This thread is for the most qualified candidate in this years race that will never get any recognition, because the Liberal and Conservative machines will prevent it. You go on with your bad self "Feelin' the Bern" and "Making America Great Again". Enlighten yourselves. Anyone that flat out calls The Donald a "Pu**y" is right in my book. #FeelTheJohnson <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Truth
He's not going to win, clearly, but if every person that claimed to be a Libertarian voted for the LP instead of the GOP, there would be many downballot candidates winning local election and a new voice in the nation's collective political conversation. But I think the fact that the LP doubled down on Austrian free-market fundamentalism at the expense of their traditional allies in the anti-authoritiarian radical left is partly to blame. Here's a consolation prize:
Agreed! This is why Ron Paul had to run as a GOP member, and Sanders has to run as a Democrat. Its gotta change somewhere....
Anyone else think of this? <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> At least with President Johnson, the jokes write themselves. I'm in.
(L)libertarians are crazy. Had actual conversations where they don't think it is possible for laws to save lives or change peoples behavior. Wasn't even an argument just extremely nice, in person, casual conversation. Never heard of this Johnson fella but he has the same crazy eyes.
The LP is a joke and Paul knew the only way that anyone would ever hear him was if he ran for the GOP nomination.
Voted for Johnson last time. Met him in San Marcos once, seemed like a cool guy. I'd drink a beer with him. Doubt he eats his steaks well done with A1 sauce.
I could vote for John Kasich with a clean conscience, but if he's not on the ticket, I will 100% vote for Gary Johnson. I'm considering voting LP regardless because crony capitalism is a huge problem with BOTH parties, and as much as the GOP talks about shrinking the size of government and not racking up national debt, they've been just as bad as the Democrats.
Typical liberal/conservative speak. Thinking that the government is better suited to make decisions for you, spend your money for you, and many other things than your own self.
Nope. Ron Paul was too damn lazy to get a real job like the rest of the Libertarian Party. He cut and ran to the big money, big government party.
Criticize him all you want. He wasn't a perfect politician by any means. But I don't even know what to make of your post. He was a doctor... If what you're trying to say is that he sold out his libertarian principles so he could toe the party line and cash in with big money Republicans, then ok. If you say so. The Libertarian Party itself is crap. To get upset at him for leaving it is silly.
I doubt you have much experience inspecting drugs, building highways, teaching 4th grade, containing Ebola.
I bet he doesn't have much experience constructing his own smart phones either, that doesn't mean the government HAS to do it for him.
Right. So you are also crazy? You don't believe in law and order or a justice system? Traffic laws? If there were no traffic laws I would drive all kinds of crazier. Fatalities would skyrocket.