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For some perspective, draftexpress thoughts on tank target No. 1: Shabazz Muhammad

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by meh, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    This has been mentioned a few times already in various threads. But I think it bears noting in terms of just how Harden is compared to players a team would tank for.

    Link: http://www.draftexpress.com/profile/Shabazz-Muhammad-6270/

    Basically we have perhaps the #1 overall pick, the most talented freshman in the country, being commented as "potential to be another James Harden." Sure, Harden will be making $15mil/yr instead of ~$6mil/yr, but OTOH no one has to cross his fingers to hope that Harden will become as good a player as Harden.

    Overall, if you think it's worth the Toronto pick, Lamb, Martin, and fillers to trade for next draft's #1, you should love this trade.
  2. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    As a pro-tanker before the Harden trade, I didn't and still don't understand why people were mad at this trade. We got they guy teams would tank for without tanking. We still need that other guy, but at least we're in the right direction to be successful in today's nba.
  3. acshen

    acshen Member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    I've warmed up to the idea of the trade --but the reasoning is that only tanking allows you the opportunity to get a once-in-a-decade type talent. You need true superstars to win it all. It's difficult seeing us obtaining a top 5 talent. Top 10-15 players (usually) don't win you championships.
  4. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    But their aren't any of those guys in this draft. We would be in a similar position if we landed Shabazz.
  5. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    Thing is if you are the best player at your position you are a top 10 player.

    Harden has that potential as Kobe and Wade are not going to get better, some argued last post season that Wade was showing signs of decline, especially during that pacer series.

    If you are the best player at your position that basically means every night you win your matchup and dominate.

    SG is a weak position...but just like Center is. Dwight is not really a great all-time player like Lebron is...he's just the best center of his generation and really that's all that matters.
  6. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    This inherently means that you may have to tank for 10 years, while dodging top 10-20 level talents in case they make you too good to tank, in order to even have a remote chance of drafting your "once-in-a-decade type talent". And just in case you get the #2 pick that year, there's always the next decade of tanking to look forward to.

    I understand the reasoning of pro-tankers. What they need to understand is that just because they have reasons, does not make them reasonable.
  7. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    I see no reason why Harden can't be a top-5 talent.

    Score 20-25ppg efficiently? Check - He'll get them simply by playing more and higher usage
    Playmaking ability? Check - OKC offense ran through him quite a bit even with Durant and Westbrook, great PnR player which is very important in today's NBA
    Rebounding? Check - Good for a SG
    Playoff capable? Check - 16.3/5.1/3.4 with TS% of .605 in 31mpg. This is including his debacle against the Heat
    Potential? Check - Still only 23.

    A certain poster here may have gone a little overboard with the Morris/Melo comparison. But I think it's very reasonable to say Harden can have Melo-level impact at his prime. Which is borderline top-5 player.
  8. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    Morey has never even mentioned that you needed a top-5 player to win a championship, despite the conventional wisdom otherwise. He has been very specific about needing a top 15 level player to build around though. IE Gasol, Bosh. I am guessing that his models tell him it is possible to surround a player such as that with enough talent to still have a shot at contending(obviously not favorites). I think the chances of Harden becoming a player on that level is much closer to a lock, if he isn't already there yet. And there has been no ho-humming about building around him from Morey.

    By the way that certain poster didn't go a little overboard, just flat wrong.
    #8 CXbby, Oct 29, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2012
  9. Htownhero

    Htownhero Member

    Jun 29, 2000
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    We are a new team now! We have a bonafide STAR on this team. We have young talent at EVERY position on this roster. We are the future of the NBA!

    (I've been camping all week with little or no internet so I'm just now able to see the details of the trade)

    Excited for the first time in years for my Rockets!!!!!
  10. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    I actually think we do need to cross our fingers on Harden being as good as Harden.

    Last year was elite production. I don't think people really realize just how good he was last year. Was that who he will be going forward?

    Last year he shot 49% from the field and 39% from three. Those are ridiculous numbers for a player like Harden. Ridiculous. Will he be close to that? Or is he going to be a 44%/35% player like he was the year before?
  11. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    I'm with this opinion entirely. It's great.

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