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For those that want Stevie gone ....

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by DonKnutts, Apr 13, 2004.

  1. Phreak3

    Phreak3 Member

    Mar 6, 2004
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    I think generally speaking, both Francis and Ming are on the same nba talent level. Both players are all-stars, but neither is good enough to be franchise players.

    The Rockets should be open to trading both players this off season. Don't get me wrong, they shouldn't do any stupid trades just for the sake of getting a player off the team. But, let's say as an example, they were able to get McGrady and Brand in separate, individual trades, I would say that would be worth it.
  2. RocketForever

    RocketForever Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    I am talking about the posters who keep hammering on the same Rockets player day in and day out like he has stolen their wife. Do you call these people diehard Rockets fans?
  3. haven

    haven Member

    Oct 22, 1999
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    Alas, this is a load of crap.

    To know this, you essentially have to be able to claim to definitively know that Yao will not continue further development at the same rate as he has from last year to this year.

    You can't know that. Nobody can. No matter how good of a scout you might be. Potential is just too hard to project.

    If Yao, however, shows similar development next year - he'll be one of the top 3-10 player in the league.

    I do not know if this will happen - but I do know that you do not either.
  4. leebigez

    leebigez Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    When he gets the position on the blks, the ball needs to be delivered. One reason that team struggles in the post is because we don't have post passers. Even when Hakeem was here in his last productive yr, the guards would go about their business because he was slowing the team up. When you look back at that team, we scored 97ppg as opposed to what we score now.


    Feb 5, 2003
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    Once again....... I blame Rudy T for that. And if you read one of my posts from last year thats why i argued so hard for us to persue Robert Horry. He's one of the best post feeding forwards in the game. Furthermore, just because a player makes it to the NBA doesnt mean he has all the tools and fundamentals to succeed. If this were true I could be an NBA coach. This is why coaches are paid millions of dollars. If he doesnt know how to feed the post after 5 years, then we have a coaching problem not a player problem.


    Feb 5, 2003
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    You guys got me started now and I cant shut up. Everyone says trade Steve because he cant shoot Whats the next best alternative? Bringin a shooter? Then you loose Steves dribble penetraton and his rebounding. All of you want a Jason Kidd type point giard and thats not available. Get over it everyone. Were not getting Jason Kidd. Hell Id rther see JVG gone. He's slowly turning u into the Knicks. First the 70 - 65 games, the Patrick Ewing.... Then Mark Jackson and Oakley. Whats next? Do we sign John Starks to a 10 day contract too. Hell why dont we change the team colors to blue and orange? On a final note, i say you dont tradean all-star unless you get an all-star in return. Being that Jason Kidd hasnt ruled out the possibility of playing for San Antonio.... and if we must trade Steve...... I say send Steve to New Jersey (closer to home) Parker to the Rockets, and Kidd to San Antonio...... and another player from the Spurs to NJ to make the money even out. Thats the only sensible trade i can forsee. Otherwise, i say we stay we keep our squad together and let them grow together. With the exception of Jim Jackson, our core players are all under 30. Just think what we can do if we keep them together for about 5 years. They Clippers had that same luxery but they were impatient as you all are, and look what happened when they didnt wait for players to develop. It wont happen overnight. We cant dismantle the team just because we dont win the NBA Championship in Yo's second season. We have the talent everyone. Be patient. Our day will come. This is Houston's year. The Rockets, Astros, and Texans are all heaed for the playoffs. Lets just be patient. Thats all I ask.
  7. Deuce Rings

    Deuce Rings Member

    Feb 3, 2003
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    Sure. I think they see whatever Rocket player they are hammering as a hindrance to the team's over all success. They want the team to win and they want the things they think are keeping the team from winning gone. You may disagree with them, but I don't think you should be questioning whether or not they're die hard Rocket fans or not.
  8. DavidS

    DavidS Member

    May 17, 2000
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    Oh, really? How about just a PG that is competent? Is that too much to ask?

    How hard will it be to say "get over it" when we keep getting knocked knocked out of the playoffs year after year? SF may not be our only problem. But he's not the answer either.

    I'll take my chances with T-Mac or R. Allen.

    And this "JVG turning the Rockets into the Knicks" is getting old. Do you think we'd be any better with Larry Brown? Heh....you forget our one common denominator: We'd still have Francis. He's a coach killer.

    I mean, do you at least see that a T-Mac/Yao team is better than SF/Yao team?
    #128 DavidS, Apr 17, 2004
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2004


    Feb 5, 2003
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    Thats laughable at best. T-Mac is a me type player. T-Mac will put up 40 points a night and we would lose 60 games. Furthermore, you need your point guard to score points unless you have a player on your team scoring 25 + point EVERY night (i.e. KG/Tim Duncan). We dont have that, so we need Steve's scoring. If you cant have two players drop 30 on any given night, its good to have an extra player who is capable of dropping 30 some nights. Steve is not competent? Why is he on the All-Star team and not in the NBDL? Obviously the majority of NBA fans who select All-Stars disagree with you. He is a very competent player. We need to work on a lot more than point guard. But like I said, J-kidd is not available, and Magic and Stockton are retired to the best of my knowledge. Steve is not the answer to all our problems but niether is trading him. What if the Bulls would have traded Michael Jordan when they were in a similar situation. What if we would have traded Hakeem when we were getting knocked out of the playoffs every year. I say give him a chance to develop. You guys can win 3 or 4 more games next season, or you can win a championship in 5 years. I prefer the latter.
  10. DavidS

    DavidS Member

    May 17, 2000
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    Are you 12?

    What planet have you lived on in the last 5 years?

    To the best of your knowledge?

    I guess you must have read that somewhere, huh?.... :rolleyes:

    The Rockets are in a "similar situation?"

    And the absurdities continue...

    ...ok, thanks for playing.
    #130 DavidS, Apr 17, 2004
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2004
  11. RocketFan007

    RocketFan007 Member

    Jan 2, 2001
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    If Steve plays the rest of the series like he did the second half, I say we keep him, that is unless the Magic come calling with T-Mac.
  12. WasabiTheNinjaPimp

    Jun 29, 2001
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    If we discover that Stevie is one of those players who just ratchets up his level of play in the playoffs, then we've found something wonderful. Some players play great in the playoffs, others don't. Looks like stevie might be one of the guys who DOES.
  13. ivanyy2000

    ivanyy2000 Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I will add moving him to 2 if we keep him.

    Basically there is no offense set for SF's game, that is just one play, one on one, penetrate and draw the foul.

    I don't think you can win playoff series like that.
  14. WasabiTheNinjaPimp

    Jun 29, 2001
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    We almost won the first game of this series based on that. Stevie IS good, especially when he's aggressive, he's been trying so hard to play under control that he's not aggressive. This game everytime he saw an open path to the hole he took it.
  15. sup123

    sup123 Member

    Dec 5, 2003
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    his game is to much of iso to succed in the long run.
  16. Summer Song Giver

    Sep 14, 2000
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    You keep saying that you big dumb assed fool.
  17. sup123

    sup123 Member

    Dec 5, 2003
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    i only speak the truth. Did steve get to the playoffs by himself earlier? thats what i thought. And im not a YOF, if i dont really like steve that doesent make me a YOF, their are other players on the team idiot.
  18. Summer Song Giver

    Sep 14, 2000
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    Steve's first year with the rox they were still doing the Hakeem and Charles thing, not Steve's fault.

    Steve's second year Dream was still there and things largely still ran through him, again not Steve's fault, ironically it looked alot like this year young studs waiting for a tired center who was supposed to lead them to the promise land.

    Steve's third year he played with Cat of course and Kenny Thomas, Walt Williams, Glen Rice was brought in, that's hardly a playoff roster.

    Steve's fourth year, this is probably right around the time you became a Rox fan, maybe a playoff worthy roster if not for the collapse when Larry Smith took over might have been. Yao's on board, Cat, Eggie, Posey, Mo, really this is the first time you could really say this team should have made the playoffs with Steve.

    Steve's fifth year, playoffs, Yao playing alright most of the time, Cat seems to have found a niche, MoT is healthy for the first time since his first year here, Cato has career year, JJ on board, SpoonPadgettMJ contributing and we're in.

    That's pretty much the gist of it, you can say Steve has never been to the playoffs before but he also before this year and maybe last never had a team good enough around him to get there.
  19. DavidS

    DavidS Member

    May 17, 2000
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    Never had a team good enough around him? Hmmm....

    So, we should build the team "around Francis." Please no....not that again.
  20. Summer Song Giver

    Sep 14, 2000
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    I'm just saying you can not blame Steve for not making the playoffs until now. It even took Jordan some years before he made the playoffs, before THE TEAM was good enough to do so. Same thing here. You need a talented team built around your best players before you make the playoffs, we did not have that before we do now. This team will continue to make the playofss with this same core of players for a long time now, it took awhile to get here but to blame the players who were here before for not making them when surrounded by inferior players is asinine.

    When your building a house and you've only laid the foundation you can not fault the foundation for not being a house.

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