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[Deadspin] How to Watch Harden's Loathsome Genius

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by roflmcwaffles, May 19, 2015.

  1. roflmcwaffles

    roflmcwaffles Member

    Mar 28, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Not sure if posted, lock it up if it is.


    Entertaining article, more or less true about why fans of other teams hate him.

    Some of the hate:
    Some of the love:
    A lot more in the article, even videos and such.
  2. bmd

    bmd Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    This makes no sense.

    The Rockets as a team do not shoot the most free throws in the league. And the difference between the Rockets and the team that shoots the 24th most free throws in the league is only 3 free throws per game.

    So almost every team gets to the line a similar amount of times per game.

    So no team slows the game down more than any other, unless the OTHER team is purposely fouling Dwight Howard.

    Even Harden as an individual averages I think about 10 free throws per game. That means he goes to the free throw line 5 times per game.

    5 times going to the line in an entire game is not slowing the game down to a crawl's pace.

    That point makes no sense.
  3. bobloblaw

    bobloblaw Member

    Mar 15, 2013
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    The only worthwhile part of that article is this fan's response:

  4. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    I like that. I am a big fan of Federer and of course Harden.

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