This is mission impossible, imo. If KD will leave for FA to pursue a championship this summer, why would he think that Houston is in better situation than OK or any other playoff teams? Houston is not his hometown, nor did he play before. The only possible reason is Harden. would KD regard Harden as a better player than Russell Westbrook? I do not think so. The possibility is zero or close to it.
Didn't they just explain that above? In Houston he'd be able to team up with Harden plus one other max FA and have pretty much any coach he wants. As to Westbrick, he's only in OKC for one more season after this one and then he's bailing. Basically he could throw away the rest of his prime by signing a big deal in OKC like Melo did with the Knicks or he could truly seek a ring elsewhere. There have been rumors about Golden State which would be intriguing, but Houston is another spot with a really solid offer. It's not a slam dunk, but the odds of him picking Houston are pretty good.
KD needs to get Harden and WB on the same team as him if he wants to reach the finals again.. it's either that or join Lebron/Curry on their respective teams.
This will pan out just like it did with Bosh. Muarry being suckered again for KD to get more $$$.....
I'll place a $20 tip jar bet against a respected veteran poster that we will sign Durant this off-season. I think we have the best shot and should be the favorites of landing Durant outside of him signing a 1+1 in okc.
I've for a while banked on the prospect of us getting Durant. I just have one question. Let's say we don't get him, what happens next? You think we throw flexibility away and build a solid team around harden or do we bank on getting the next superstar available?
I think KD is coming, although I have thought that for a few years now. It's easy to think why would he choose us but I rather not think negatively of my team. Out of all the superstars KD understands Harden better than prob any player in the league. Not only are they boys but they also played together in OKC and national teams. Tom Thibbs recently said in a podcast with Zach Lowe I belive it was, that Harden and Durant have chemistry you can't teach on the court. If thibbs sees this and knows this than you know harden and Durant see this and know this as well. I'm not in the camp that no player wants to play with JH. Great players want to play with other great players. Players in this league have great respect for Harden and his game. They voted him mvp they also spoke up about it last year mulitple times. From Wade to kobe to Anthony Davis. These arnt role players these are superstat HoF bound guys who have either won mvps championships or both. I think the opportunity to pick your coach play with another top 5 player and offer max money to any other free agent you can get to sign in Houston is a very big bargaining chip that a lot of you think is nothing special. It's rare when a team has all these pros and the rockets have positioned themselves perfectly to aquired KD. I'm not cap guy but a team of Harden/KD/Horford is strong as they get and is imo just as good if not better than the Miami big 3 because all 3 guys can space the floor and shoot somthing Wade could not do. I think the MOREY figures out a way to keep Ariza beacaue having him is a huge luxury off the bench and closing moments of games. Bev is a great PG next to those 3. He's tough in your face defender who can hit the open 3 at 40%. You got a young center in Capela who is getting better and Better entering his 3rd season were his game should really take off. Keep In mind he's putting up 7pts 7reb and 1blk in 20 min. Keep Beasley he's a talented cheap Pf off the bench and one of durants friends. Keep groudlock whos a underrated back up guard who can shoot and creat offense for the 2n unit. You got dekker and Harrell who either you move for a vet who can help now or maybe they make a leap to rotation worthy guys. Ring chasing vets should also line up to joint the team for minimum contracts to shape up the roster. Starting linup Bev JH KD Horford Capela Bench Groudlock Ariza Beasley Harrell Dekker Vet min Vet min Closing linup Bev Harden Ariza KD Horford That closing linup can switch everything and can seriously hang and exploit GS imo. Prob the best closing lineup in the league when you factor in fit and what every guy brings to the team. All 5 guys can shoot 3s space the floot and allow JH and KD to get in the paint and create easy shots for the others. Imo I don't see how KD and Horford turn this down if they get there money. This rockets team on paper would be just as good if Not better than GS the Spurs and Cleveland and would surely have the team in the contender status for the next 4 years.
Ive been on the fence about the chances of KD coming here. You made a very good argument on why he will come sold! +1
So Durant, Westbrook & Harden first --> no ring. Then just Durant & Westbrook --> no ring. The last possibility is Durant & Harden. Makes sense..
This could happen yo. I added Dwight Howard on the squad, cause I think he take a vet min* to play with this champ squad.