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Dick Cheney humiliates Obama in today's Wall Street Journal

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by bigtexxx, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Boom. Complete dismantling and humiliation of Obama. And spot on. A must read.


    The Collapsing Obama Doctrine
    Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.

    Updated June 17, 2014 7:34 p.m. ET

    As the terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threaten Baghdad, thousands of slaughtered Iraqis in their wake, it is worth recalling a few of President Obama's past statements about ISIS and al Qaeda. "If a J.V. team puts on Lakers' uniforms that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant" (January 2014). "[C]ore al Qaeda is on its heels, has been decimated" (August 2013). "So, let there be no doubt: The tide of war is receding" (September 2011).

    Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many. Too many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is "ending" the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—as though wishing made it so. His rhetoric has now come crashing into reality. Watching the black-clad ISIS jihadists take territory once secured by American blood is final proof, if any were needed, that America's enemies are not "decimated." They are emboldened and on the march.

    The fall of the Iraqi cities of Fallujah, Tikrit, Mosul and Tel Afar, and the establishment of terrorist safe havens across a large swath of the Arab world, present a strategic threat to the security of the United States. Mr. Obama's actions—before and after ISIS's recent advances in Iraq—have the effect of increasing that threat.

    On a trip to the Middle East this spring, we heard a constant refrain in capitals from the Persian Gulf to Israel, "Can you please explain what your president is doing?" "Why is he walking away?" "Why is he so blithely sacrificing the hard fought gains you secured in Iraq?" "Why is he abandoning your friends?" "Why is he doing deals with your enemies?"

    In one Arab capital, a senior official pulled out a map of Syria and Iraq. Drawing an arc with his finger from Raqqa province in northern Syria to Anbar province in western Iraq, he said, "They will control this territory. Al Qaeda is building safe havens and training camps here. Don't the Americans care?"

    Our president doesn't seem to. Iraq is at risk of falling to a radical Islamic terror group and Mr. Obama is talking climate change. Terrorists take control of more territory and resources than ever before in history, and he goes golfing. He seems blithely unaware, or indifferent to the fact, that a resurgent al Qaeda presents a clear and present danger to the United States of America.

    When Mr. Obama and his team came into office in 2009, al Qaeda in Iraq had been largely defeated, thanks primarily to the heroic efforts of U.S. armed forces during the surge. Mr. Obama had only to negotiate an agreement to leave behind some residual American forces, training and intelligence capabilities to help secure the peace. Instead, he abandoned Iraq and we are watching American defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.

    The tragedy unfolding in Iraq today is only part of the story. Al Qaeda and its affiliates are resurgent across the globe. According to a recent Rand study, between 2010 and 2013, there was a 58% increase in the number of Salafi-jihadist terror groups around the world. During that same period, the number of terrorists doubled.

    In the face of this threat, Mr. Obama is busy ushering America's adversaries into positions of power in the Middle East. First it was the Russians in Syria. Now, in a move that defies credulity, he toys with the idea of ushering Iran into Iraq. Only a fool would believe American policy in Iraq should be ceded to Iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terror.

    This president is willfully blind to the impact of his policies. Despite the threat to America unfolding across the Middle East, aided by his abandonment of Iraq, he has announced he intends to follow the same policy in Afghanistan.

    Despite clear evidence of the dire need for American leadership around the world, the desperation of our allies and the glee of our enemies, President Obama seems determined to leave office ensuring he has taken America down a notch. Indeed, the speed of the terrorists' takeover of territory in Iraq has been matched only by the speed of American decline on his watch.

    The president explained his view in his Sept. 23, 2009, speech before the United Nations General Assembly. "Any world order," he said, "that elevates one nation above others cannot long survive." Tragically, he is quickly proving the opposite—through one dangerous policy after another—that without American pre-eminence, there can be no world order.

    It is time the president and his allies faced some hard truths: America remains at war, and withdrawing troops from the field of battle while our enemies stay in the fight does not "end" wars. Weakness and retreat are provocative. U.S. withdrawal from the world is disastrous and puts our own security at risk.

    Al Qaeda and its affiliates are resurgent and they present a security threat not seen since the Cold War. Defeating them will require a strategy—not a fantasy. It will require sustained difficult military, intelligence and diplomatic efforts—not empty misleading rhetoric. It will require rebuilding America's military capacity—reversing the Obama policies that have weakened our armed forces and reduced our ability to influence events around the world.

    American freedom will not be secured by empty threats, meaningless red lines, leading from behind, appeasing our enemies, abandoning our allies, or apologizing for our great nation—all hallmarks to date of the Obama doctrine. Our security, and the security of our friends around the world, can only be guaranteed with a fundamental reversal of the policies of the past six years.

    In 1983, President Ronald Reagan said, "If history teaches anything, it teaches that simple-minded appeasement or wishful thinking about our adversaries is folly. It means the betrayal of our past, the squandering of our freedom." President Obama is on track to securing his legacy as the man who betrayed our past and squandered our freedom.
  2. bucket

    bucket Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    Dick Cheney; didn't read.
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  3. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    this is the same country we chose to "invade" in the early 90s and 2000s. they were never any good at the whole fighting thing to begin with, even when they had the BCS ranked #1 army, force to population.

    I bet you and I could overrun baghdad right now.

    Guerrilla warfare is also about draining the opponent politically, like they did all through Bush's terms. You can't fight them with an army and they, the rebels, have all the time in the world. How long would you want to stay engaged in that fight? 15 years?
    If history does teach us anything, the vietnam war, glorious soviet union no longer being glorious in afghan, rebels in the colonies breaking the morale of redcoats, sandinistas is that you can't fight them with the traditional style of warfare.

    So I have no idea what dick wants out of the situation. around 100,000s of civilians died during our invasion of that country, while, the enemy just hid and waited. I read somewhere that enemy casualty was 20,000.ratio of 1:5. That's 1 terrorist for an innocent mother,father, son, daughter and goofy uncle.
  4. SeabrookMiglla

    May 28, 2009
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    thanks dick, for spending our hard earned tax payer money towards a campaign of "nation building". i thought dick's little plan was to make iraq's government and military self sufficient after our initial invasion.

    i dislike obama too but damn, this guy shouldnt even be opening his mouth about iraq.

    leave iraqi affairs to the iraqi people and the iraqi government, if maliki's shia administration doesnt realize that they are probably going to have to make a political settlement with the ISIS sunni's than that is their problem not ours.

    IMO our time in iraq has passed. to even assert that the ISIS is a direct threat to our national sovereignty would reveal a lack of faith in our intelligence community and security apparatus ie NSA ability in protecting the american people.
  5. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    AMURICA awesome at invading, ****ty at nation building.
  6. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Dick Cheney criticizing a president over Iraq is like Hitler criticizing someone over being antisemitic.
  7. Bäumer

    Bäumer Member

    Dec 9, 2009
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    This is what we are doing now? Posting opinion pieces from political opponent and claiming humiliation? You are a better troll than this.
  8. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    I love the irony of Cheney's statement: "al Qaeda in Iraq had been largely defeated". There was no al Qaeda in Iraq before a certain invasion perpetuated by a certain vice president! O the irony hurts!
  9. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    No, he really isn't...
  10. Dubious

    Dubious Member

    Jun 18, 2001
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    Mess O'Potamia - Now That's What I Call Being Completely F**king Wrong

    #10 Dubious, Jun 18, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2014
  11. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
    Supporting Member

    Feb 3, 2000
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    Somehow I think having these dictators in place, like Saddam or Assad and possibly even Gaddhafi, as brutal, disgusting and terrible they were and are, at least guaranteed some stability. They kept the complete crazies somewhat in check, although on paper, they adhered to the same core ideology. What has toppling these guys (or attempting to topple them) accomplished, other than more deaths and chaos? Is Iraq in a better place than it was with Saddam? To be honest, I think a stronger argument could have been made for invading Saudi Arabia than for invading Iraq.
  12. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    It does sound cruel but I do agree. Saddam was a stabilizeing force who was relatively secular.
  13. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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  14. apollo33

    apollo33 Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    LOL @ him thinking any foreign force can stabilize the middle east, who are we kidding here

    ROXTXIA Member

    Apr 25, 2000
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    No. He isn't.
  16. Dubious

    Dubious Member

    Jun 18, 2001
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    The appearance from 1991-2003 was that Saddam was THE problem in Iraq. That premise turned out to be wrong. Dictators create their own crises and outside enemies to consolidate domestic power. They use terror to intimidate their dissidents, especially when they are in the minority of the population.

    We in the US (and me) projected our American values on to the people of Iraq without understanding their culture. It was very hard to stand by and see a regime use use torture and mass murder, and specifically have a dynasty of sociopaths in line for succession. I'm not sure what we could or should have done differently that would have ended better. I criticize Bremer for totally destroying the Baathist civil system and Army but now I think it would not have made much difference because there would have just been a stronger Shia insurgency.
  17. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Cheney came across as ignorant in that piece.
  18. bingsha10

    bingsha10 Member

    Nov 12, 2006
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    Cheney really shouldn't be telling anyone I told you so.
  19. jo mama

    jo mama Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    dick cheney should be executed for war crimes.
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  20. Baba Booey

    Baba Booey Member

    Jul 25, 2012
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    Dick Chaney is more dangerous to this country than any terrorist there is in the world, and he's done more damage than any terrorist group could dream of.

    All these 'news' agencies should be ashamed of themselves for putting all these warmongering idiots back in front of cameras/readers. Dick Chaney lost the right to have his opinion taken seriously.

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