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Did the Texan's make a big mistake?

Discussion in 'Houston Astros' started by DaDakota, Apr 30, 2006.


Did the Texans make a mistake with the number 1 pick?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Nice Rollin

    Nice Rollin Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    hell yeah. lets go oilers!!!
  2. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Thank god you have the ability to simply ignore the posts instead of whining about them.

  3. Outlier

    Outlier Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    There is something opposite of whining that is worst than whining and more annoying...

    Your huge Vince Young manlove. And I'm not joking, everytime I read a post of yours about the Texans, they come out more immature and childlike than the "whining".
  4. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Thanks for your opinion on the matter, I will have to memorize that and take it into consideration for every post I make.

    Thank you SOOOOOO MUCH !!!!!

    Your words of wisdom will help make me a better man, and cure world peace....wow....you rock !!!!!

    Sarcasm intended rookie, now be careful carrying my bags.....

  5. Outlier

    Outlier Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    You need to listen to DaDakota, it's really what members of this bbs should do. Your contribution is 0 in that post, not to mention immature. But I guess all of your posts are.

  6. Major Malcontent

    Dec 18, 2000
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    I really would take 6-10 this year if we could beat the Cowboys once and Titans twice.

    It would be even more fun for me if Bud did insist on starting young Vince.
  7. Cohen

    Cohen Member

    Oct 1, 1999
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  8. Cohen

    Cohen Member

    Oct 1, 1999
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    Hey DaDakota, maybe you should change your handle to 'Young'?

    Oh, but wait. Someone may just accuse you of manlove...I mean, actually using a player's name as your handle. That would just be way too much, way too obvious. ;) ;)
  9. RocketFire

    RocketFire Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    I am watching the same team that you are watching. I know you can agree that AJ and Moulds are very good primary and secondary recievers. I know you will agree that Domanick Davis is a good RB and in Kubiak offense he can maybe become 1400 yds +. You know we have Jerome returnig punts and kicks for us.

    Now tell me how much Reggie Bush would have improve our team and how much Mario will improve our team. Reggie bush excels at those 3 positions and we are set at those position. Reggie will improve the position buy not by alot since we already have good NFL players at the position.

    Mario can become our superstar at Defense which is clearly lacking a playmaker. The addition of Mario will give us balance attack in the NFL.
  10. Joshfast

    Joshfast "We're all gonna die" - Billy Sole
    Supporting Member

    Dec 9, 2001
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    Holy crap Gizmodo, your one bad motha when it comes to to matter of V.Y.
  11. H-Town Info

    H-Town Info Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    are you rich lord? ;)
  12. Since75

    Since75 Member

    Aug 9, 2000
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    For educated fans:

    Two of the most important positions on any football team are LOT and RDE.
    One protects the QB and the other poverizes the QB. The Texans addressed both of those needs in the draft. Games are won up front. Right now very few people could name the RB for the Patriots in their 3 Superbowl victories. Of the last 7 Superbowls only one team had what could be considered a high powered offense.(Rams). All of the other teams had outstanding defense and/or balance on both sides of the football. Sexy, sizzle does not bring championships. Substance does. The Texans are building something with substance. It's not flashy but given time will be effective for the LONG TERM!!! Is there anyone here who would love to be a winner on a consistent basis instead of a one hit wonder? Just a question.
  13. Cohen

    Cohen Member

    Oct 1, 1999
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    For other educated fans:

    Two of the most important positions on any football team are the QB and RB. Right now few people can name the LOT and RDE of the past Superbowl champions. Fully 20 of 40 (50%) Superbowl MVPs are Quarterbacks, 7 are RBs, 2 are DEs and 0 are LOTs.

    And maybe people can't name the Pat's RB since they were pass oriented... ranking 2nd in pass and 24th in rushing...but they prob can name the QB and maybe a WR since they won 3 Superbowl MVPs.

    And yes, flashy, sexy, sizzle has won Superbowls before and will again. It's rare because it's rare in the league overall.
  14. BMoney

    BMoney Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    You, sir, are a whining cur. Houston sports team have been fine. I'll take the Houston Astros and Rockets any day. Go ask Cleveland, or Atlanta, or New Orleans about sports disapointment. For a bigger perspective, uh, complain to someone in Warsaw, or Darfur about your hurt feelings about Houston sports.
    The one time the new football team shows some balls and shows evidence that they actually have a real disciplined plan to make the Texans a winner, all of the Houston Paintywaist Society go back into full whining default mode. It shows a giant yellow and brown streak of LOSER to play the martyr card just because you don't get your way, people. That's how Cubs fans act, man.
    I want to come back to this question for all of the Bush-bots here. Do you know anything about the NFL? Running backs are a dime a dozen. Timmy Smith ran for 200 yards in a Super Bowl. Gary Brown was a thousand yard runner for the Oilers. Only two running backs drafted in the top 20 in the last *20 Years* have led their team to a Super Bowl, Marshal Faulk and Emmitt Smith. Running backs break down too easily and can be replaced just as fast. It's simple: see that hole? Run to through it and don't fumble. The best running back of our lifetime, Barry Sanders, was basically on a .500 team his whole career.
    Dominant defensive ends play longer and make more of a difference to whether teams win, or lose. Bruce Smith and Reggie White's teams were always in the playoffs because they caused havoc and helped out the entire defense. Just look at how Julius Peppers, the player Williams is most often compared to, changed the Panthers. They went from 1-15 the year before he was drafted to 7-9 and the Super Bowl in year two. With Williams here all of a sudden 7th round draft picks from Harvard won't throw three touchdowns in a half to beat you (see last year's Rams game). All of a sudden those crappy DB's aren't so bad. All of a sudden other teams have to worry about *their* quarterback's health and account for *your* athletic freak. He's bigger and faster then just about every player in the NFL *and* he produced in college *and* he's young and has room for improvment. It's not like the Texans reached on this one, either. Reportedly six, or seven teams had him ranked higher than Bush. Nobody had him out of the top five that I know of.
    The point of all of this is that, no, the Texans were not the incompetent fools for drafting Williams.
  15. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Notable Member
    Supporting Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    McGrady = Rookie
  16. solid

    solid Member

    Apr 10, 2001
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  17. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    So, by your argument, an above average LT isn't important since they didn't win the MVP of the Super Bowl? Riiiiight. Talk about a completely meaningless stat.

    Last year, the best RB on the winning Super Bowl team was undrafted out of college. The best RB in the game was passed over for the likes of Ron Dayne. The Super Bowl MVP last year was drafted in the third round.

    Tom Brady, as great as he has been, was a 6th round draft pick. The Ravens won the Super Bowl with Trent Freaking Dilfer as their QB. Jake Delhomme and Stephen Davis, not exactly hall of fame type guys, led the Panthers to the Super Bowl in the 2003 season. Brad Johnson and Michael Pittman were the offensive catalysts for the 2002 Super Bowl Champs. Again, I'm doubting we'll be seeing their busts in Canton in our lifetimes.

    The one thing you can say about all Super Bowl champions is that they had great teams. Do you think anyone fan of a Super Bowl team thinks less of their team because they might not have had some flashy playmaker on it? Quick, who was the flashy offensive playmaker on the Ravens? No one. Tom Brady's a very solid QB and probably one of the greatest of all-time when you consider what his teams have won and how he has produced, but is he a flashy Mike Vick-type player? No. Are you telling me that the Ravens are upset with their Super Bowl because they didn't have some badass on offense? Absolutely not.

    The Texans had unquestionably the worst defense in the league last year. They didn't have any semblence of a pass rush, could not stop the run consistently and couldn't force a turnover to save their lives. A great DE prospect could help change all three. Heaven forbid a football team draft someone of high need rather than the flash that those attention-span deficit fans need to keep their interest.

    So take a deep breath and give this guy a chance. All this melodrama by not only the Houston fans, but sports writers and commentators in general over this pick is absolutely absurd.
  18. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 2000
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    I don't mean to pick on you, but...

    This time last year you knew that David Carr was the quarterback to lead this team to the playoffs.

    The strength of your (or anybody elses) convictions in no way relates to their validity.
  19. yaoluv

    yaoluv Member

    Mar 27, 2006
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    I cant wait for Texans Vs Titans, when Vince tells his line to let Super Mario through, and then proceeds to break his ankles with a Sportscenter juke.
  20. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    1. ummmm...we learned more "stuff."

    2. convictions? this isn't a religious belief for me. this isn't my faith in God. this is sports. i don't know that i have sports convictions.

    3. you don't pass up on a QB like VY because you have a QB like David Carr. that's not a conviction...that's my opinion.

    4. i'm not egotistical enough to assume that you should consider my opinion empirically valid....it's certainly subject to debate. but it's how i feel, nonetheless. i'm not being paid for my opinions....they're just fodder on a message board.

    5. damn, you guys take yourselves very seriously, don't you?

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