Nice article, loving the humility from Harden, the positivity surrounding our beloved Rockets and the answer to that question is a resounding: HELL YES!!
Makes me nervous. If I was an NBA superstar, I'll date girls like Paige VanZant. But anyway, I just hope the kardashians will not get harden into any trouble or drag him down. Something about that family I don't feel too good about.
Here's my concern. Harden playing off the ball means we have to actually run plays to get him open. The question is McHale creative enough to draw up good enough plays. From what we've seen, not really. I think this was the difference between us & GS last year. Curry was all open over the place. Is McHale competent enough to get Harden open shots?
As much as the Rockets have been victimized by it, I thought this would be the last place blatantly false narratives would be perpetuated, but I guess I was wrong. The facts are: Lamar Odom, who had a troubled personal life and substance abuse issues since his teenage years, had the most successful period of his professional career while involved with Khloe Kardashian. That includes 2 NBA championships and a Sixth Man of the Year Award. Reggie Bush won his first and only Super Bowl while dating Kim Kardashian. Even Kris Humphries had the two best statistical years (2010-12) of his career while involved with the Kardashians. So if history holds true to form and it helps bring the Rockets a few championships, I'm totally fine with Harden dating any Kardashian of his choice. That, of course, is in addition to the fact that I never gave a damn about who he was dating in the first place.
I thought the only flaw in Harden's game last season was doing NOTHING off the ball after passing it off. If Harden does anything off the ball, I mean ANYHTING (pick, shoot, cut) this season... uh oh NBA. Please let these knuckle heads know! Dating a Kardashian is a GOOD thing. I hope Harden dates Khole for life!!! Harden + Khole = HALL OF FAME CAREER! Look at the early returns already: $200 million shoe contract, Peer voted MVP, Ty Lawson, Drew League Champion, Clint Capela's new haircut. New Task(Run..): itshappening.exe
Not a narrative. Dating a Kardashian isn't easy, regardless of what others did or didn't do, while dating them. Wipe that history away and I would still think it's going to be a challenge.
Perfect example of correlation not equaling causation. How about, the Kardashians are like any other attention whores, striking while the iron's hot and cooling off when the media spotlight has waned? They're like politicians, IRL trolls. Maybe they'll just disappear if we ignore them.
Good grief. Some of you people are ridiculous. You don't think McHale knows basketball plays? McHale has been involved with basketball forever. He played at the highest level for a very long time. In case you haven't noticed, the Rockets have improved every year since McHale arrived in Houston. Curry and Harden are two different players. What works for one may not work for the other. Curry got open shots because he ran his ass off, and was being guarded by some really old players. I think the Rockets are going to have another terrific year, and I trust our coaching staff to figure out how to incorporate Lawson into the lineup. Oh, and Harden is still going to have the ball in his hands a lot.
For actual basketball analysis, Harden will officially become more efficient while putting up similar if not better numbers. With a great backcourt mate Harden will cement himself as 1 of the greatest 2 guards ever while possibly winning the chip.
The scary thing with James' relationship is that he has always made it a point to only be with wholesome young ladies before. I am worried that he just won't be able to handle the rock and roll lifestyle. I wonder if they have kissed yet? I heard James was saving himself.
It was a pretty bland article. It seems to me that now that the writers are sitting down and looking at the rosters, they're slowly realizing that Houston is quite scary. It's going to be a great year!
Holy ****, this sentence is atrocious: 'Harden’s life, from whom he dates, to more people recognizing him for his long beard, has gotten him more attention than ever before.' I had to read it like three times before I understood what he was trying to say. Can ESPN not find better writers?
I dont think he can do more. He's falling apart morally. OKC help him on the bench for his shenanigans and Nike dropped him, smart business move. Order 66 delivered m'lord.
I actually think he could surpass kobe at his rate only thing I really think kobe does better that James prob won't is defense at one point kobe was the best defender of any guard position. He's gotten better every year just turned 26 two months ago and has avg 25 6/5 2 years and 27/7/6 this past season all at age 23/24/25 before his prime. I really dont no why more people arnt looking at this guy and thinking damn as he grows he might become the best SG since the GOAT MJ. If he raises his effecincy to his last year in okc I expect 30 ppg season with 6 and 6 and that would put him in rare air like lebron KD status. The scary thing is he's good enough to do it and I think he will. You can't overstate enough what he's done the past 3 years in Houston expanding his game all Before being older than 25.