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Democratic Socialist Beats Virginia Majority Whip wo DNC Corporatists

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by glynch, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    The local houstondsa.org has nearly 300 members, Austin DSA reportedly has 700 members. Could Houston and Austin and Texas be next?


    How a Socialist Beat One of Virginia’s Most Powerful Republicans
    Is Lee Carter’s shocking victory a sign of things to come across America?

    It was indeed. Democrat Lee Carter, a red-haired, 30-year-old Marine veteran from Manassas, won a remarkable nine-point victory to oust Delegate Jackson Miller, a deep-pocketed Republican incumbent who serves as House Majority Whip. Carter ran openly as a socialist—he and his supporters crooned the union anthem “Solidarity Forever” after their victory—and he won with almost no institutional support from the state Democratic Party

    ....It’s fitting that Carter’s campaign ended with a shocking result, because it was inspired by a literal shock two summers ago. “I was installing lighting control systems and I got shocked because the lighting control panel I was working on was miswired by an electrician,” he told me in Manassas last month. “I got a 245-volt shock—in one hand, out the other—right across the chest.” He blew out his back in the incident. He could barely walk for months. His frustrating battle with the state to get workers’ compensation for his injury inspired him to enter politics.

    “If you’re to the left of Barry Goldwater, Republicans are going to call you a socialist anyway, so you may as well just own the label,” he said.

    “The issues that I care about and the issues that the Democratic Socialists of America are working on are the issues that the Democratic Party’s voter base cares about.”

    he and his team were confident they could win based on a simple numbers game. They knew Miller had never received more than 9,500 votes in the district, and they believed they’d found enough voters to exceed that. As it turned out, Miller won 9,510 votes on Tuesday, but Carter won 11,36

    Plenty of the credit for this race belongs to a cadre of idealistic young people, since much of the ground organizing came from local members of the Democratic Socialists of America. The group’s D.C. chapter endorsed Carter, and one of the chapter’s leaders, 22-year-old American University graduate Jacquelyn Smith, managed his campaign.
  2. London'sBurning

    Dec 5, 2002
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    Well researched ground work allowed them to figure out how many votes they needed to win and they made it happen. I like the story since it really does appear to be a grassroots effort without any hidden private backers.
    Rocket River likes this.
  3. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    LOL, great job! now if only we could get rid of those Virginia Democratic "corporatists" who won the governorship, Lt, governorship, AG and 49 other legislative seats - we could actually GET SOMEWHERE in the Old Dominion.

    Stop fighting this moronic battle of ideological purity & save your energy - we know who the real threat is.

    It's the actual klansmen and facists.
  4. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    Hey I voted for Hillary. Will you vote for Bernie next time? or will you be concerned that some folks might get tuition free state college, $15/hr , Medicare for All. All of which you don't need and might cost you a bit of taxes.
  5. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    Sam, this guy hears you.
  6. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Way to prove my point.

    The so-called corporatist dems like Northam are actually EXPLICITLY FOR things like 15 an hour minimum wage. And while he didn't endorse Bernies bill, which is really more of a litmus test like "repeal and replace" than a policy idea, to say that he didn't campaign on Medicaid expansion (something a governor actually has influence on) is again, evidence of an underlying ignorance. This was probably his #1 policy during the campaign.

    It's too bad the left is saddled with low information, easily triggered, fossilized caricatures s like yourself who serve merely as dupeish agents of distraction.

    A good portion of Russian Trump social media campaigns were aimed baiting people like yourself, and you are showing us why and how.

    Do us all a favor and join up with the Jill Steins if the world. Everyone would be happier.
  7. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    Jill Stein? No thanks unless the corporate Dems keep rigging the system. I have been a loyal Dem all my life and am pissed that the corporate DLC Dems brought us to the point where the Dems have lost most of the governorships, a thousand state offices, the Supreme Court, the House, the Senate and the allegiance of a great deal of the working class. BERNIE WOULD HAVE WON. and most likely will win next time.

    Yeah, Medicare for All is not a "policy". Just a "litmus test". You got the corporatist Dem talking point, I will grant you. Maybe like the Voting Rights Act of 196? was a "litmus test". Only the stupid Rube Goldberg thousand moving part/ Romney care is a policy. lol Hey, I got it. You are content with your decent corporate health care. Otherwise you would get the healthcare thing.

    Interesting that you talk of the VA Gov guy supporting $15/hr. I do not know, but one thing for sure, it was not the excessively timid (trying to be charitable) Clinton-Obama Dems who brought this issue to the forefront for this guy. The would still be proudly championing raising the minimum wage to $9/hr and wondering why 50% of Americans do not vote or think the two parties are the same.

    Well you can keep backing the folks like the Clintons and Obama the Debbie Wassermans, the Brazilles, the pathetic puppet Tom Perez , the Wall Street guys and the real beneficiaries of contibutions to the DNC the politcal consulatant consultant class.
  8. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    ^did this come from a Russian bot?

    Talks about local elections - cannot be troubled to learn local details that are public record.

    Anyway let me know when you're around so I can pick up some of your classic Larouche merch.
  9. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    LaRouche, Russian bots lol. I've never called you anything but a contented Hillary- Democrat, though I am starting to wonder if you are more of a Blue Dog who may soon find Chuck Schumer a bit too radical.. Keep telling yourself Hillary was very popular and a great candidate who would have won except for Russian ads on facebook or Bernie bros.

    Your type Dems keep losing by appealing primarily to economically secure professionals whose liberalism ends at identity or social issue politics. Fortunately younger FDR/ Democratic Socialist Dems are dragging your wing of the party kicking and screaming to start advocating policies that will begin to attract the 50% or more Americans who are not secure financially.

    You are probably hopeless, but I recommend the book "Listen Liberal" by Thomas Frank for a detailed analysis of how the Clintons and Obama Dems led the Democrats to such a low state.
    #9 glynch, Nov 12, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2017

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