested because, um, I'm concerned about the future of our country. That's why I'm interested."

    "We've been attacked for where I was born, for who my family is, and where my money has come from. I don't think that's fair."

    "You can disagree with me on issues, John (McCain), but do not question - do not question my trustworthiness. And do not compare me to Bill Clinton."

    "Human life is a creation of God, not a commodity to be exploited by man." March 11, 2004

    "I will not forget the wound to our country and those who inflicted it. I will not yield, I will not rest, I will not relent in waging this struggle for freedom and security for the American people." (September 20th 2001)

    "Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream." - LaCrosse, Wisconsin, Oct. 18, 2000

    "Our priorities is our faith." - Greensboro, N.C., Oct. 10, 2000
  2. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Contributing Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    see other thread
    #2 bigtexxx, Aug 10, 2005
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2005
  3. wnes

    wnes Contributing Member

    Feb 19, 2003
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    Missed this gem:

    ""There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
  4. Dreamshake

    Dreamshake Contributing Member

    Mar 2, 1999
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  5. tigermission1

    tigermission1 Contributing Member

    Aug 17, 2002
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    LOL! How can anyone not love this guy?! Classic quotes! :D
  6. Svpernaut

    Svpernaut Contributing Member

    Jan 10, 2003
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    I especially love that one... "I did not have sexual relations with that woman... " Oh, wait... nvm.
  7. tigermission1

    tigermission1 Contributing Member

    Aug 17, 2002
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    That was funny too.

    Who do you think was the funniest president of all time? There should be a poll about this. My pick is Jr. by a large margin. Bill might be second.
  8. arno_ed

    arno_ed Contributing Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    does the fact that clinton lied make it any less terrible that bush lied(about the reason for the war?)?
  9. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Contributing Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Lying and being given suspect information are two different things. Don't listen to everything you read in the European newspapers/news - heavy bias exists.
  10. FranchiseBlade

    FranchiseBlade Contributing Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Yes, lying and being given suspect information are two different things. Bush did both.
  11. arno_ed

    arno_ed Contributing Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    i do not get all my information in the european newspapers(i do have access to internet:D). One thing you might not know is that The Dutch government was one of the governments who supported the war(that was one of the reasons i was against this government).
    And like Franchiseblade said, it are 2 different thing, and bush did both.
    Are you really saying you do not think that bush has done anything wrong?
  12. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Contributing Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    but knowingly giving suspect information is also lying..
  13. jo mama

    jo mama Contributing Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    flip flopper, flip flopper, flip floppper

    "I don't think you can win it," Mr. Bush said of the war on terror in August. In an interview on NBC's "Today" show, he said, “I think you can create conditions so that . . . those who use terror as a tool are less acceptable in parts of the world."

    Before the month closed, Mr. Bush reversed himself at the American Legion national convention in Nashville. He said: "We meet today in a time of war for our country, a war we did not start yet one that we will win." He later added, “we are winning, and we will win."

    Announcing the invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, Mr. Bush said, “Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.”

    Two months into the war, on May 29, 2003, Mr. Bush said weapons of mass destruction had been found.

    “We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories,” Mr. Bush told Polish television. “For those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them."

    On Sept. 9, 2004, in Pennsylvania, Mr. Bush said: “I recognize we didn't find the stockpiles [of weapons] we all thought were there.”

    During the 2000 campaign, Mr. Bush said he was against federal intervention regarding the issue of same-sex marriage. In an interview with CNN's Larry King, he said, states "can do what they want to do" on the issue. Vice President Cheney took the same stance.

    Four year later, this past February, Mr. Bush announced his support for an amendment to the Constitution that defines marriage as being exclusively between men and women. The amendment would forbid states from doing "what they want to do" on same-sex marriage.

    Citing recent decisions by “activist judges” in states like Massachusetts, Mr. Bush defended his reversal. Critics point out that well before the 2000 presidential race, a judge in Hawaii ruled in December 1996 that there was no compelling reason for withholding marriage from same-sex couples.

    Mr. Bush was critical of Al Gore in the 2000 campaign for being part of “the administration that's been in charge” while the “price of gasoline has gone steadily upward.” In December 1999, in the first Republican primary debate, Mr. Bush said President Clinton “must jawbone OPEC members to lower prices.”

    As gas topped a record level of $50 a barrel this week, Mr. Bush has shown no propensity to personally pressure, or “jawbone,” Mideast oil producers to increase output.

    A spokesman for the president reportedly said in March that Mr. Bush will not personally lobby oil cartel leaders to change their minds.
  14. jo mama

    jo mama Contributing Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    i didnt know fox news was european?
  15. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Contributing Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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  16. mc mark

    mc mark Contributing Member

    Aug 31, 1999
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    Yesterday in Arizona.

  17. Roxfan73

    Roxfan73 Rookie

    Jun 4, 2002
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    There are some real juicy quotes in here:



    While President George W. Bush travels around the country in a last-ditch effort to sell his Iraq war, White House aides scramble frantically behind the scenes to hide the dark mood of an increasingly angry leader who unleashes obscenity-filled outbursts at anyone who dares disagree with him.

    “I’m not meeting again with that goddamned b****,” Bush screamed at aides who suggested he meet again with Cindy Sheehan, the war-protesting mother whose son died in Iraq. “She can go to hell as far as I’m concerned!”

    Bush, administration aides confide, frequently explodes into tirades over those who protest the war, calling them “mother****ing traitors.” He reportedly was so upset over Veterans of Foreign Wars members who wore “bull**** protectors” over their ears during his speech to their annual convention that he told aides to “tell those VFW assholes that I’ll never speak to them again is they can’t keep their members under control.”

    White House insiders say Bush is growing increasingly bitter over mounting opposition to his war in Iraq. Polls show a vast majority of Americans now believe the war was a mistake and most doubt the President’s honesty.

    “Who gives a flying **** what the polls say,” he screamed at a recent strategy meeting. “I’m the President and I’ll do whatever I goddamned please. They don’t know ****.”

    Bush, while setting up for a photo op for signing the recent CAFTA bill, flipped an extended middle finger to reporters. Aides say the President often “flips the bird” to show his displeasure and tells aides who disagree with him to “go to hell” or to “go **** yourself.” His habit of giving people the finger goes back to his days as Texas governor, aides admit, and videos of him doing so before press conferences were widely circulated among TV stations during those days. A recent video showing him shooting the finger to reporters while walking also recently surfaced.

    Bush’s behavior, according to prominent Washington psychiatrist, Dr. Justin Frank, author of “Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President,” is all too typical of an alcohol-abusing bully who is ruled by fear.

    To see that fear emerges, Dr. Frank says, all one has to do is confront the President. “To actually directly confront him in a clear way, to bring him out, so you would really see the bully, and you would also see the fear,” he says.

    Dr. Frank, in his book, speculates that Bush, an alcoholic who brags that he gave up booze without help from groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, may be drinking again.

    “Two questions that the press seems particularly determined to ignore have hung silently in the air since before Bush took office,” Dr. Frank says. “Is he still drinking? And if not, is he impaired by all the years he did spend drinking? Both questions need to be addressed in any serious assessment of his psychological state.”

    Last year, Capitol Hill Blue learned the White House physician prescribed anti-depressant drugs for the President to control what aides called “violent mood swings.” As Dr. Frank also notes: “In writing about Bush's halting appearance in a press conference just before the start of the Iraq War, Washington Post media critic Tom Shales speculated that ‘the president may have been ever so slightly medicated.’”

    Dr. Frank explains Bush’s behavior as all-to-typical of an alcoholic who is still in denial:

    “The pattern of blame and denial, which recovering alcoholics work so hard to break, seems to be ingrained in the alcoholic personality; it's rarely limited to his or her drinking,” he says. “The habit of placing blame and denying responsibility is so prevalent in George W. Bush's personal history that it is apparently triggered by even the mildest threat.”
  18. flamingmoe

    flamingmoe Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees."

    - GWB, Sept 1, 2005 on the Good Morning America show
  19. RocketMan Tex

    RocketMan Tex Contributing Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Roxfan...thank you for posting the link. This is something I have been saying to friends on both sides of the spectrum since I moved back to Houston in 1998....GWB is a classic case of an alcohol abusing bully governed by fear, who weaned himself off the bottle but never underwent the necessary psychotherapy to fix the behavior pattern that drove him to abuse alcohol in the first place. He is the most dangerous person to ever be President of the United States.
  20. No Worries

    No Worries Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    “I’m not meeting again with that goddamned b****,” Bush screamed at aides who suggested he meet again with Cindy Sheehan, the war-protesting mother whose son died in Iraq. “She can go to hell as far as I’m concerned!”

    I suspect that we may never know if the above is fact or fiction (or somewhere in between).

    You would think that Bush aides would not be making this type of off-the-record comments to the press (or anyone really), if true. The aides should have a great understanding of how well the Rove Revenge Machine works.

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