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For the love of Chuckie Brown, you clowns made me come out from under my rock!

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Stardog75, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. Stardog75

    Stardog75 Member

    Feb 17, 2004
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    Things people should recognize:

    1) Starting a season off 0-3 is mathematically equivalent to starting a game off down by 4. Who here is going to be crapping their bed and panicking when we are down 4-0 to start a game?! I hold as much stock in the Rockets being 0-3 as I do in the Timberwolves being 2-0.

    2) James Harden seems to be a bit immature at this point in his life. The #34 that's hanging in the rafters was worn by a player that many saw as immature through the first decade of his career. I have a pretty good idea what a lot of you would have been posting about Olajuwon if the Internet existed back then (or if many of you even existed back then.) I'm not saying Harden is going to win multiple titles, but the guy has the potential to make you look like even bigger fools than you do on your own. Emphatic statements have a way of coming back to make you eat a bat guano sandwich with a side of crow and humble pie.

    3) Moreyball puts the team in the best position to win over the long haul. That doesn't mean we WILL win, it just means we will have opportunity. However, I wish they'd adapt the Moreyball style to fit different situations better. It's an extremely solid foundation but I think it can be tweaked.

    4) McHale is not an idiot. He used to not make adjustments. He's gotten better at making adjustments. Now, we just need him to make those in-game adjustments quicker. He has just as many strengths as he does weaknesses. He's developed a pretty good track record of developing young low post players and he also has been able to get more out of some players than other coaches could get out of those same players. It's not like there is a slam dunk obvious choice that would be a guaranteed upgrade to replace him.

    5) There's actually some positive developments already this season despite the 0-3 start. Thornton looks like he will be a good fit for this team, especially when Harden gets his game going and Harrell has potential to become one of Morey's best draft picks. He'll hit the rookie wall, but how could anyone expect more than what he's shown so far?

    Last but not least:

    There is an embarrassing rash of stupidity flying around Clutchfans. Try living in an NBA Neutral Zone like Austin where the fans are pretty evenly divided between Rox, Spurs, Mavs and not far behind, the Thunder. The stereotype of Rockets fans are that we are idiots. When I read a lot of these threads where rocket fan is arguing with another rocket fan, calling each other names over stupid ****, referring to Khloe Kardasian as a b****, ho or skank and constantly whining about our players, coach and GM out of one side of their mouth and whining about being hated and disrespected by the media out of the other side, I can see how we've earned our reputation. Try and enjoy the season! It's entertainment! None of us are as smart as we think we are. Most of us would struggle to put up 10 points against an 8th grade B team. Most of us would be the worst coaches and GMs in NBA history. Let's try not to be such victims to bias confirmation! I'll go back under my rock now.
    14 people like this.
  2. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    The Spurs and Mavs fans do the exact same things, just visit their boards. Your calling people names but you are mad that we are calling each other names? We just set a record for starting a season being blown out 3 times by 20 but we are stupid for being upset? We all know the Rockets will bounce back in some way but we want a championship. Championship teams do not act in the manner that our team is. So while the Rockets likely will win 50 games this season, a ring is unlikely and at this point with a coach with 5 years under his belt and a player who says he is better than the MVP and we have all of this depth. Common sense, the board is crazy right now, rightfully so, it means we care.
    1 person likes this.
  3. Mr. Space City

    May 2, 2009
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  4. ibm

    ibm Member

    Dec 18, 2007
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    +1. well said.
  5. Stardog75

    Stardog75 Member

    Feb 17, 2004
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  6. don grahamleone

    Aug 11, 2001
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    Good thread. It's not time to panic, but it's okay to be shocked by our start. We'll pull this thing out. I can't wait to start playing consistently well. We're fun to watch when we are. Right now we can't buy baskets when they matter most. That will change. Bad shooting and lazy defense don't last forever.

    Chuck Hayes should continue to be used when the offense is struggling. Why? He moves the ball very quickly, does the basics, and then gets back to defend the paint. Those things break streaks, not something fancy.
  7. Stardog75

    Stardog75 Member

    Feb 17, 2004
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    Vaguely referring to a group of people as clowns in a playful manner is not the same thing as getting in a flame war with another rocket fan.
  8. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Spurs fans wanted Pop fired at the beginning of last season, hell after the loss in the first round they were calling for his head. They hated Ginobili, they weren't acting like fans who just got a 5th ring in 2014. Mavs, OKC, and especially the Lakers have god awful fans. Lakers fans are delusional. Fans are fans no matter where you go.
  9. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    You miss the point. Whining and calling each other names is CFers' way of enjoying the season as entertainment. :p
    2 people like this.
  10. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Clutchfans is not the only place where flame wars happen. Maybe check other boards?
  11. Stardog75

    Stardog75 Member

    Feb 17, 2004
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    It's possible to care without being irrational. Just because there are arguments over trivial stuff on other boards doesn't mean it has to be so prevalent here.
  12. Stardog75

    Stardog75 Member

    Feb 17, 2004
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    Haha! I guess I'm a glutton for punishment for reading it! Misery loves company!
  13. roxallways

    roxallways Member
    Supporting Member

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Message boards get heated sometimes. People who post on these boards are usually very passionate about sports and their favorite teams. If certain posters get too out of hand the moderators will act accordingly as they see fit. When the team starts out looking ****ty as they have looked, don't be startled by the reaction the team has gotten so far on here. It's early but the team is breaking records right now with these consecutive blowouts so the reaction on here right now is to be expected.
    1 person likes this.
  14. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    0-3 matters when it comes to seeding at the end of the season. The way the West has played out over the last few years, a couple extra wins probably make a difference. Just look at last season, 1 game was what dropped the Spurs to a matchup vs. the Clippers and got the Rockets a 1st round matchup with the much weaker Dallas team.

    More than standing, though, is what 3 straight blowouts point to as weaknesses for this team: Dwight's (and DMo's and Jones') health, Lawson's defense and fit with Harden, team chemistry, etc. The Rockets will probably still make the playoffs, but if they hope to actually contend for a title, the standard is much higher and even some minor weaknesses can kill a team's hopes.
  15. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    I agree mostly, I judge teams on their 'Last 10' record. Seeing as how we have yet to play 10 games I'm still up in the air about the team.

    They could win the next 7, this team is capable of beating any team (Not named the Warriors) but also capable of losing to any team, so there is that...
  16. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    Great post, thanks.

    But I must also disagree with the comment about Rockets fans vs Spurs and Mavs fans. It makes sense that Austin is dominated by Mavs and Spurs fans, so I'm not taking that comment about some general, unbiased census seriously. Plus, in my decades of being an NBA fan in Texas, it's abundantly clear the Spurs fans are the dumbest bball fans I've ever encountered.

    Do you know in 2007 the San Antonio Express website ran a fan pole to vote on the most important person to the franchise. They voted Duncan 4th.


    And that's just one anecdote. I have dozens of others. The brilliance of Pops apparently is not an inheritable trait. But for some reason, the Spurs fans claim it, and others buy into it. You're too smart of a fan to fall for that.

    Again, Great post. Too bad it takes a historical, NBA record 0-3 start to bring you out of lurk mode.
    1 person likes this.
  17. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    The biggest issue I see with the team early on is the spacing is horrible. I am wondering how big the loss of Josh Smith was to us - he was our only 3 ball 4 we had and I think it's hurting our offense a lot.
  18. Roxfreak724

    Roxfreak724 Member

    Jan 26, 2012
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    I consider myself pretty level-headed and like OP live in the Austin area. Rockets fans do seem to get a bit of a bad rep, but so what? I'll defend rockets fans to the death, loyalty above all else.

    A couple things though I want to address:

    Ok, it's true no title team has ever started off a season by losing 3 straight game by 20+ points, though I will say that no team has ever had the inconsistencies during training camp the way rockets have had. People forget we started off SO sharp last year 7-0 with a lot of holes in the roster but we had a great training camp, so Mchale does know what he's doing, he's just not the Macgyver of NBA coaches so sorry he can't make s*** happen with no preparation. That being said, he needs to think on his feet better. Adelman did a superb job of guiding us through injury and getting the best out of all of his players (with limited talent). Mchale guided us through last year's injuries as well but he had waaaaay more talent to work with.

    The rockets will get better, but the question really is, How Long? After essentially blowing a month of preparation is Mchale skilled enough to get an entire team on the same page in a matter of a week or two? I don't know and that is the real problem. Winning cures all, but losing, especially for extended periods, can make things go south quickly, especially if you were expecting to win in the first place. Players won't buy in, effort gets lacy etc. No OP, we should not be panicking right now, but we definitely shouldn't be sitting back unconcerned either. Mchale will have to deal with this AND FAST.

    As far fanbases go, overreacting is a part of fandom. Frustration is a part of fandom. You're crazy if you think we're an abnormally toxic fan base. Honestly, there aren't a ton of people outside of this board that are as loyal to the rockets. So if you're trying to use this board to generalize the fan base, you're picking a pretty niche sample.

    Being down 0-3 doesn't worry me, but being down 0-3 by 60+ points DOES, and it should worry you as well. However, my response is not the eject button. It's simply "up the urgency to max" button, because this is a problem, even more so since we are in the West. I'm sure the rockets players are not calm about this in the slightest, they definitely know things are not where they need to be, not even close.
    1 person likes this.
  19. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    It's useless arguing here when we have a bigger problem called LOFs. tinman agrees.
  20. cheke64

    cheke64 Member

    May 12, 2009
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