Saw him at the Houston airport a couple weeks ago, he said he was done with basketball, and 'a business man' now. Don't want to assume but he seemed like he was a bit out of it.
I think it really depends on the laws of the respective jurisdiction. In Germany, it would not be theft.
I believe his lawyer could plea to a misdemeanor charge and state that his client had no intent to steal. This is backed by his returning the vehicle.
Agreed, thus the mitigating factor I mentioned earlier. But the question wasn't what kind of plea he could cop to. The question alluded to whether the action rises to the level of a charge of Grand Theft Auto which obviously it does since he has already been charged.
If Jeff Adrien won't end up in jail because of this, Morey should immediately sign his lawyer to the Rox to improve our defense.
You wouldn't even need to go there. Intent to permanently deprive owner of possession was probably not there. This looks more like conversion than theft.
Adrien then better get a good lawyer. He can beat this especially if the prosecutor is overreaching, which is my layman's assessment. Btw, do these former professional athletes think that life beyond the arenas is just a big joke? If you are an adult, act like one. Smh...
You're right. California law makes a distinction between grand theft auto and joyriding based off intent to steal. But that intent would be something argued about in court. It's not going to stop the police from arresting him or for him being charged with it. I'm sure the intent element will be something his defense counsel uses as an argument.
Even if he did this (un-intelligent and immature) off the court, i would rather watch the consistent effort of 5 Jeff Adriens on the court instead of 5 james dnps half a$$ing... win lose or go hungry Now he has 51 total career steals.
It's all a misunderstanding. He got 6 stars while he had the car and had to find a pay 'n spray, so when he returned the car it was a different colour.