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Complaints about the top 8 all wrapped in one post go ahead ancd crusify my comments.

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Rocketmike, Oct 4, 2003.

  1. AstroRocket

    AstroRocket Member

    May 28, 1999
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    Those guys are all good, but don't forget, it's Troy freaking Hudson and Mike Bibby that really light him up.
  2. HillBoy

    HillBoy Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Dude, you have summed up my position on Stevie "Franchise" perfectly. It's past the time to stop looking at his athletic ability and start judging him on his playmaking and basketball skills at the point and the impact these have on the team's fortunes.
  3. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Translation: let's ignore his strengths and focus solely on his perceived and unquantifiable weaknesses, through this we can determine that JR Bremer and Derek Fisher are superior players.
  4. Man

    Man Member

    Oct 3, 2003
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    yeah man. why didnt we get elton brand or tyson chandler or kwame brown man. they have saved their teams and made them decent.

    we are payin him the max tho
  5. Rivaldo2181

    Rivaldo2181 Member

    May 30, 2003
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    FRANCIS is one of the best guards in the league. Man, Francis gets criticized WAY too much here in H-TOWN. I remember back when the Rockets had Kenny Smith, everyone here in Houston cried about how we need an explosive point to take others like Payton and stockton off the driblle. Now we have one and everyone wants to trade him. Put Francis on the Spurs, Kings or Mavs and he would have 8-10 assists a game easily and be regarded as one of the best in the league. The Rockets have had no kind of offensive system for him the work under since he's been here. It's basically been let's bring the ball down the court and see what happens. If the Rockets ever traded Francis I would never support the Organization again. Another thing, I saw Francis pass the ball countless times to teamates last season and they would miss easy shot after easy shot. There is NO true point guards left, all those named above don't even compare to Stevie. Why does everyone want him to be the next stockton or Kidd, let him be the FIRST Francis. Look at Marbury, no one thought he could turn into a passer and look at how his mentality and game has changed. He is still has a scoring mentality but he uses it to set up teamates. I bet if Francis played for another team and he came to Houston and torched whoever was playing point here everyone here would cry about how comes the Rockets don't have someone like him or how amazing he is or countless trade proposals to get him. Seems like everyone wants to trade the whole team away except for YAO. Just wait and see what Van Gundy does with this team and the new acuisitions. I recall most H-town fans didn't even want the Rockets to draft YAO. I remember listening to 610AM sports radio in the days following the announcement that the Rockets had the first pick and about 90% of people wanted to trade the pick for Lamar Odom or Elton Brand and some other Clippers. See how fickle fans are???? Just be patient and see what happens. Steve and Yao are the nucleous and we will see the results in a few years. It's not going to happen overnight.
  6. arno_ed

    arno_ed Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    i agree with Rivaldo2181.
    verry good post
  7. Life2Def

    Life2Def Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    For real...Steve and marbury are just alike both are selfish both are winers when they do not get their way but marbury just passes more maybe because for every home assist he dishes out, money goes to a charity he has for families of 9/11.
  8. mos-def

    mos-def Member

    Feb 2, 2003
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    let me get this right, egn says that stats aren't everything, that assist # are not how you rate a pg, but by subjective things like watching how he runs the team.
    that would be ok, if we knew all the plays and which on the coach calls, and what the gameplane and overall philosophy of the team was.....no, wait, that wouldn't be ok, thats ridiculous. of all those listed, only 2 had higher assist totals and one of those 2 had higher turn over totals(kidd)

    then davidS says that francis was chosen #2 and should have made an immediate impact like bird, magic, akeem(granted those are all h.o.f.ers and probably the best at the position ever) even though all those guys were drafted onto good teams with stars in place allready. BUT steve can not even COMPARE to jordan!

    and then both fall back on their bizarre reasoning (well, the rockets have been in the lottery 4 yrs in a row, franchise has been with the team 4 yrs......hmmmm, IT MUST BE STEVE FRANCIS" FAULT!!!)
    and intangible traits (basketball IQ, court vision, etc.) when stats are mentioned. well, i guess it is one of those things you just can't win.
  9. DavidS

    DavidS Member

    May 17, 2000
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    I don't want him to be the "next Kidd or Stockton," because that would be suggesting that he sacrifice his scoring prowess.

    That's not the issue at hand. The issue is that you CAN have efficiency in passing and ball distribution, and at the same time maintain a scoring mentality.

    Nash, Payton, Marbury prove that.

    You are acting like we have to chose between one or the other (mostly scoring or mostly passing).
  10. DavidS

    DavidS Member

    May 17, 2000
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    Please check Kidd's assist total pg. Then come back talk to me about "2 more higher turnover" than Franics.

    Also, "2 higher assist total" is NOT equal just TWO ASSITS.

    It's an average throughout the season. And that average fluctuates greatly in actual numbers during game time.

    Stop looking at it as, "Ohhh, six assist is really close to eight assist!"

    Because it's not! Not when you apply it on the court. And then add the turnovers differential, and that just make matter worse.
  11. mos-def

    mos-def Member

    Feb 2, 2003
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    wow, what ever you said made no sense at all. i can't even fathom a good response to that. but i will say this,
    egn listed 6 pg that were better than steve, i checked and found that only 2 of the guards had better numbers. and of the 2 pg that had better #, kidd also had higher turnover #'s.
    but my point was really this.

    you have no argument. your argument is based on specious reasoning, and that it is all subjective. you, egn, and others like you just like to argue. you want to be right. you are in love with your opinions. its ok, most are, but don't try to sell yourself as a basketball guru who "knows" better.you like who you like, francis4pres likes who he likes, and never the 2 shall meet. its all good, as long as our team wins, right?
  12. DavidS

    DavidS Member

    May 17, 2000
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    Francis: Assist 6.2 Francis Turnover 3.7
    Kidd: Assist 8.9 Kidds Turnovers 3.7

    What don't you get about the 8.9 part?
    The 3.7 turnovers don't look so bad if you are getting nearly 9 assist per game.

    Now, again. I'm not saying that Francis should be Kidd. I'm just pointing out that if you bring up Kidd's turnover numbers as being sooooo much worse than Francis. Well, you need to look at the whole picture and include Kidds assist vs Francis's.
  13. Rivaldo2181

    Rivaldo2181 Member

    May 30, 2003
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    Marbury used to be very selfish but he has improved. Sometimes he has to take over games because his teamates aren't doing jack SH*T just like most of the Rockets last season. WHEN HAS FRANCIS WHINED????????? Maybe once or twice cause he was frustrated but not at the level of whinning all the time. If ANYBODY is a WHINER it's alot of HOUSTON fans which obviously includes you since you are hating on of the best talents in the NBA. I am a fan of the Texans and Rockets, NOT the Astros cause baseball sucks, but it seems like all Houston fans just cry and whine about every little thing that happens. Just be happy instead of crying about every little thing that doesn't go Your favorite team's way. Texans can be wining and they will cry about how the offense is too conservative or the uniforms are too dark, whaa whaa whaaaaa and it's the same with the Rockets. Even if Francis averaged 10 assists a game, there will still be haters crying about something else like he doesn't pass the ball at the right angle or the right velocity or something whack like that. Quit Crying all the time and enjoy the game, that is what sports were invented for, to get away from the stresses of everyday life not to create stresses in your life and if sports affect your life that much that you have to cry about every little thing then I feel for you.
  14. krocket

    krocket Member

    May 21, 2003
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    When you explain to me why the SAC coach (name ?) let Stevie bring the West All-stars from 17 points down in the 4th qtr to win in overtime, while Marbury and Nash gathered splinters then you have something to say about point guards, etc.
  15. myco

    myco Member

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I think the majority of people already know this. Again, he comes out with his patented "it's not about the numbers argument" where he totally discounts the value of any statistics. This conveniently gives him the oppurtunity to rank guys like Derek Fisher and Troy Hudson over Steve.
  16. Rocketmike

    Rocketmike Member

    Jan 25, 2003
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    It's still Popovich right?

    Uhh, It's an allstar game perhaps.. Nobody really plays defense, and oh yeah.. you're usually there because you can score. And I don't think anyone has ever questioned his ability to score.
  17. krocket

    krocket Member

    May 21, 2003
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    I maintain he led the team back and did not score the team back.
  18. jeerome

    jeerome Member

    Jul 29, 2003
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    Get rid CAT, MOT, CATO, EGRIFF, MOOCH and put SF at 2
    and lets build around YAO!! If we don't we're gonna get blown out every single game, just watch.:mad:
  19. RCKTBachar

    RCKTBachar Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    Anybody that thinks Francis is the problem with this team is a bonafide idiot. Nobody can hold him, and he is a cancer because he is not a pure point guard? Ridiculous.

    The problem with this team is exactly that....TEAM. Give JVG a chance to make them gel, I am a firm believer that it is going to work here with these players. But get used to Francis and Ming because they are here to stay. Everyone else is expendable.
  20. Rocketmike

    Rocketmike Member

    Jan 25, 2003
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    I don't think he's a cancer, but I wouldn't describe him as a leader either, I don't even think he's THE problem with the team, I just think we could use him in a better way.

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