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Comparing Jones and Dmo's stats

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by ThatBoyNick, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. ktbballplaya

    ktbballplaya Member

    Jul 1, 2003
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    Stats doesn't determine who is a better player
  2. linvetb6

    linvetb6 Member

    Nov 25, 2007
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    i was a TJones fan but i feel like Dmo is more productive and can create his own shot. Tjones is good in a garbage points kind of way.
  3. Aleron

    Aleron Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Dmo's defense was good as either center or power forward, it was just bad in general in the last month, but that coincided with his back issues.
  4. jump shooter

    jump shooter Member

    Mar 14, 2000
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    When healthy both DMO and TJ are very good players. They both have their strengths and weakness's, DMO is exceptional in post ups, swinging the ball, moving his feet on defense and TJ is a very good ball handler and can take other bigs off the dribble. DMO is not a good rebounder and when the rockets win the rebounding battle they usually win and TJ has his inconsistency lapses that make you pull your hair out at times. I feel very comfortable that the rockets have them both on the team. I still want them to add a Carlos Boozer old veteran type of 4 who can hit a mid range jumper every once and a while.
  5. Newlin

    Newlin Member

    May 22, 2015
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    Looks like DMo and TJones will be splitting minutes again this year. Neither player is the complete player you would want at PF. But, most players in the NBA have weaknesses that you have to deal with.

    I hope that TJones can come back this year and show some explosiveness that seemed to missing from his game after he came back from his injuries this past season. I would liked to see DMo be able to play more than 28 minutes a game without getting physically exhausted. Both guys need to continue to improve.
  6. OpenLayup-Why3?

    Mar 4, 2015
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    You have majority of fans saying DMO is better defender and better on offense. Then you have the GM and the coach of a team saying DMO is 2nd best option on offense. But it absolutely doesn't meant DMO is better, because you can always find a stat saying Jones is better or equal.
    Don't know how about you, but I would rather trust some random stat than majority of people watching games, including coach and GM.
  7. whag00

    whag00 Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    It also feels like TJones is basically the same player he was as a rookie while DMo took a big step last year. I think DMo's ceiling is higher therefore fans are naturally going to get more excited about him.
  8. sealclubber1016

    Supporting Member

    Mar 31, 2010
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    They won't be splitting minutes. D-mo is the starter, Jones is the backup, if he's on the team at all by the time the year starts. D-Mo didn't get tired last year with increased minutes, he played better. Although banging with guys much bigger than him at the 5 started to wear him down as the year went on.

    I would say the minutes breakdown will be about 30-18 give or take. There will be some games where Jones is beasting and he will get more minutes, but generally D-mo will get more.
  9. do work son

    do work son Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    he's made strides, they just haven't been to the level of DMO's strides. Jones developed a little bit of a post game, but his 3 is still inconsistent and he looks "scared" at times. it still looks like the game is moving fast for him and he plays very timid
  10. colt45nyc

    colt45nyc Rookie

    Jan 26, 2015
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    Keep both, they are pieces needed for our team since we are building around harden.
  11. Chuck_Ferrari

    Chuck_Ferrari Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    To have a low post scoring option on a team of shooters....is helpful.
  12. sealclubber1016

    Supporting Member

    Mar 31, 2010
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    D-Mo played 30 minutes in 37 games last year. The Rockets were 31-6 in those games. With 2 of those losses against the Warriors.

    A large portion of those came without Dwight, or with a hobbled Dwight. There were large stretches last season where D-Mo was our primary interior defender and scorer, and we still managed to win games.

    If we can keep Dwight fresh, I really love that tandem up front.
  13. NIKEstrad

    NIKEstrad Member

    Mar 21, 2000
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    There's a difference between cause and effect.

    The Rockets didn't win because Motiejunas played more minutes - they won because Motiejunas was playing well. As a result, he played more minutes.
  14. seeingred

    seeingred Member

    Dec 13, 2009
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    surprised at those stats and glad to see TJones had such a good 13-14 season from that perspective. Still, you know those dark, awful times in a game when Harden is being doubled, the refs decide we're going to play football instead of basketball, and Dwight is demanding the ball in the post? It's scary. In those times i know there's one guy on the team we can hand the ball for 4 minutes straight and get some offense. DMo can carry a team's offense for stretches of a game.

    in the current NBA, that's the most valuable skill a player can have. hope they both have great seasons.
  15. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Physically Jones is probably the better player but ... when it comes to understanding the game , Jones falls flat & DMo fits right in & usually makes the right play.

    Ever notice how often the ball just stops when Jones has it ?! He has to stop & think about what to do next instead of just doing it. That hesitation in his game is his biggest flaw. I doubt this is something you can fix .... its instinctive and he just doesn't have it.
  16. sealclubber1016

    Supporting Member

    Mar 31, 2010
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    No, they played him more minutes because they were forced to, Jones and Howard were hurt.

    The only time D-Mo didn't get minutes was when he got himself into foul trouble. McHale was forced to give him consistent time and he delivered.
  17. rockets2012

    rockets2012 Member

    Nov 14, 2012
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    TJ is simply better.
  18. Verbal Christ

    Verbal Christ Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Jones gets points in transition and is a good hustle guy. You can make Dmo a focal point on offense, he can create for himself while Jones seems clumsy when asked to isolate and score.
  19. Newlin

    Newlin Member

    May 22, 2015
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    Well, no one knows who will be playing what minutes. McHale and Morey probably don't know who will be playing what minutes. It sounds like you have made up your mind about how you think the minutes should be divided, but that's just your opinion. When I said that DMo and Jones should be splitting minutes I didn't mean they would be playing exactlythe same minutes. I guess I should have said they would be sharing the available minutes at PF. I don't know what the minutes distribution will be or should be. But, I think both players will be in the rotation.

    At this point almost anything is possible. DMo may end up playing a lot of minutes at the center position. Dwight might not be healthy the entire year, or he might not play back to backs, so we may have a lot of different lineups and rotations. Maybe they won't want to play DMo big minutes because of his bad back.

    I would be surprised to see the Rockets trade TJones at this point considering that both Dwight and DMo are coming back from injury plagued seasons. Of course if we could include Jones in a trade for a big upgrade at PF or PG that is certainly possible.
  20. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    I'm going to have to disagree with this.

    In really no way is Jones small for the PF position, that's a myth that has been passed around clutchfans for years now.

    Jones is 6'9.5 tall (he's supposed to be listed at 6'10) - 255 pounds - 7'2.25 wingspan - 34.5 vertical

    You can compare those measurements and you find that Jones is actually bigger then most PF"s, for example do you consider Blake Griffin undersized? Because their measurements are nearly identical except for Jones having a slightly larger wingspan and reach.

    By the way Motiejunas's wingspan is only 6'11, so really Jones has the longer reach.

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