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Cubans Blog

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by Boomhauer, Nov 3, 2005.

  1. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    I love him, he wears his heart on his sleeve, he is accessible, and genuinly cares.

  2. Uprising

    Uprising Member

    Dec 29, 2000
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    I couldn't agree more. I hate Stephen ass Smith with a passion man. I can't watch his shows. He always yells into the camera. I can't take more than of a min of his freakin voice.

    It's true, I don't think I ever gain information from any of the pre-game shows from those national chanels. It's more for entertainment, with some highlights and score updates here and there. I love the TNT crew, I can't stand the ESPN one as long as SAS is on it. Speaking of that ass, is he still on that show? I haven't seen ESPN's pregame show in a long time.

    TNT > ESPN (Pre-Game, half-time, post-game shows)
  3. Pandaemonaeon

    Pandaemonaeon Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    I'm a Mavs fan but Charles and Kenny were right in some respects -- about Dallas being only a good regular season team and the bad pick-and-roll defense - show all the stats you want Cuban, but the p-n-r is our kryptonite and that's a fact. Other than that, most of the things they said/say are 3 years outdated (ie. no defense, soft cupcakes) so I could see why Cuban called them 'idiots'.

    And I agree with what everyone said: just because you're a player doesn't mean you know better. Michael Jordan drafted Kwame Brown and traded Richard Hamilton, Isiah Thomas (do I even need to elaborate?), and Lawrence Frank couldn't play the game to save his life and he's in the record books.
  4. Desert Scar

    Desert Scar Member

    Aug 1, 2000
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    I concurr, very nice job Kelly. I am surprised you left Kerr off the hook though. IMO he doesn't offer much insight outside of plugging his SA buddies.

    I would add so many media folks plug the Spurs with no sense of balance. It is like everyone forgot they were probably 1 play (Horry 3 missed or Rip 2 made in game 5) of losing. The margin of error between the elites was very small last year (Miami, Det, SA), a few different injuries or bounces of the ball and the outcomes would be all different.

    As for Barkley Pgabriel, the "small fact" Barkley was indeed a superstar IMO is not really a small fact. Besides, I agree with Rokkit, I like the fact the guy puts everything in perspective and can joke about himself when far too many celebs/stars (or fans of them) get their panties all up in a wad about a peceived slight.
  5. pgabriel

    pgabriel Educated Negro

    Dec 6, 2002
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    Name one informative thing Barkley has ever said. One

    Here's an example of the difference in the two shows, TNT crew talking about the Bucks, no mention of Ford, espn, made sure everyone know that it Ford was a big part of their overall good team play. those guys are jokes, but if you just want entertainment that fine. go for it, but on actual analysis please don't sit here and argue that TNT's loud mouth actually has something to say.
    #65 pgabriel, Nov 7, 2005
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2005
  6. KellyDwyer

    KellyDwyer Member

    Aug 30, 2001
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    I actually got tired of the TNT guys going on and on about Ford during last Tuesday's opening night. Every Bogut highlight, every open shot ... lots of talk about Ford. Even during the bumper highlights leading to the commercial. Look at the tape ... because I have.

    Agreed that that Kenny and Charles hardly rival George Will, but the Ford "example" was a bit of a miss.
  7. Desert Scar

    Desert Scar Member

    Aug 1, 2000
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    Of hand I can't remember a specific informative thing any NBA commentators say--yet I can remember over time who I think sucks and its captain obvious/buttkisser, and who goes some further. Maybe next time I watch the shows I'll take some notes for such specifics, or maybe I won't have time to do so, we'll see.

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