So what's next for Tebow? <script src="[autoPlay]=false&thruParam_espn-ui[playRelatedExternally]=true"></script> Is he pretty much done? Probably time to start his broadcasting/sports analyst career.
He is going to have to make a position change to stick around. I was pulling for him but you just can't survive with hoping your defense can hold the other team the entire game until he makes a big play at the end of the game for multiple seasons.
Whatever he winds up doing he'll be a difference maker. Hopefully another opportunity in the NFL will happen. They don't get any classier than Tebow and I for one will continue to pull for him.
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I don't see how he's just going to make a position change, and be better than guys that have played that position their entire lives. If he can't cut it as a QB, he's done.
Unfortunately he might want to capitalize on his name recognition one way or another before it's too late. Probably worth looking at some Quality Control or scouting gigs in the League, like Highsmith; or graduate assistant opportunities with top programs. I suppose post-cap, there isn't a Bucky Richardson spot on the roster anymore. I guess it's some consolation that Andre Ware, who was bloody horrible in the NFL, was a nice and charismatic enough guy that he built a broadcasting career.