Yeah, how ass backwards. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Kind of weird. Fatwas are not laws, but the government can make them into laws if they choose. They're just religious opinions/advice as far as the public is concerned. The police don't enforce it anymore, and the religious "police" can no longer request an arrest anymore. However, if you voluntarily chose one of these clerics as YOUR cleric, then it's binding on you from the lord almighty unless you want to breakup with your cleric. Religious Sunni Muslims cite a hadith which says you don't have to accept any fatwas if it doesn't sit well in your "heart", but the application of this is highly selective and arbitrary. To complicate things further, there are multiple sects in Islam, and within each sect are sub sects. These clerics from the article are salafists (all wahhabis are salafists, but not all salafists are wahhabis). If you're not a salafist, this thing has no significance at all to you. Most Saudis are doing nothing but getting obese playing pokemon and posting about it, ironically because the clerics have outlawed so many fun activities. Most Saudi youth receive this type of news the same way you do, they shake their heads or crack jokes about it. Sorry about the long response!
You're not allowed to choose a cleric for guidance on some matters and just disagree with him on certain issues? Why do you need to "breakup" with him?
correction : -the keyword is : gambling : it's prohibited under Islam, not the game it self -fatwa is a personal opinion : for Sunnis you follow first the common sense , if you are not sure then the Muslim world leage ,which consisted of various clerics and specialty that represent the highest most widely followed counsel , for shiea they follow a selected Mulla or more specifically "Houza" which it similar to what Mathllom thinks The top cleric of Saudi expressed his personal opinion which is not mandatory in any forum. -I have't played this game but obviously it's swept Saudis like many spots in this world, a reminders issued to follow traffic guidance and follow driving safety procedures is what had been issued officially . Just to ensure some won't mistakenly get confused: gambling associated with any activities even buying a lotto is prohibited
Really dont have anything to add...just think Saudi Arabia sucks and is the biggest POS country ever.
when this cleric (among others) issued over 70% of his fatwas against ISIS,Qaida and others terrier groups for the past 2 decades , but you only hear from the media about Pokemon ,there must be something wrong
The reason why you hear it is because it's ridiculously stupid what's next? are they going to issue a fatwa against Pac Man?
Ugh. For those who care about getting the details right.. This is total non sense. There is no following common sense. Wahhabis believe that what they believe = common sense and then they tell you to exercise common sense. There is no common sense in a religion of 1 billion+ people, there are too many opinions that would be punished by said clerics. Also, the "muslim world league" is a joke political organization that less than 5% of Muslims could even name if you ask them. It's a Saudi thing, and in Saudi they teach them about it and tell them it's globally important. Virtually no individual Muslims acknowledge the existance or authority of this body, it's antithetical to a core concept of Islam which is to have no hierarchy between lord and subject. Political and business entities pay lip service to this organization because they want money to keep flowing from its owners, but the huge majoirty of Muslim don't know or care about it. Take note Exiled has trashed shiites repeatedly on here. He's considered a moderate wahhabist and they, by default, hate shiites more than they hate anything on earth. As an example, Exiled calls me a shiite as an INSULT because I am critical as ***** about all Muslims, but none more than wahhabis. I was born Sunni, and I'm from the UAE where we don't have sectarian problems at all, but because I am critical he keeps insisting it's part of my secret lying shiite ways lol. I don't know how shiites do it in detail, but if you want to know, ask one of the many well spoken, smart shiites on the board. Always an interesting perspective they provide to sunni dominated thought. This is absolutely untrue, not all types of gambling are forbidden. By this strict definition of gambling, Islamic banks are engaging in gambling on a daily basis but the clerics will not forbid it because they are MINTING it sitting on the boards of these banks as advisors. Many of these guys won't "promote" their much smarter students because there are 12 times as many board seats as clerics and they want 12 times the money. When it suits them, they are very liberal. They just literally just shrug and say "well, what else can you do?" lol
you should stick to your drama and what you know best Mathloom like Rich Dictator and camael pee, certainly generated enough symphethy as you wanted a Mulla like Sistani, Ali Ameen,Fadlulah among others are reasnable individuals even if they are Shiea. I think they says what they beleif in without your toqiya * I didn't read throughly what you've wrote but judging by the first a few lines it's your usual craps bla bla, so..I will get back to u.....stay on hold *posted from cell phone
The Israeli military has appointed a controversial new chief rabbi who once appeared to suggest it was acceptable for soldiers to rape non-Jewish women during war time to improve morale... well that's a fatwa, isn't!
Mathloom: you are not from UAE, no one from that place work as a cartoonist in Saudi or hate everyone else or pitch of how injustice of money distribution or ask others for donations and pity money.... take prides from wherever you are...
Exiled, don't be shy to tell people you're calling your cleric. Also amazing that the two people on this board who accuse random people of taqqiya because they disagree with them are... you and ATW. lol you can't make this **** up.
sadly you think this an embarrassment, if I had a valid question I would ask without hesitation. No one born with knowledge and the more you know the less humple you become. I.e, The Argonaut who thinks they know it all, ignore all clerics and justifyed mass murder others. now tell me more of the rich dictator , camel pee, dragon and how you become from UAE!