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From What I Hear....

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Doc Rocket, Apr 21, 2003.

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  1. UTweezer

    UTweezer Member

    Feb 26, 2002
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    why do people want Kwame brown. He is what is wrong with the NBA
  2. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    Crawford gets more credit than he is due, imo. PG is a very very hard position to play, as we all know by now. Bringing in anotehr player with little to no experience (one season) at that position is not the answer to the "stability" that Les is seeking, imo.
  3. finalsbound

    finalsbound Member

    Aug 31, 2000
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    Crawford is as solid as they come. And he can shoot the rock. Bill Worrell called him "underrated" when we played the Bulls, and in that game, he was the only Chicago player to go at the Rockets with any heart.

    If the guy can run a fast break, I say

  4. Severe Rockets Fan

    Severe Rockets Fan Takin it one stage at a time...

    Mar 5, 2001
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    why are you disappointed? He was talking about the rockets not the suns.
  5. nigma2000

    nigma2000 Member

    May 19, 2002
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    Lets see....

    PG - East

    Jamal Crawford, Travis Best, or maybe a former Rocket (Sam Cassell)

    SG- East

    This one should be easy hmm....Jon Berry

    PF- West

    You know i have no idea, Brand will be difficult to bring in. It will take both Mobley and Griffin for this one and i think the Rockets would like to have them involved in seperate trades
  6. verse

    verse Member

    Aug 13, 1999
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    pg from the east with steve moving to the 2?

    to be that implies a large point guard. if you figure the ones that will be available, there's:

    jason kidd
    gary payton
    jamal crawford

    kidd's impossible, as we don't have the quality of players to send to new jersey in a sign and trade. payton's a possibility. crawford is a little too unproven to give up the cat.


    payton a rocket?
  7. verse

    verse Member

    Aug 13, 1999
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    does this basically mean that tito is one of the "unsavory characters" griff has been hanging out with???
  8. Toast

    Toast Member

    Feb 21, 2001
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    Here's my list of potential SG's coming from the East:

    Alexander, Courtney, New Orleans Hornets
    Artest, Ron, Indiana Pacers
    Barry, Jon, Detroit Pistons
    Curry, Michael, Detroit Pistons
    Harris, Lucious, New Jersey Nets
    Houston, Allan, New York Knicks
    Jones, Eddie, Miami Heat
    Kittles, Kerry, New Jersey Nets
    Lenard, Voshon, Toronto Raptors
    Lynch, George, New Orleans Hornets
    Mason, Desmond, Milwaukee Bucks
    McKie, Aaron, Philadelphia 76ers
    Mercer, Ron, Indiana Pacers
    Miles, Darius, Cleveland Cavaliers
    Miller, Reggie, Indiana Pacers
    Newble, Ira, Atlanta Hawks
    Peterson, Morris, Toronto Raptors
    Redd, Michael, Milwaukee Bucks
    Rose, Jalen, Chicago Bulls
    Russell, Bryon, Washington Wizards
    Sprewell, Latrell, New York Knicks
    Stackhouse, Jerry, Washington Wizards
    Strickland, Erick, Indiana Pacers
    Terry, Jason, Atlanta Hawks
    Wesley, David, New Orleans Hornets

    But who's it gonna be? My top 2 would be Michael Redd from the Bucks (they have a log jam after acquiring Payton & Mason) or maybe Reggie Miller (another log jam with Ron Mercer & Ron Artest). Stackhouse will be ready to leave, but I doubt we'll look for someone with QUITE so much to offer. We need someone to get 18+ points a game to replace Mobley, right? Actually less, if the SG won't even be a starter. Sounds like we're gonna do 3 players for 2 positions here, with SF playing some time at both spots. Anyone else taking a stab at this?
  9. Rocketeer

    Rocketeer Member

    Jun 19, 1999
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    I knew we should of kept Tierre Brown instead of Maddox. Oh well, guess it doesn't matter anyways....
  10. Rileydog

    Rileydog Member

    May 24, 2002
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    The "veterans" we're considering are separate from the Clippers that are being discussed. Besides, there are no truly "veteran" Clippers players.
  11. NIKEstrad

    NIKEstrad Member
    Supporting Member

    Mar 21, 2000
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    Trying to pick the pieces apart...

    First let's look at the backcourt...allegedly we're looking at a PG and a SG both from the East.

    a.) Steve's a 2 next year
    b.) Mobley is gone
    c.) Maddox sucks at life as much as it seems
    d.) Moochie is practically on the verge of being cut...

    Clearly, the SG is going to be a backup type, if Steve moves to starting 2-Guard. A guy who sticks out in my mind as the type of "smart veteran" we need is Jon Barry, son of Rick, brother of Brent, and happens to be a free agent from an Eastern Conference team.

    But, if Steve is moving to SG, our 2nd string PG sucks, and our 3rd string is apparently a cancer, and probably won't be around, we need a starting PG...one who can play big minutes. Mobley and/or Eddie would be our primary bait, I suppose...possible veteranPGs from the Eastern conference that have the capability to play 30-35 MPG would be Alvin Williams, Eric Snow and Sam Cassell. Williams has the size/defense/solid shot attributes, Snow is experienced in playing with undersized high scoring 2 guards, and Cassell has sentimental value, plus puts up the biggest numbers. Alvin Williams strikes me as the interesting possibility of the group- experienced, but not on the old side, perfect size to make up for moving Steve to SG, and a very steady player.

    As for a PF from the West... Brand would be nice, but I don't think he was what Doc was referring to when he said veterans- I think that means more along the lines of Elden Campbell, Juwan Howard types.

    Notice Doc said Clippers, plural...and with Steve moving to the 2, and a backup from the East, I think that means Pike isn't that high up on the priority chart. Obviously not Kandi-man, and if we want an athletic swingman we've got Posey, no need for Maggette. It'll be interesting if we're looking at Odom and Brand, Brand and Miller, or Odom and Miller, or all 3...even moreso if we can actually make it happen.
  12. robbieg

    robbieg Member

    Nov 2, 2002
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    let me clarify: favorites from top to bottom;

    pf: 1. brand 2.zach 3.kwame 4.swift

    pg: 1.kidd 2.crawford

    sg: 1.odom 2.stackhouse

    I hate the fact the rockets are once AGAIN selling out to bring in veterans. Just like with barkley and pippen,this team cant rebuild right with youth,so now its time to morgage the future with old farts. God,if sam cassell comes back we are truely f-ked.
  13. MONON

    MONON Member

    May 20, 2002
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    You've got to be KIDDing me. What BRAND of bb would we play with those additions? Still, it is BERRY interesting info!;)
  14. Rileydog

    Rileydog Member

    May 24, 2002
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    Very nice. Michael Redd please. pretty please. I agree, SF will get some minutes at PG, but will start at SG. At least, that's probably the plan.
  15. Toast

    Toast Member

    Feb 21, 2001
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    I wouldn't mind checking out Jaamal Tinsley as a potential PG. He doesn't score too much, which would be fine, and he brings steals & assists to the mix. Sounds like a good match to me. Plus, they have plenty of guards, and there was talk of Tinsley being somewhat of the odd-man-out for some reason ...
  16. Severe Rockets Fan

    Severe Rockets Fan Takin it one stage at a time...

    Mar 5, 2001
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    I've been thinking about this one for awhile. What would stop us from getting payton? He's a free agent and the perfect defensive point guard we need. He's a decent 3 point shooter and great setup man, hell, there's nobody better that's available except Kidd, but Kidd will want the max. We should give payton a shot.
  17. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    DColeman and sheed and Knicks paying AHouston 100 mil are what's wrong with the NBA. Kwame is not the ultimate problem.
  18. Rileydog

    Rileydog Member

    May 24, 2002
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    wouldn't payton be cost prohibitive?
  19. RIET

    RIET Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Maybe it's b/c he is one of the worst shooters in the entire league. You want a player with absolute 0 range, he's your guy.

    We should just put a sticky on this thread. It's gonna last awhile.
  20. Batman Jones

    Batman Jones Member

    Sep 9, 1999
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    I wondered when I talked to J. Boylen the other day if he was speaking from a position of knowledge or hope when he told me Rudy would "definitely" be back. I still don't know which it was but this gives credence to the possibility he knew something.

    PG from the East. You'd certainly have to look at the Bucks since they've got two and since that hasn't worked out for them so well. They'd also be looking for a two guard which makes them likely trade partners too. Who wouldn't love to have Cassell back? Who wouldn't love the hardnosed defense, high assists and will to win of Payton. God, how I hope it's one of those two guys.

    I'm also just gonna lose my mind if we somehow pick up either Brand or Odom. Mobley makes sense to the Clips too, if for no other reason than his sweetheart contract.

    Wild about Moochie and Maddox. Just wild.

    Thanks a million, Doc. That's a lot to think about. I hope that, even if you won't be giving updates directly, you'll still be in touch with Clutch.
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