Hunter Brown and Will Smith were on that World Series roster and never pitched. He could have given either or both some innings and had no real effect on the bullpen.
Your SO's race/ethnicity/background doesn't make you less racist. Hell, people even hate their OWN race/ethnicity/background.
Not true at all and at least I still wanted them to win. Unlike you, I never rooted for the Astros to lose.
You like white women, that doesn't mean you like white people. BTW, I'm not calling you a racist because I don't know you.
That logic is idiotic. You don't marry something you hate, let alone spend almost 3 DECADES with them.
Happens everyday. Your white wife doesn't make you exempt from being a racist. That’s pretty basic common sense. I’m sure she likes you using her for that purpose. I think it’s clear that you are single anyway. I think you’re proving that now. Stop lying about your wife that you don't actually have.
You marry somebody because you think their your mate. Color of skin is the least of the reason I would choose a mate. Obviously you feel the same way. We have more in common than you make think.