It's pretty damned obvious that "free" is meant to explain the cost incurred by the student. We should all be willing to freely educate our society. There is no greater ROI (rivaled only by medical/family care).
And i am reminding others of the major downside of such a plan since none of the other posts did. What if I want to go to school for 25 years? You wanna pay for that?
give me your address and I'll send you the bill for 25 yrs of study of homeopathic medicine and women studies.
Dear Applicant: We regret to inform you that your field of study is not eligible for the DonnyMost grant. In addition, based on your posting history, you are extraordinarily unqualified academically. We here at the DonnyMost Foundation for Educational Advancement appreciate your time in applying and wish you the best in your future endeavors. Regarts, Spoiler
Let's make education hard to obtain and impossible to afford! What could go wrong?? <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Not too crazy about it. Subsidies distort the market, create perverse incentives, and protect inefficiencies. I do believe in a strong public education system, but I think we should be focusing our efforts on the young. Community colleges are getting too many people who didn't get enough attention in kindergarten. That's too late to solve the problem. For community colleges, I'd rather see the government partner with industry to create a system in which people could be trained to have the skills needed by the patron industries.
ROI for the country. Dollars spent vs. dollars returned to our economy. Education is almost always a worthy investment, even if it's something meager like 2 years in a CC.
If you read the freaking post it says that you have minimum GPA requirements, and you must make steady progress to complete the degree in 3 years. If it takes 25 years for you to take community college, that means you're taking like 1 class a year, there is no difference in cost compared to you trying to graduate in 2 years by taking 12 classes/year Maybe if you got free Community College, you would have learned to read and think before commenting.
Law school should be free. I have some friends that are over $300K in debt. "Luckily" for me, I'll only be about half of that.