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Daryl Morey sees players as humans not assets

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by bbllr3431, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. bbllr3431

    bbllr3431 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    This may buck the usual narrative on our GM but hear me out. Although Morey does tend to flip his players quite frequently; he also shows some humanity in the deals he makes. Let's delve into this further.

    He gives people chances

    NBADL players
    How many players has Morey allowed to get a foot in the door by just plucking them out of the D-league and giving them contracts. If they don't make it here, he gives them a chance to showcase their skills for other teams. Off the top of my head he's given chances to guys like: Mike Harris, Jujuan Johnson, Troy Daniels, Robert Covington, Tim Ohlbrecht, Gerald Green, James White, Garret Temple, Ish Smith Jeff Adrien.

    Also Daryl Morey was one of the first GM's that took over operations of a D league team to use it as a mini club to the NBA team. This allows players to play in pro systems and puts a spotlight on them that wasn't really seen before.

    International players

    When the Spurs were trying to offload Scola, who was one of the first teams to swoop in and acquire his rights? The Rockets. Who else signed some guy out of Russia to take over the starting PG spot and second team all Defense? The Rockets. Our team's international scouts are consistently putting out feelers all season. We've seen how many threads in the past have stated DMorey is in lasnvd-stan to scout X player. He gives opportunities to international players that have otherwise been forgotten about in the NBA. Players like Dorsey and David Anderson also come to mind.

    Unappreciated talent

    The three most prime examples I can think of all happened in the same year. Giving Harden the max when he was never the star of his team, while supported by evidence, was still questioned. Lots of people, not here, but other analysts and team fans questioned if this was Joe Johnson all over again. While fans of other teams were pissed that we started taking advantage of Poison Pill offers, who else was going to offer Asik and Lin that much money? Morey took a risk on those guys talents and it kind of paid off.

    I can also think of the revolving door of PG's. First we had Rafer who was replaced midseason on one of our better teams for an unkown backup in Lowry. This gave Brooks a chance to shine. If it wasn't for ginobili ruining his ankles Brooks could've had plenty of more paydays. When Brooks went out Lowry stepped up. So much so that he even got a pretty good MLE deal from the Cavs that we matched. When Lowry went down with injury, this gave the perrenial backup Dragic a chance to shine and get paid. Lin and Beverley also have seen more spotlight given to their games because of the Rockets revolving door. While some might look at the continuous influx of PGs as Morey never being satisfied as bad and "asset trading" I see it as good for the players themselves. The fact of the matter is, none of these PGs shined like they did before they were on the Rockets. Morey and his coaches gameplans allowed them to be the best they could. The PGs were given better future and monetary outlooks because Morey brought them in the first place

    Morey never gives up on players he values

    What better way to show people you value them then by continuously trying to trade for them? In the past we've seen many rumors about Morey continuously putting together packages for players he deemed good for the team. This list includes: Dwight, Panda, Rubio, Martin, Amare, and Pao. These names are off the top of my head. But I remember how often trade packages were put together to get these names. IMO this isn't just valuing an asset. This is valuing that player and trying repeatedly to get that player on our team. While players might think our GM is callous, the fact of the matter is if he likes your talents, he'll try damn hard to get you on our team.

    Trading players to good situations

    Finally the topic of trades. People say that Morey will ship you out whenever he sees fit. However has anyone noticed the situations he trades said players too?

    Alston: Traded to a playoff contender that made the finals that year
    Battier: Traded to another playoff contender in our DIVISION in his final contract year
    Patterson: Traded to a team that contained his former college teammate and a chance to play for a big payday
    Martin: Traded to a contender
    Lin: Traded to his home state and given a chance to be put in the spotlight with LA's lack of PG depth
    Asik: Traded to a team without a starting C, in our own DIVISION
    Morris: Traded to the team with his brother on it
    Lee: S&T for a bigger contract, to a team that at the time could've still been a contender with a need at SG.

    In all I feel like Morey gets a bad rep. He puts guys in good situations. He might use them to make his team better but he allows them to showcase their skills at the same time. Yes he might trade them but how come no one thinks that these guys are moving on to better situations for themselves? They might not like moving but he doesn't just abandon them into terrible situations. I think that the narrative on Morey is too slanted and I hope this paints a picture as to why I believe that.
    7 people like this.
  2. shastarocket

    shastarocket Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Good post.

    I'd also add Landry as getting traded to SAC was great for him because he finally got to start instead of being stuck behind Scola and AB in Denver as he got a ton of playing time + eventually started once Lawson got hurt.
  3. bbllr3431

    bbllr3431 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    So true. That was the year he was leading or top 5 in the league in 4th quarter points as well. His treatment of players is mutually beneficial and not just asset hoarding.
  4. baubo

    baubo Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    Really the only difference between Morey and other GMs is that Morey is more public and has the narrative about him. Once the national media has written their narrative, it's difficult to change public perception.

    Here are the list of trades made by NBA teams last year.


    The number of trades involving the Rockets? One, Brooks for Hamilton.
  5. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Daryl Morey sees players as humans. And Daryl Morey treats humans as assets.

    Daryl Morey sees players as humans and treats them as assets.
  6. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Darril Morey: Slave Trader
    1 person likes this.
  7. baubo

    baubo Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    A fat white guy who treats young, physically strong black humans as assets? I'm not sure I like where this is headed.
  8. Raven

    Raven Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    Every GM does that. What's the alternative, do what the Lakers did with Kobe?

    The only weakness Morey has is his chatty relationship with the media. I think he enjoys the attention, but his chattiness made it easier for an unfair narrative to form, and now he's got to deal with a label that he doesn't deserve, but which he helped create.
  9. zyt

    zyt Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    the notion of "treating players as assets" shldnt be a moral condemnation but rather a summation of his strategies, which is to constantly trade every non-star player and "win every trade" with gambles and tactics and hope it accumulates a better net result

    i see this approach as neutral so far, hes acquired better talents which led to no success yet, in 2 years we will see whether his grand plan works, if rox makes finals all his traits will be appreciated, ow the lack of commitment to players will be viewed as his fatal flaws by all
  10. kjayp

    kjayp Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    with commentary such as this, perhaps its better if you live up to your name...

    we've already got Carl spewing his nonsensical garbage, don't need any one fanning the fire...

    ...jus sayin...
  11. RV6

    RV6 Member

    Aug 21, 2008
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    But we need assets, not humans :mad:
  12. DreamRoxCoogFan

    Apr 23, 2007
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    Daryl is that you?

    Good post.
  13. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Nobody likes where this is headed.

    But Morey is not racist. He also treats Parsons, Lin, Motiejunas, Asik, etc. as assets. If anything, Morey is racist against all humans.
  14. topfive

    topfive CF OG

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Brooks -- Traded to Denver when they needed a PG last year, giving him more minutes to show that he can help a team, leading to his signing with the Bulls.
  15. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    daryl morley gives this thread 2 thumbs up and a self high five.
  16. varuscelli

    varuscelli Member

    Jul 20, 2007
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    Pretty sure it was meant to be funny (and it was), with the index finger of satire pointed at the forum. I got a chuckle out of it, anyway. ;)
  17. Artestsuckskobe

    Nov 3, 2009
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    Boring read, you act like he does players favors... He finds the best asset he can... Of course asik goes to a young NO. Team because they offered the most! Lakers were the only takers on Lin... We couldn't haven't got harden without Martin going... He doesn't care about the players destinations just who he gets! I don't think he's a bad person at all just a great ****in business man!
  18. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    There is no avoiding evaluating and moving players in the NBA. But how you do it matters-- how often you turn over your roster and throw your players in trade offers, how you talk about the players and the moves to the media, whether you sign guys mostly to use their talent on the team or to use them as pieces to flip for something else, how much you consider personality and team chemistry in making moves.

    If every team makes player transactions, why does Morey have more of a reputation for this stuff than the vast majority of executives out there? There is a significant difference in how he does things compared to how other teams (Lakers, Mavs, Spurs, Heat...) do things.
  19. bbllr3431

    bbllr3431 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    That may have come across as so but what I was trying to point out is that players dealing with Morey is mutually beneficial. Too often it is written as if Morey is doing the players a negative by trading them away or keeping a carousel going. Never has it really been stated that the players are usually better off for playing with the Rockets as well.

    He's a great business man who finds trades worth it to him and the trend seems that it is worth it to the traded players as well.
  20. bbllr3431

    bbllr3431 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Lol are you kidding me CH?


    After winning the championship, instead of looking for stability and a repeat attempt what does Cub-ass do? Guts the entire team. Lets go of Kidd Chandler Barea Terry is on the outs soon. All at the chance to get howard and williams. This led to Cuban having to overspend on guys like Parsons and to trade back for Chandler to appease Dirk.

    Cuban has never been about stability. He went from teams of Nash Finley Dirk
    To Nash Finley Dirk Jamison Walker
    To letting go of Nash for Dampier
    For letting Finley leave to the Spurs
    To going to Harris Howard Daniels Dirk Dampier
    To a completley different team the next year
    Cuban is the last to make fun of the rockets for chemistry when his actions disprove that

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