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Fox News' Deceptive Lies To Invent Controversy

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by adoo, Nov 12, 2021.


    ROCKSS Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    They lie to the American public daily, I don't put much stock that they will be honest, they will wiggle out of it by telling half truths. I hope I am wrong but I don't expect Tucker to come out and say "yea, you got me, I am full of s*it.......I half expect them to say they 100% believe what they say. I hope I am wrong though
  2. LondonCalling

    LondonCalling Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    ROCKSS and Xerobull like this.
  3. adoo

    adoo Member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Fox News Caught Lying, in its attempt to score cheap political points, Again

    Fox News apologized Saturday to a Gold Star family for publishing a false story last month claiming that the family had to pay $60,000 to ship the remains of their fallen relative back from Afghanistan because the Pentagon refused to pay.

    “The now unpublished story has been addressed internally and we sincerely apologize to the Gee family,” a Fox News spokesperson said in a statement, referencing the family of fallen Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee,
    who was one of 13 service members killed in a terror attack at the Kabul airport in 2021 while assisting with US withdrawal efforts.

    The apology came after a Military.com report this week drew attention to the issue and indicated that the right-wing outlet’s top executives had repeatedly been notified by senior members of the Marine Corps that it was pushing a false story.

    In an email to Fox News President Jay Wallace and other network personnel, Marine Corps spokesman Maj. James Stenger privately accused the outlet of capitalizing off Gee’s death “to score cheap clickbait points,”
    according to documents obtained by Military.com through a public records request.

    Initially, after being notified about the false report, Fox News only changed the headline on the story to attribute the claims to Republican Rep. Cory Mills of Florida, who had advanced the narrative but later recanted.
    The outlet later scrubbed the story from its website without a correction or explanation. It remained deleted on Saturday after the apology.

    Deleting an entire story is exceedingly rare in news media and is seen as a last-ditch measure if the entire premise of the article is incorrect. Deleting a story without offering readers an explanation or correction
    is widely considered to be unethical.

    In this case, Fox News did not publicly address the incident until the Military.com story ignited backlash against the outlet.​
    mdrowe00, FrontRunner and Deckard like this.
  4. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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