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[ESPN] Jeremy Lin Humble but predicts Rockets will contend

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by t3ddt3ch, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. hbomb

    hbomb Member

    Dec 28, 2012
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    Man to win a ring, that would be amazing.

    Go Rockets!
  2. LOK

    LOK Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    i agree with this post. i really do believe lin will surprise a lot of people this year. at worst, he is an average point guard. at best he can be something great....time will tell but I believe he will get better every year. experience is key.
  3. wil55n

    wil55n Member

    Aug 6, 2012
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    I honestly think Lin is good enough to help this team to a ring. Sure, he may be the 3rd, 4th or 5th scoring option, but there is only one 1st scoring option to go around!
    Lin knows his role, and if he plays it well, then I hope he gets the recognition he deserves. If he fails in crunch time, then sure, fire away.
  4. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    This is an outstanding post - in response to a not nearly as rational post by Codman, who seems to draw conclusions about skill and potential from his opinion about pigmentation.
    1 person likes this.
  5. kumakun

    kumakun Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    I hope you were watching the same season as me last year but the Rockets shouldve been 7th or 6th seed if not for all those 4th quarter blowing the lead and iso ending. I could count at least 4 games where that has happened but I remember the best one was iso Harden vs Phoenix and ONeil goaltending won it for us. I dont blame Harden, i just think had the Rockets had a better coach like maybe George Karl or Phil theyd be a better contender.
    1 person likes this.
  6. nolimitnp

    nolimitnp Member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    Linsanity wasn't just a stroke of lucky shots. He is actually a very, very good basketball player. Granted he was running on lots of adrenaline, he was impressive for 1/4 of a season. He's taller than the average point guard, he cut down on his turnovers in a really uptempo offense, and other than freaking out a little at the end of games, was solid down the stretch. He's still a kid, I think he'll be on the floor when it matters most. He is probably overpaid, but if the revenue he generates opens Les' pockets when it's time to pay Parsons and Osik or whoever is in his place, he's pure gold.

    I really hope you people in Houston fill the seats like OKC. 38 days to go!
  7. johnstarks

    johnstarks Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    If he makes it through the trade deadline, I think he will be playing liberated basketball and will win over a bunch of people who are skeptical of his game.

    There are two players I hope he looks to emulate a bit: Battier for the subtle things that he does and his defense and Bobby Sura for his toughness. If he picks up those things, he's gonna be a pro's pro that'll end up being a fantastic role player on a championship caliber team. What I like about this interview is that it's clear that he's buying into his role rather than try too hard to be a star. I glad that he isn't being cast as a potential superstar any more--it's too much pressure to live up to. There are just a few players in the league that can truly carry that load and I'm not sure JLin is one. I like championship caliber role players like Horry or Rodman way more than superstars that can't win like Melo.
  8. Scolalist

    Scolalist Member

    Jul 18, 2010
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    I think Lin is going to make a huge jump this season
  9. Play07

    Play07 Member

    Aug 6, 2013
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    yes we should have been 6th seed, someone ended the season not as strong as they started the season but you never see people discuss that here, I was at the Memphis game when Mchale let harden ISO 4 straight game ending possessions, it was REALLY hard to watch we had the game on lockdown. Mchale would call a timeout and the same play happened everytime. lakers game in LA parsons only got that ball because harden at the end of shot clock finally decided to pass and Lin saw parsons open once ball was fumbled when he got it late in shot clock. Mchale has to gain control of this team for them to succeed that's the biggest step that needs to happen. We all know Howard gets fustrated easy, he is here to win a TITLE. so if Mchale let's harden ISO understand it will be smoke in the city and I won't be the one to call Howard a team killer if he crus about it because it is fustrating to watch as a fan
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  10. Ynnis888

    Ynnis888 Member

    Aug 11, 2012
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    Dwight is a blessing to Jeremy. It will be an interesting season.
  11. Dave_78

    Dave_78 Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    I think he is poised to have a very solid if unspectacular season. I expect all of his numbers to go up slightly but with better efficiency and confidence. Lin/Beverly combo will not be what keeps this team from achieving its potential if it fails.
  12. PhiSlamma

    PhiSlamma Member

    Oct 8, 1999
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    Look, I'm not here to get into Epic Internet Battles with Codman or anyone else. And I respect everyone's opinion and their right to an opinion.

    I am a fan of Lin's, and haven't made any secret about that. But even if I were not a fan, I just want people to give the thing a chance, this year, before jumping on the "Lin's not the answer at point guard" bandwagon.

    If things don't work out, ok. I can accept that. And I like Beverley, and would have been thrilled if we had gotten someone like Chris Paul. And I said that during the summer.

    I am a combination of someone who is stats-driven and eye-test-driven. I try to be careful with my arguments and assertions in that I will try to make sure they at least line up somewhat with the statistical evidence.

    Thanks to a number of people for the rep on the post with the stats in it. I appreciate that.


    For Shasta: To be honest with you, politics isn't very important to me now. It used to be. Now, not as much.

    The reason why I have "Conservative New Media" in my signature is because I make YouTube videos, many of them about basketball (and many of those about Lin), and that is the name of the channel.

    I don't have a link for the channel here out of respect for Clutch, who has his own YouTube channel. But having that information in my signature lets people who watch my videos know that this is me.

    For many basketball fans, "Conservative" is a bad word. And I understand that. Being Latino myself, I know where some of that comes from. But as I said, politics means very little to me after having done some work in that field. Sometimes when you work at something, it loses the luster it once had.

    Again, thanks to all for the reps and as always, Go Rockets! Season is almost here, folks.
  13. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    LOL we wouldn't even be in the playoffs without Harden
  14. hikanoo49

    hikanoo49 Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    true dat

    we improve our winning percentage by over 3% and moved up from 9th seed to 8th seed! he has carried our franchise to new heights

    i am expecting Dwight to take us from 8th seed to top 3 in the West
  15. don grahamleone

    Aug 11, 2001
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  16. rj3000

    rj3000 Member

    May 31, 2013
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    Houston Rockets: Jeremy Lin Says Dwight Howard ‘Can Really Shoot Free Throws’
    Howard goes from 82% to 49.5% and practiced more than anyone. Also interesting looking at the others how Blake goes from 93% in practice to 54.5% in a game (small sample size noted) but Nash only from 97% to 91.9%. Wonder how much is mental, how much is fatigue. Perhaps that is why the Rockets put a hoop in the weight room to practice free throws while working out on weights.
  17. Merovingian

    Merovingian Member

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Looking at the board it is more about mental.
  18. NYK Fan

    NYK Fan Rookie

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Great point here. You have to imagine he's making TONS of money since the Rockets are the only NBA team broadcasting into China, not to mention merchandising. I have no idea how much they're making, but considering how big a market China is, you gotta imagine that the extra money might just be worth keeping Lin long term. If they rake in $50 million annually (like was predicted for Lin in NYC, if he had stayed, after making nearly $300 million + for the Knicks by increasing the stock value of the company in the 2 months he played), even if we were paying him $15 million a year, there would STILL be a $35 million revenue. This would pay for his salary itself plus provide enough left over income to make it worth it for the ownership to consider going into luxury tax territory. That by itself would be worth keeping him, if not for his improved play year by year.
  19. alethios

    alethios Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Hahahahaha. Best was Garcia on the ladder, lol!
  20. JustAGuy

    JustAGuy Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    The question on those numbers is how many of the free throws they miss are the first or second one they throw up.

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