Anyone have a peak into this insider article? This is trending on twitter also with #NBAFrontOffice Tweets: Spoiler <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Kobe Bryant, Dwight Howard, James Harden -- What do they all have in common? All overrated, says <a href="">#NBAFrontOffice</a>: <a href=""></a></p>— ESPN Insider (@ESPNInsider) <a href="">October 24, 2014</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> Spoiler <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Who are the most overrated players in the NBA? <a href="">#NBAFrontOffice</a> says <a href="">@kobebryant</a>, <a href="">@jharden13</a> & <a href="">@dwighthoward</a> <a href=""></a> (in)</p>— Chad Ford (@chadfordinsider) <a href="">October 24, 2014</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> Just when you think ESPN can't hate on the Rockets any harder... I'm just curious what the article says, if someone can help. Thanks.
Until either of them prove otherwise, I agree. Our team deserves all the scrutiny they get after getting humiliated by an inferior team last year in the 1st round.
Yes we need to spam tweet this at Harden and Dwight so they'll get pissed and have an even larger chip on their shoulders this season (I'm pretty sure they already do).
To be fair as of right now they are overrated. The "#1 shooting guard" and "#1 center" lost to the Portland Trailblazers in 6 games in the first round of the playoffs. Harden says he's the best player on the planet, well...the best player on the planet wouldn't have had a performance like he did. Howard as awesome as he played, didn't help us much. With that said it's a new season and we'll see where the chips fall. As of right now, I don't see an issue with that article. Kobe is absolutely overrated. (right now)
Inferior team = a group with much more continuity and the same exact 54-28 record as the Rockets over 82 games? Humiliated = lose on a long-distance buzzer-beater in the final seconds of Game 6 on the road?
The Rockets have a crappy coach. Therefore, their two stars are overrated. McHale does not maximize his players strengths and minimize their weaknesses. The players play hard for him because he seems like a good guy but that is it. If the Rockets had a legitimate NBA Championship caliber coach, both Howard and Harden would be top 5 NBA players. That is all.
This coming from the same media group who still thinks that covering the Lakers is riveting. Riveting if you want to see a team get destroyed on a nightly basis.
Who cares. Its up 2 Dwight and harden to prove otherwise, losing to Portland while having the best Sg and C certainly didnt help. Harden has more to prove as you know what you're gonna get with Dwight. Harden has to actually like the best SG come playoffs cause so far he hasn't
By the way... all of this negativity from the media will go away when the Rockets win a playoff series. The Rockets were expected to make it past the first round last year, and because they failed to do so, it turned into open season on the Rockets and especially the faces of the franchise: Howard and Harden. The media likes to run with a narrative whether negative or positive and beat it to death. Remember when LeBron left Cleveland? The media made him out to be this super-villain for almost 2 years until he won the championship in Miami. LeBron was crapped on constantly by the media. Then he wins a championship and all of a sudden LeBron is praised by the media again. His image in the media immediately turned from negative to positive. It's a strange phenomenon.
If anything, Dwight is underrated now days.....The entire NBA Fan base talks crap about Harden being overrated, except in Houston. The poll recently by the GMs didn't seem to think so though.