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[FALSE] I heard what Tracy's problem was.....

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by sjackson0, Feb 22, 2006.

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  1. EssTooKayTD

    EssTooKayTD Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    Hell, you don't even have to have millions for a woman to take a cheating man back. It happens all the time.
  2. Gummi Clutch

    Gummi Clutch Member

    Jun 27, 2002
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    I wish you wouldnt have posted that.
    I mean, I wanted to know as much as anyone, but that is just way too personal.
    Sad thing is, this wasnt locked.
  3. qrui

    qrui Member

    Dec 4, 2002
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    wow! sjackson0 you are famous from now on in china! are you sure you don't have any shoes or jersy you want to market in china? ;)

    here is the proof ... doesn't matter if you can't read chinese, notice your moniker was quoted there? it basically translated everything you posted into chinese. nothing more.

  4. YaoTheMan

    YaoTheMan Member

    Sep 9, 2002
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    so this whole story is a joke?
  5. yo

    yo Member

    May 20, 2001
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    it can't just be this recent family death. he said it was EVERYTHING, all at the same time. i'm sure some other things are also happening.
  6. wnes

    wnes Contributing Member

    Feb 19, 2003
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    It bogs my mind that someone would actually rate a thread like this.
  7. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    i had a girl just last night that bogged my mind
  8. Texas Stoke

    Texas Stoke Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    If it's not an absolute fact...wait forget that....if Mcgrady wanted this out....whatever it is....let him say it....see what this rumor.. and it is a rumor...has caused... the china media is on it and stating it as fact. And the player who said this shouldn't have run his mouth like an old woman in a knitting cirlce. i'd rather let dudes on here make themselves feel big and ridicule Mcgrady for being a p***y without knowing what the problem is instead of knowing what it actually is that is bothering Mcgrady without his consent to make it public knowledge.
  9. morningcrew

    morningcrew Contributing Member

    Jul 29, 2003
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    It's pretty sad that this was even posted on this site and even more disappointing that it is still up here.

    If it is true, it would be devestating, but EXTREMELY personal and not a single person's business. I don't care if Tracy is a public figure, this kind of stuff should not be made public.

    And if this information is incorrect and it is mere rumor, that makes the posting of this thread that much more irresponsible.

    The Bagwell vs. Mike Hampton rumors were never true but they were allowed to live out there thanks to the gossip of the internet and that was never cleared up. Completely false but many people still believe those rumors to be true.

    Sad, sad day to see this on a message board that I generally respect.
    #189 morningcrew, Feb 24, 2006
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2006
  10. Clutch

    Clutch Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 1999
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    Just to close this out, the rumor that sjackson0 was told is definitively false. I received a phone call this morning that definitely confirms that.


    On a side note, I want to clarify the role of the message board on ClutchFans. News that I fully support or report is found on www.clutchfans.net while the fan community/message board is bbs.clutchfans.net. The message board acts like a clearinghouse of information driven by fans ... there are thousands and thousands of eyeballs reading and passing along experiences, which makes the board unique. Free registration is closed off and people generally care about their accounts or posting reputation here. If what they say is false, they get run by other fans here. In so many ways, the board polices itself.

    However, that's not to say that I and other admins here don't work to close off threads that are junk. I saw this thread almost immediately after it was posted, so I don't claim to have come in late. If this was a trade rumor that I was armed with info to squash, I would have closed it. In this case, I couldn't say whether it was true or not and to me it seemed to open up the discussion about the elephant in the room. What was ailing T-Mac was a very big question. He was talking about it a lot -- all the TNT crew was tearing him apart for it. The All-Star game was in Houston, bringing fans and players together and sjackson0 posted what he heard here.

    This was most definitely not meant to hurt Tracy and I sincerely hope it has not. He clearly is going through a rough time.

    Please feel free to refer to this post if this rumor comes up again.
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