I said the second the Knicks grabbed Felton it would be a horrendous move because this is the same guy who admitted he'd call his mom crying in POrtland because of how poorly he played.
This claim was so egregious that I registered on clutchfans to add my voice to how ridiculous this comment is. If Felton is elite, there must be about 75 elite point guards in the NBA. What does that make people like Parker, Paul, Curry etc?? Super-Megalithic Point Guards?
In the same category as Erick Dampier proclaiming he was the best center in the West when Shaq went to the Heat. Don't know what Cuban says to brainwash guys, but it's certainly effective.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/NIgfiSzCy1o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>