they need to start over. Everyone except hardcore fans like you wants to cling to nostalgia and what use to be. The Astros are last and slipping in the 3 team sports rankings. I don't care about the stros anymore, and I'm not the only one..
They weren't going to walk away, MM. They didn't have to. Crane wanted to own a team; they called his bluff. If he walks away, with him goes his last chance to own a MLB team. So the move to the AL was the cost of admission. The fact they gave him $200MM to agree to the move is further proof they had no intention of letting the deal get away.
everyone? have you see the polls in the chronicle? they're running 90/10 against a change. have you seen one local or national writer/media figure say they need to change? not one...all quite the opposite and with loud voices.
He accomplishes this by building a better organization. Changing the name fixes nothing, and the short-term buzz it might create is ultimately short-lived and meaningless. I can tell you, fairly confidently, that he's not changing the name. He might have at one point thought about it - but this week is sending him a resounding "Don't do it, man!" and he'll listen to that.
Why would it be bad/ What is a Red? - At least by Green, it means what the city is known for...Golf courses, a future Nature park near Porter, evergreen pine trees in the winter. Sounds like a fresh idea. What else should the team change it's name to? I guess staying the course will do wonders for the team
Did you miss the part where I said I believed MLB would blink and would never let Crane's offer walk away? That's the whole point. Crane held the cards because Crane had the cahs. Ultimately, he jumped at the chance of buying in at a big time reduction. No skin off his back...just an investment.
So a freaking name change would all of the sudden make you and the rest of those who don't care about the Astros interested again? Um, this town is known for a future nature park near Porter? I live here and have no clue what you're talking about. I've never heard one person say "you know why I love Houston? The evergreen pines in the winter. If only our baseball team I don't care about any more would change the name to the color of said trees, then I will buy season tickets".
Well said Deckard. WELL SAID indeed. I no longer live in Houston so lower ticket prices and the ability to bring food into Minute Maid doesn't affect me. But moving to AL West has enraged me more than anything John McMullen ever did here. This is something that not only I can't accept - it's something that I will NEVER accept. All that Crane has proved to me so far is that he is as big a dumbass as Bud Adams ever was here. You don't p*ss on 50 years of history and then expect your customers to swallow whatever excrement you decide to shovel down their throats unless you have zero regard for them. Trust in Crane? I'd rather trust the Grand Wizard of the KKK or the Ayatolah before I'd trust anything Crane says.
The Reds are the original NL franchise and were originally called the Red Stockings. There's history there. changing the name on the front of the jerseys isn't going to make the team win more games, roxran. that's ridiculous. as is your assertion that they're falling to 3rd locally....hell, they still drew in the middle of the pack in MLB last season in the midst of their worst season in franchise history. our local NBA team continues to play in the middle of the pack but is selling tickets like they're the worst team in basketball. next to last in the league. The Astros have had a bad couple of years on the field...but that's cyclical. 4 times in the last 11 years they drew over 3 million fans.
I guess you, madmax, & Ric are right. It just killed my interest when they folded it up...In hindsight maybe that was the right thing, but it is going to take a lot to manage the team. I feel changing the name/uniforms would help bring in a fresh identity that is needed. That's all I'm saying. btw, this town is known for its green scenerary. Yes. The future park would help but I'm not saying that is all it is known for. The point is I feel a change is needed- otherwise enjoy empty seats,...
To me, that is nothing but a weak-kneed BS excuse concocted for the dim witted folks amongst us because there was no next suitor waiting in the wings. There's no way that MLB wanted another LA Dodgers fiasco on its hands. This was simply Bud looking out for Bud and protecting the Brewers who shouldn't have moved from the AL in the first place.
that and let everybody go- nvm it is smart organizational decision for moving in new ownership- fans in general can't stand this. even hardcore knuckleheads couldn't have enjoyed that
No one is suddenly going to love the Astros because they have a different name. Nothing is going to change the status of the Astros except winning. Would you suddenly be a fan if they were the Houston Greens instead of the Houston Astros, but had the same players and sucked just as bad? On a side note, Houston is not remotely known for being green. Of all the places in the world to call the Greens, Houston is one of the worst. It's a big massive concrete parking lot.
this x10000. They had no plan B aside from Crane. He was it. And his offer blew away what anyone expected.
Houston is known for its greens. Ever heard of tin cup? - the movie...Golf courses. . .forget about pine trees and a nice Earth friendly park- just on the Golf courses alone (especially now) that gives as much merit as space city nostalgia...A new name is a fresh perspective. I KNOW it does NOT make sorry players better, but when you decorate the house - you feel better about being in the crappy house. freshetta is better ! -lol
Huh?? Baseball is ALL ABOUT nostalgia. More so than any other sport. There's a reason why the Cubs are still playing in Wrigley and the Red Sox are still playing at Fenway. Oh, my. Let's not go there.
You realize he owned the team for 6 years after 2005 in which he totally bottomed it out, made DUMB baseball moves, fired an awesome GM over ego, gutted 93 million from the comcast deal? Worst season ever is because of McLane. The next five seasons will be garbage...because of McLane. That is over 10 years of garbage that didn't need to happen with the majority of it being unproductive. He lied to our face for years and treated us like fools. He was the worst owner in Houston. Good riddance.
and while the stros changed names, and stadiums and colors multiple times..we are not the red sox or, if we were we would have REAL tradition O jeez...OK just on golf courses alone. It was just a name offering that I think has ties to Houston based on MAINLY on the multiple and massive GREENS we have and are known for...Happy?